Forum God
I am an Owl.
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Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
I woke up just feeling Happy, I slept in, (yah) played with the dogs, sat in the sun for a while and am still in my PJ's (it's about 2pm here), the house work can wait, the world is still here and so am I, after this I'm going to take a looong bath and have a day of putting myself first.
The last few weeks I have been going though new and old threads, individually and as a group we have gone through a lot over the last 18 months, some of it has knocked us around, others we have found inner strength and been triumphant, some we have shared, others we haven't.
One thing I know I haven't done enough off is show Gratitude.
I'm a different person to what I was before I joined here, I like to think "a wiser", a little "quicker" in learning my life lessons, maybe not as stubbon.
So here is what I'm "giving thanks" for showing "gratitude" for. Please add your own if you choose, I think we should all be proud that we have survived, learned and thrived from..
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
11-10-2011 04:39
Forum God
I am an Owl.
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Registration Date: 10-04-2010
Posts: 1009
To the wonderful people I have met here, (who have cringed, shaken their heads, showed me encouragment, indulged my quirkiness and been there when I log on to get my Hero fix)
To my Family, I love them now matter what our issues
To my four legged family, who greet me at the door after a long day and who happily hog the couch
To finally standing up to my bully Team Leader and making her "please explain" the comments she had made about me "behind my back", having her back down and requesting and getting a new "shop"
To understanding that I don't have to feel bad because I am not what others want me to be and that It's my opinion of myself that's most important
To the scales..for showing me I have letting go of 8.5kg (18.7pounds) that I NEVER EVER want to get back (half way there )
To being alive, me, thriving, having a little money in the bank, food in the frig, work, breathing, my car working, the sun on my face and the good and the bad
Thank you
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
11-10-2011 05:03
Mistress of Ebil
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 01-02-2006
Posts: 3589
11-10-2011 06:46
Daniella T
I am a Condor.
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Registration Date: 18-09-2011
Posts: 2728
What a great thread!
I am really grateful, among other things, for finding the inspiration to write fanfic, to publish it online, and to receive warm encouragement from other fanfic writers, either on this forum or on fanfic sites.
I am grateful to BoTP (yes, really) for coming to my life at a time when things should've been black (it was a looooong time ago of course, I'll explain some other time) and turning it around. I'm grateful for finding BoTP and fanfic again, at another time when things again should've been, if not black, then definitely dark.
I am grateful for imagination, yours and mine.
I am grateful to my family for their support.
And I'm grateful that today was sunny in Belgium and here's what I did...
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Daniella T on 16-10-2011 at 17:41.
16-10-2011 17:40
I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 18-06-2009
Posts: 5129
I've just stumbled into this magnificant thread, which I didn't happen to have had the pleasure to take part of due to my period of absence from this board, and which was so most opportunely brought to life again on this very day when I'm finding myself a bit in the lows! Hence, I must first show my gratitude for having found this thread this very morning, which has immediately helped me to look at the brighter side of things ... thanks, LW! I'm going to write down things as if I'm shouting them at myself so my eyes would open even wider!
I am grateful to have found friends like all of you through the Gatchaman fandom to whom I know I can turn to when I need comfort, even simply by your presence or by your unconditional friendship when sharing highs and lows! Being able to share art and writing on a subject we all like, but which we not always find with whom to share in person, is an added bonus!
I am so grateful for having a patient husband and two lovely kids whom I love and adore, and who are the ones who keep me going when RL isn't so friendly, especially when not all other, outside family members are so! I would be so lost without them!
I am grateful to have had a lovely mum, who's still taking care of me from above and whose examples I like to follow, and for still having my caring Dad around although I was so close to lose him lately!
Apart from lovely friends like you, I'm also so grateful to have lots of other friends around me who respect and support me and whom I consider family too!
I am grateful to have a roof on my head, food to eat, health to a certain extent that I can say normal, and other basic things I take for granted when lots of other people around the world look at them as luxuries!
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to turn a hobby of mine in a part-time job (even if not such a stable one!) when I had no other option but to quit work in order to take care of my kids!
I am grateful to be able to say that I've learnt, and am still learning from all the negative events which life offered and always offers, and which help me to strive to be a better person each and every day that passes!
I am also not ashamed to say that I'm grateful that I've never lost the child in me, naiveness and all, even though this acts against me sometimes!
I'm sure that this thread could be constantly expanded since I'm also certain that each day that passes, each and every one of us can be grateful of something new or of something which we've skipped to mention out of a long list once we all have the opportunity to be grateful of being alive ...
To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!
13-11-2011 10:48
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