Forum God
I am a Zark.
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Registration Date: 04-04-2004
Posts: 1211
One of the earthquakes I was in -- in Ottawa in early 1980's, 4.5 I think -- was in the middle of the night. Dad thought the big propane tanks a mile away at the depot had blown and got us all ready to run.
Southern Ontario, we have to be ready for most of it. Summer days can reach 35/95 and humid. And a week later in the high teens. 10 deg C / 16 deg F range between waking up and noon hour, so the kids are tempted to go to school with jackets and then get heat stroke. And then a couple of 20 cm snow storms in the winter, temps below -20C/-4 at morning bus stop. Last year it was so rainy the crops wouldn't grow, the year before it was so dry the rivers were drying up. Class 5 tornado out of no where a few years ago. Out east, though, it's a lot worse -- same temperatures but viscious snow.
Fortunately, it's cold enough for long enough that most places have good insulation and proper central heating. And it's hot enough for long enough that all the malls and busses and health clubs (and all but the oldest of school buildings) have air conditioning.
Oh, and the smog. Half of what we get here we're told is from the states, which of course leads some to give up on their own efforts. I'm the only one on the block who ever uses a solar clothes dryer, and only two of us have push-mowers. Then again, I tend to drive to distant parks (the ones near the river), so I guess it evens out.
But I think I'll stay. I'm rather fond of it all.
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
23-06-2005 15:19