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Springie. LB- I didn't like the words he used either with Ken in trying to "Toughen him up" They were a bit self edifying rather than addressing the issue at hand. I didn't expect him to give him a hug thats for sure.

(I found his manner annoying, thats the main thing that grated on me about RI and Cronus.)

Fair enough being both fighters they might have had a more physical argument and be on more equal standing during it. Ken wasn't a defenceless child in that scene but a trained and very skilled fighter able to hit back just as hard. I felt that with the kind of skill Ken has....I figured he could have easily gotten in more hits than he did and not so easily defeated.

My dad would have just said something that was more like..."Get up dust yourself off and do as you're told." And left no room for arguments. He had a hot temper and he only apologised once in his life for losing it.

But he was a Union leader too in the 70' explains a lot.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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Originally posted by Springie
I don't hate RI but I certainly don't love him, either. As a kid, I just ignored the fact that Cronus was there, because he confused my little 8 year old mind...was he a friend? Or was he Ken's father? At one point I thought I had just imagined Cronus saying he was Ken's father. I really didn't see the point of having Cronus in the show at all.

I'm far from being a BotP lore, and my attempts to watch this series were cut short by Zark's babbling monologue. ( Zark somewhat replaced the original series' narrator and if I skipped the Tin can scenes, I'd loose the line of events)

How was Mark and Cronus relationship? Was there so much tension between the two of them as in Ken and Kentaro's case. Was there any hint about their blood bond?

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Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Fair enough being both fighters they might have had a more physical argument and be on more equal standing during it. Ken wasn't a defenceless child in that scene but a trained and very skilled fighter able to hit back just as hard. I felt that with the kind of skill Ken has....I figured he could have easily gotten in more hits than he did and not so easily defeated.

Definitely -another example of the writers' tendency to downgrade Ken's abilities whenever RI is around...

I'm still trying to figure out why Katse didn't order Archaeo to attack the Red Impulse Team with the shock wave in ep. 44, after the God Phoenix had gone down.

There is that one scene in ep. 51, when Ken is in Hontwohl and sees a man in a white suit getting attacked and he intervenes to help him. That's probably the only time I can think of that RI seemed less than omnicompetent. I'd have liked to have seen more of that. I think it would have made for a more nuanced and balanced depiction of Ken's father if he'd been shown, in the earlier episodes, sustaining some damage to his jet during Galactor attacks or turning up suddenly with an injury/problem he won't explain but needing some help, or even just having Ken get in a few blows in eps. 11 and 40 -just something to show the guy isn't utterly superior, one-upping Ken all the time.

In ep. 53, when he and Ken both say say they'll pilot the missile to stop the V-2 plan, RI says he thought it would be for the best to let Ken think his father was dead all these years, and is genuinely sad and sorry that he was never able to do anything for Ken as a father. This is all good, but then, to me, he completely ruins it all by picking Ken up, spinning him around and flinging him across the room! He never even gives Ken a chance to consider that maybe it is a father's right to sacrifice himself for his son, or that stopping the V-2 plan has always been his mission to complete, whereas Gatchaman still has work to do and needs to live. He could have appealed to the other Ninjas for help -I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have wanted Ken to stop RI from piloting the missile!

It's similar to the assumption that Gatchaman couldn't be told that Red Impulse is his father, say in ep. 5, because he would immediately abandon his duty to run off and be at this father's side.

I admit there's plenty of evidence that Ken's first reaction is often purely emotional and not rational, but I also think there's plenty of evidence that Ken takes duty very, very seriously (the main reason, I think, why he always keeps some distance from Jun) and would quickly accept that he might only be able to spend time with his father very sporadically, at the Crescent Base or the RI Team's island, until the war (or at least the whole Hontwohl situation) is over.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 11-10-2009 at 16:44.
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gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Fair enough being both fighters they might have had a more physical argument and be on more equal standing during it. Ken wasn't a defenceless child in that scene but a trained and very skilled fighter able to hit back just as hard. I felt that with the kind of skill Ken has....I figured he could have easily gotten in more hits than he did and not so easily defeated.

This fact bugged me too! As a child, and even now, I couldn't figure out how Ken was so easily taken by surprise and hit by RI when he was so much of a good fighter! During some of the same episodes in which Ken seemed so feeble in contrast to RI, when he battled against Galactor goons he seemed so majestic and confident as usual!

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Amy, great thread and a great debate on both sides!

I've never been an RI "hater". I never thought that, as a father, his character would ever win "Father of the Year", but I definitely don't despise the man.

I believe RI did what he thought was right and the best thing for his family when he first left. As time went on, how would he explain all the untruths he lived and told over the years, especially to his young son, who was being trained to do the same things, militarily, that he had done? And ITA with James about why not to tell Ken as time went on. It would have completely clouded his perceptions and ability. His entire world would have crashed down around him, and just think of the resentment he would have had towards Nambu (and even RI to a degree). Chances are he would either take an extended leave from the team and/or leave it altogether, which wouldn't have sat well with Nambu or RI (ooh! Think of the fic fodder for that!)

Anyway, I again don't necessarily agree to all that RI did when Ken was young, or even when he was older, but weren't RI's character flaws needed to make him a tragic hero too? Plus, I think with his dedication to duty, staying quiet about being alive, etc, helped establish that Ken was his son and inherited some of his traits. As for the RI team always coming in and saving the day, and for RI himself treating Ken so poorly, well, I always thought of that more as a reminder to us that, no matter how smart and how well-trained the SNT are, they are still teenagers - and apt to make mistakes. Maybe I've been viewing that dynamic with too much simplicity, but those have been my thoughts.

As for sympathetic RI fics, there is one that does paint him in a more favorable light, though it is not an "RI fic" per se. The plot had something to do with "traditions" and how and why they were instilled in Ken. Hmmm, I wonder who could have written that fic?? Wink

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Originally posted by lborgia88 it’s because I really feel for Ken, and I really like Ken. He’s also the title character of the show and is in every episode, so I don’t think it’s so unusual that I’m (admittedly) biased in his favor. Somehow, it often seems to me that the writers were a tad heavy-handed in how they went about introducing, and using, the character of Red Impulse –ie. whenever he’s around, it seems that Ken and/or the KNT are made to look bad in some way.

I agree with you completely. I'm not a RI hater, but I remember thinking that it was really tragic that Ken wanted to know his father so badly, but his father didn't live up to the ideal that he (or us - the audience) had in mind. Of course, it's this irony that makes the story line all the more compelling, albeit heartbreaking to watch.

No new posts 11-10-2009 22:19 nuni is offline Send an Email to nuni Search for Posts by nuni Add nuni to your Buddy List
Ebonyswanne Ebonyswanne is a Female


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There is the thing of males in a family with one maturing and needing to prove his worth. Look at nature, the nature response is to show strenght through a fight. We still have some of those primal instincts hardwired into us for survival. For younger male to assert himself and prove he's a man who can take of his own flock.

I feel in times of war it comes out very strong. The difference is we as humans have more decision making abilities than an animal. We aren't meant to just act without any thought to consequences. I think he did see the consequences in a way, and then worked to tune out emotionally over time. Just the way Ken does.

I have to admit, i see both sides, and at times have trouble with sympathy for RI. He was very unemotional in some ways. But I did like that he admitted he couldn't be a parent to Ken considering the commitment he was about to undertake. There are people in the world who would never do that and hold on no matter what, even when its not good for the child.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

No new posts 11-10-2009 23:04 Ebonyswanne is offline Send an Email to Ebonyswanne Search for Posts by Ebonyswanne Add Ebonyswanne to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by nuni
Ken wanted to know his father so badly, but his father didn't live up to the ideal that he (or us - the audience) had in mind. Of course, it's this irony that makes the story line all the more compelling, albeit heartbreaking to watch.

Unfortunately, he didn't live at all. It would have been great for RI to survive epsode 53 and become a longeval character like Nambu. The SNT would have an invaluable ally against Gallactor. I'd love to see how Ken and Kentaro would interact as (officialy) father and son and how would that change the dynamics into the team.

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Is it canon or fanon that says the war came earlier than "expected?" (Or is that BOTP I am thinking?

I was just thinking if it is canon then maybe Nambu and RI planned on telling Ken after his training and before their first mission. Then Ken would be able to "take off" without it affecting the team as much.

I suspect part of the reason Ken raced off when he was told, is because it had been kept a secret from him for such a long time. He felt betrayed and needed to find the "truth" for himself. If he had been told earlier it would not have been as big a situation. (The longer you hide something the bigger that issue gets.)

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Hi all!

Is it canon or fanon that says the war came earlier than "expected?"


I suspect part of the reason Ken raced off when he was told, is because it had been kept a secret from him for such a long time. He felt betrayed and needed to find the "truth" for himself. If he had been told earlier it would not have been as big a situation.

Ken took off when Sabu told him that he'd seen his father in Hontwal, not because he felt betrayed. He took off without any regard for his duty, even to the point where he turned his Bracelet off and could not be reached when the emergency situation in Hontwal arose.


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Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Ken took off when Sabu told him that he'd seen his father in Hontwal, not because he felt betrayed. He took off without any regard for his duty, even to the point where he turned his Bracelet off and could not be reached when the emergency situation in Hontwal arose.

I think CD was referring to the end of Episode 51, where Nambu tells Ken that he will see his father after their next mission (confirming that ken's father is indeed, alive). When he hears this, Ken just starts running, going away from the rest of the Team, even though Jun calls after him.

Feel free to correct me if you were thinking of something else, CD!


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Hi all!

I think CD was referring to the end of Episode 51, where Nambu tells Ken that he will see his father after their next mission (confirming that ken's father is indeed, alive). When he hears this, Ken just starts running, going away from the rest of the Team, even though Jun calls after him.

Judging by the reaction on Ken's face when he hears this news (And on the faces of the rest of the Ninja Team), he's feeling happy, not betrayed.


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TJ is correct. I can not imagine why someone would want to get away from others when you are happy? But maybe that is just me, when I am happy I want to be WITH others so I can celebrate with them, or at least tell them my good news.

Granted, the rest of the team just heard the news before Ken leaves them, but Ken does not even stick around for a "congratulations" from any of them.

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I have set myself a task with my AU. The SNT is full adults, including Jinpei. G4 is trying to separate himself from his 'sister', which is why he darts off on his own at times.

And Ken learns that RI is his father early in his SNT career.

The scene in which Nambu and Kentaro decide they have to do so looks a bit like this (I don't have the rest of the story yet) --

Nambu: 'We must tell him about you.'
Kentaro: 'I have to tell him. I should tell him.'
Nambu: 'Yes.'
Neither man moves.

Yeah, I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

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Hi all!

I can not imagine why someone would want to get away from others when you are happy? But maybe that is just me, when I am happy I want to be WITH others so I can celebrate with them, or at least tell them my good news.

My impression was that Ken wanted to be alone because, as the Narrator pointed out, could not hold back his tears. Call it a "guy thing" or a "Leader thing," but Ken probably wouldn't want the others to see him crying with joy.


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by tatsunokofan on 12-10-2009 at 21:03.
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Ebonyswanne Ebonyswanne is a Female


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Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
I have set myself a task with my AU. The SNT is full adults, including Jinpei. G4 is trying to separate himself from his 'sister', which is why he darts off on his own at times.

And Ken learns that RI is his father early in his SNT career.

The scene in which Nambu and Kentaro decide they have to do so looks a bit like this (I don't have the rest of the story yet) --

Nambu: 'We must tell him about you.'
Kentaro: 'I have to tell him. I should tell him.'
Nambu: 'Yes.'
Neither man moves.

Yeah, I'm going to have my work cut out for me.

Yes you Do have your work cut out for you!
Thats the thing with an AU, especially if you're trying to work closely with cannon and yet weave your story in there and have it all make sense. It gets complex on a few levels. But I'm sure you can do it! Thumbsup

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

No new posts 13-10-2009 09:32 Ebonyswanne is offline Send an Email to Ebonyswanne Search for Posts by Ebonyswanne Add Ebonyswanne to your Buddy List
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On the Ken running thing...I feel it was his anticipation at all of his dreams and ideals were real and not a figment of his imagination. Running was a natural response for him since it was a emotional build up.

Often when people learn of news like that they need time alone to digest it and comprehend it...allow it to sink in. Especially after years of trying not to get excited or allow the hope of what you want badly to take over every thought and fibre of your being, an internal longing for it to be really happening, and yet at the same time the habit of self preservation kicks in as well. Like stopping and starting. A lot of high emotions to get control over and still function as a person at the same time.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 13-10-2009 at 09:39.
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Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Hi all!

I can not imagine why someone would want to get away from others when you are happy? But maybe that is just me, when I am happy I want to be WITH others so I can celebrate with them, or at least tell them my good news.

My impression was that Ken wanted to be alone because, as the Narrator pointed out, could not hold back his tears. Call it a "guy thing" or a "Leader thing," but Ken probably wouldn't want the others to see him crying with joy.


ITA with your impression, James and continue to do so with the logic of Ebonyswanne! It's not just a "guy thing" ... most people tend to search some time alone, without any extra fuss, to digest the situation their own way instead of immediately sharing their emotions with others. It's not that they do not like the company of someone else, being relatives or friends, but it's a natural instinct for them not being able or, better, not feeling comfortable to show their reaction to such powerful emotions.

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by gatchamarie on 13-10-2009 at 18:01.
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