Gatch Guru

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Registration Date: 03-12-2006
Posts: 1513
Hi all!
Donald Duck's middle name comes from his draft notice, as seen in the title card of the 1942 short, "Donald Gets Drafted."

As for the origins of the name, the Disney Family Museum website, in an article titled "The Fauntleroy Follies: The Continuing History of Donald Duck," had this to say about the subject:
"I recently came across a story transcript from the film Donald Gets Drafted from April 9, 1941. In attendance at this meeting were Walt Disney and a handful of storymen. Early on in the discussion Walt comes up with the idea of zooming in on Donald’s draft notice and showing the particulars. Walt declares: “Could we come down on this draft paper and it says ...” And now, here, for the first time, we hear Walt’s idea for Donald’s middle name ... (drum roll please), it is “something funny.” Okay, I know, that’s not funny. It’s not a name, but Walt throwing out a suggestion to his storymen. Storyman Harry Reeves states that it should be “Donald Swansdown Duck,” to which Walt replies, “it ought to be some dopey, silly name.” And there it is left. So now you know, the very first ever incarnation of Donald’s middle name is: Swansdown! It is just one more, small piece of Donald S. Duck’s celebrated history."
From this, I would speculate that it is unlikely that Mrs. Disney had any part in giving Donald his middle name. The name likely came from one of Disney's storymen.
This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by tatsunokofan on 11-06-2014 at 03:10.
11-06-2014 03:07
Gatch Guru

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Registration Date: 03-12-2006
Posts: 1513
Hi all!
quote: | Originally posted by ElectricWhite
Actually, I didn't mean to imply Mrs. Disney was responsible for Fauntleroy -- she was the one who steered Walt AWAY from "clunker names", like the time when Micky Mouse was created; he wanted to use the name Mortimer. And it was that reason he regularly consulted with her whenever he had a new character that needed a name. |
Likewise, I was not implying that Lillian Disney had no involvement in the naming of any Disney characters. I was writing strictly on the subject of Donald's middle name. On that subject alone, it is unlikely that Mrs. Disney was in a position to encourage, discourage, or, to use your own word, compromise on the selection of his middle name, as seen in a brief sight gag in one short in 1942. Again, strictly in regards to the middle name of Donald Duck, the available evidence I have seen suggests that the name likely came from one of the storymen who worked at the Disney studio.
Now, I certainly have not scoured every Disney-related book, website, documentary, monograph, dissertation, archive record, and other forms of information that are out there. So, if you have any evidence that suggests Lillian Disney's direct involvement in the selection of Fauntleroy as Donald's middle name, I would be very happy to see it.
11-06-2014 15:22
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12-06-2014 23:08
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Registration Date: 28-03-2014
Posts: 204
Disney things always remind my nightmares.
I had worked as a swimwear merchandiser/production manager. I handled GAP,Gymboree, AmericanEagle, BananaRepulic, Nike, Arena, Quicksilver etc... I can tell Disney Store always gave me the most horrible headaches. Characters located in the center of the cloths- I needed to struggle to find the most cost efficient layout of fabric prints and to develop original accessories...every factory(fabric/sewing/accs)'s "Intelligence level(?)" is not that high so it was really hell to make them keep up with the whole details which were changing almost everyday upon designer's caprice and Disney's strict standards. My co-workers always looked at me with pity, they said my boss was always nervous being afraid of my sudden resignation. But whenever the final production samples came out, it was so lovely and cute I could forget the past nightmares.
One day, buyer complained Daisy Duck's eyelashes were not long enough as the original art, they requested reproduction of fabrics. However that time, bulk fabrics were already sent via Air without buyer's permission to meet the delivery due date. My boss and I decided to make fake fabric samples. But it was not the end of cheating. I needed to make shipping samples(usually simply picked up in the Southern Asian sewing factory during production) with that fake fabrics and it made sewing technicians in the sample room upset. If this fault were made by me, I won't complain. But usually these kind of things were originated from misunderstandings by the fabric factories. Nearly 80% of (fake) shipping samples were made in Seoul, not in the Southern Asian factories.
Disney has so many characters and their original details, so it is very mysterious thing that my brain did not explode. Every Americans should know the third world worker(Rachel)'s tears and stress. HA-Ha!! 
When buyer decided change the vendor, they recommended me to the new vendor company. half of me wanted to go, the other half didn't. Sometimes I rather wished the new vendor would not accept me, cause If I refuse to go, the buyer and its Korean agent would not like me, it could affect my reputation in the field. Fortunately(?) a Chinese vendor was chosen for its low FOB prices.
EW, Disney tie-ins? Donald Duck?
I will not write complains on the "The Long Duck Night" thread.
13-06-2014 08:24
Exalted Member

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Registration Date: 28-03-2014
Posts: 204

I have the Nike bikini in the photo. It is now in a storage room at my parent's house with other hundreds of swimsuits.
It was worn by Maria Sharapova when she got photo shoot for Sports Illustrated in 2006.
Originally it was a fit sample for Nike technicians.
That time, Seoul sample room was extremely busy, so they didn't have enough time to make both fit and photo samples. After photo shoot, the bikini was sent to Nike's design team and after the review, it was returned to Seoul. It had been hung in the company's showroom for years.
One day I exploded due to overloaded works and complicatedly twined accidents. After I summoned to the president I did not hide my annoyance to my boss-"I'll quit this job right now I'd rather pack hamburgers in Mcdonalds" She was very strict supervisor I don't know how I could be that brave. She took me to the isolated showroom to soothe me. After that, she took out the bikini and handed it to me cause I had my eyes on that bikini for all time. I (a little bit) hurled it down on the desk, crying even more loudly "I don't need this stupid thing!!!" Whenever she meets me, she makes fun of me with that moment imitating my face and action. If I can prove that my bikini is the exact one in the photo, I wish to sell if off to a Sharapova fan. It has not been laundered!!
Walt Disney's house has official documents for its history, but sadly I have nothing. Piu......
I haven't worn that bikini being afraid of STD.(sounds silly? Hmm.) I really wondered why I had been wanting the bikini packing it with two vinyl bags to prevent other swimsuits from being contaminated.
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by rachel on 15-06-2014 at 08:17.
15-06-2014 05:39
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