I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 25-04-2007
Posts: 5595
Well he left his family when Ken was four years old, he faked his death in a plane crash.
Ken never really believed that he was dead though and has looked for his signs that his father was still alive.
He was a very militant man, who treated Ken like a soldier . So his relationship with Ken was not affectionate. He disaplined Ken like a he would a subordinate, not a as a loving father would a son.
Though it did affect him at the time that he did it, I think he felt he needed to toughen Ken because his son was a fighter and Gatchaman.
You know.."Wake up to yourself boy, go find her and stop mopping around here feeling sorry for yourself, get some balls and get back to work." kinda thing(not politically correct, but then Gatch was not a politically correct show...1971 before someone introduced that way of thinking.)
Although Ken at times did lash out in a similar way with the team when it came to disapline, he tended to have more compassion than his father, and a more affectionate side to his personality,It is less likley that Ken would abandon his family like his father did.
Although Red Impulse showed signs of loving his only child through his commitment to his mission, and sacrific of his own life.
When it came down to it RI in ways had a lot of regret at leaving his wife and son to go on this mission, but to him it was his way of protecting them.
Red Impulse was not alone but he was the leader of a squadron Masaki and Oniishi were his two other pilots that ran missions with him. Nothing was know about them personally, or their previous lives, they were a mystery.
He ran his secret base from an island (It was planet Riga on BOTP)the team went on a training mission there.
It was indicated that he may have lived for a time with his family in another country(I can't remember the name off hand), or they went on vacation there.
Ken was familiar with the place on a mission and it was were his father found out about the Van Allen belt project that Galcator was working on. His father did a sucide run with the V-2 rocket.
Anyway that is off the cuff and my interpretation, and I can get better info for you later if you want more...I have to go to bed now...
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 20-09-2007 at 12:52.
20-09-2007 12:46
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