Babbling Loonie
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 08-12-2011
Posts: 2490
Greeting! Sorry so late to the party after the hurried rush to get things down from the prompt jar, but when the muse bit that hard, I just had to listen...that and I am experimenting with some new ways of writing just to be able to get things down and then worrying about connecting the whole thing later.
I came to Gatchamania through some google searches I believe, but originally saw the show as Battle of the Planets in the late '70's. It was later in college in the eighties, I believe, that I heard about how the series was redone from the original Gatch...and after reading all the WONDERFUL episodes posted in the archives, I hav-ta say that the original is my favorite, sorry Kasey Kasem, but I knew you from America's Top 40's first...
Favorite character? Can't really say. I like them all, but I also like to tinker with them. In the fic I posted, Jinpei is 13 so that would put the rest of the team in their twenties, I believe.
And yes, Clouddancer, K2p2 is in reference to knitting, a nice stable Knit two, purl two rib, like what you would find on a mitten cuff.
12-01-2012 01:05
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