This forum is strictly to make a recommended read of a fic you feel deserves some sort of acknowledgement.
You are allowed to post a single recommendation for a fic and give a positive review of why you liked it. Please do not add any criticism or changes you would ask the author to make, doing so may result in a deletion of your post.
You may,
recommend a fic that is already recommended by another member in the same month
recommend a fic from outside of
You may not
Discuss anything other than a recommended read
recommend a fic what has already been voted a forum favourite or resides in the Hall of fame
recommend your own fic
All posts in this forum must start with a specific title,
"Current MonthCurrent Year - Fic Title" and the post itself must follow the format as attached in this thread.
Deviation from this format will result in a deletion of the post made and other action may be taken if necessary.
Tatsunoko Productions all rights to Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman, licensed to
Sandy Frank Syndication (Battle of the Planets), Turner Broadcasting (G-Force) and Saban Entertainment (Eagle Riders).
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