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gatchamarie gatchamarie is a Female


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Reality frightens! Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

Here I want to share a thought that struck my mind!

Yesterday, after the great New Year's dinner and after finding some peaceful time for myself to have a much deserved pause, I had the opportunity to finally watch a movie which I longed to view for some time! It's the life action movie of "Devilman" which came out in 2004 (I think!) by Toie productions with CGI effects. This movie is based on another anime series with the same name, ie Devilman, which was aired in much the same time when Gatchaman was aired during my childhood. As its name depicts, the cartoon in itself had a lot of obscure scenes and shedding of blood which was quite shocking to watch way back those long, past years! The movie, with all its wonderful graphics and advanced scenery, was even a more crude one, even if at times I could quite distinguish the difference between the real persons and the computerized demons in which they transform themselves into!

Yesterday, I was left flabbergasted after I watched it and I kept pondering on the fact of how much more frightening things seem when viewed in life action! Whilst watching cartoons I never blink when seeing crude scenes, even the most brutal ones, but when you see the same thing as they could be in reality it's literally something else! I don't remember exactly how the anime series has ended but, at the end of the movie, everyone died and I was left with a sorrowful feeling! This notwithstanding, I just loved the effects, the imagination behind the plot and all the detail involved in making characters seem like the original ones! I also am thinking of what perspective would I have if ever I had the opportunity to view a Gatchaman life action movie in a much far-fetched future! We almost joke on seeing how Goons are attacked and die or on watching an episode which has so much holes in between what was happening due to time restrictions! Cartoon scenes involving monsters or our heroes introducing themselves into enemy territory are so easy to watch sometimes ... their feelings and tension is sometimes lost in what's going on ... when seeing these in a much more human perspective, for me things differ a lot and a hilarious part becomes a lot more serious and difficult to digest! I don't know how I would feel after watching, for example, a life action version of when the SNT entered Sosai Z's tower at the end of Gatch F ... I think I wouldn't stop Crying6 !

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


No new posts 02-01-2010 09:49 gatchamarie is offline Send an Email to gatchamarie Search for Posts by gatchamarie Add gatchamarie to your Buddy List
lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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I agree, Gatchamarie, that it's easier to feel detached when seeing really violent scenes with lots of death if the people dying are animated. In live action, even though I know that I'm seeing actors, who aren't really getting hurt, it makes it a lot easier to imagine what the suffering they're supposedly enduring would feel like if you see very realistic looking crushed limbs, gaping wounds, gushing blood, burnt flesh etc.!

If I really liked the actors chosen to play the Ninjas and felt they looked and acted the parts well, then I could believe that it could make their sufferings (physical or emotional) have a greater impact on me as well.

No new posts 02-01-2010 17:24 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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