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lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


I am a Condor.

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Gatchaman episode 36: “Little Gatchamans” Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screencaps!]

Gatchaman episode 36: “Little Gatchamans”

BOTP episode: “Siege of the Squids”


The episode begins at night, with a lighthouse sending its beams of light out into the darkness. Further out from shore is a small boat.


On board is a father and his two sons. One boy is definitely younger than Jinpei, but the other one might be slightly older. The youngest boy has a fishing rod and he’s just gotten a bite that “feels like a big one!”


“It’s gotta be a tuna or something, Jiro,” says his father, who also has a fishing rod. The older boy thinks it’s a shark.


But Jiro insists that it’s a whale. So, they’re all bickering about what it is, and Jiro’s still struggling to reel it in. The father grabs onto the rod to help Jiro, and he too is struggling. He’s sure it must be huge and he tells Jiro that his mother will be proud. In the ADV dub, the two boys have accents that I guess are meant to be that of the Gulf coast in the southern U.S., but the father sounds more “Cajun.”

Finally, they’re able to pull the big catch out of the water and it lands on the deck of the boat. But it is not a tuna, or a shark or a whale. Quite anticlimactically, it’s just a relatively small squid.


Jiro is disappointed, but does remark to his father that the squid is “awfully heavy.” His father isn’t interested in holding it, though, and tells Jiro to put it in the well (a water-filled basin in the deck of the ship). So, the squid goes into the water, but we get a close-up view of it as the soundtrack takes a turn for the ominous and sinister…

Later, the lighthouse is still sending its rotating beams out into the night, and Jiro, his father and his brother have all resumed fishing from their boat. Jiro is ready to call it quits and wants to go home, but his father disagrees as they’ve only caught the squid so far and he reminds Jiro that they promised his mother they’d get ten tuna. “You’ve always gotta talk big, dontcha Pa?” says the older boy, a bit gloomily.

Now a much larger ship –clearly not a fishing vessel- is sailing through the water too. At the helm, two men in some kind of naval uniforms are commenting on the heavy mist that’s making it hard for them to go into port. “We’re just going to have to depend on the lighthouse,” says the man at the wheel.

Everything seems to be going well, and he reports that “radar and sonar are normal,” but suddenly the other man (the Captain) goes “Huh, where’d the lighthouse go?” They’re at a loss, but suddenly the lighthouse reappears –right in front of their ship.


“We’re about to run aground, man! Take her hard to port, hard to port!” shouts the Captain.

Back at the small fishing boat, the older boy remarks to his father that it looks like the lighthouse has moved. “What? In these parts the tide wouldn’t make us drift. The lighthouse must have moved,” says the father, quite puzzled.

But now, dozens and dozens of squid are speeding through the water, all in the same direction –towards the large ship.


“The squid,” cries the father, “A big bank of squid is heading for that boat!”

When the squid all hit the boat’s hull, there’s a big explosion. On board the ship, crewman cry out and go tumbling as the ship pitches and water bursts in through a breach in a wall. On deck, numerous crewman are running around in a panic. As one man tries to radio an SOS call, a giant red crustacean claw bursts through the window in front of him as he cries out in terror.


Flames are spreading, and crewmen continue to run around in a panic. More giant claws are piercing different parts of the ship as one man looks up and yells, “Oh no! It’s a monster!” Some kind of skinnier crustacean arm smashes a small window of the ship and reaches inside.

Now we get a larger view of the ship. It’s burning, while in the clutches of a giant mecha.


Jiro, his father and brother are watching this in alarm from their fishing boat. “That’s some big crawfish!” says the father, as the crawfish mecha pulls the large ship beneath the water’s surface and disappears.

“In the blink of an eye, the sea returned to its quiet state as if nothing ever happened,” says the narrator now, “News of the strange incident was reported to Dr. Nambu immediately.”

So now we get the stock footage of the Crescent Coral Base’s exterior with the ubiquitous schools of fish. Inside, the whole Team is there, in birdstyle, waiting to hear what Dr. Nambu has to tell them. Well, what he has to tell them is that another research vessel has gone missing –the fifth one so far- “and we have yet to figure out the cause.”

Ken is sure it’s Galactor, and Dr. Nambu agrees, and says that the ship that just vanished was carrying “important data on our new uranium resources at the bottom of the sea.”

Ken is instantly concerned, and Dr. Nambu goes on that “if Galactor gets hold of that data, then the Mantle Project, which uses uranium for peaceful purposes, would be ruined.”

Ken declares that the Team will figure out what’s causing the disappearances, and recover the lost data. “Leave it to us!”

Dr. Nambu, of course, prays for their success and they all shout “Roger!”


It’s daylight now, and we’re back at the fishing boat, which seems to be lost and drifting aimlessly. “Pa, what’s going to happen to us now?” asks Jiro, resting on his back with his arms behind his head, “We ain’t got food or water. What are we going to do?” His father, however, thinks they should at least be grateful that they didn’t sink. But Jiro now spots something in the air flying towards them. They all realize it’s an airplane and they start shouting and waving their arms to attract attention.

The plane, of course, is the God Phoenix. Ken sees the fishing boat first, and zooms in the viewscreen on its three frantically gesturing occupants.


“They’re lost at sea,” remarks Ryu, and Ken tells him to make a water landing.

So, the God Phoenix lowers down onto the water’s surface, near the fishing boat. Staring, Jiro says “That’s one crazy airplane!” “I wonder if they’re the ones that sent the monster last night,” says the father. The Team (minus Ryu) appears on the dome of the God Phoenix and they all leap over to the deck of the fishing boat.

The father and his sons are now hiding around the side of the boat’s cabin. “They clothes is freaky,” whispers the older boy, peering around the side. “Maybe they’re alien pigeons,” replies the father as Jiro also briefly sticks his head out to take a peek.

“Please don’t be afraid,” says Ken, “We’re the Science Ninja Team. I am Gatchaman.”


Well that’s enough to reassure Jiro. He comes rushing out, excitedly declaring “I’ve heard of y’all!” The father and the older boy come out next, and the father declares he’s relieved they’ve been saved and will be able to get home now.

But first Ken wants to know if any of them have “notice anything peculiar,” as they’ve come to investigate some “strange incidents.” The father and the older boy exchange a look, but then the father says “I ain’t seen nothing.” Ken asks him if he’s sure about that, but now Jiro has taken hold of Ken’s wings and is admiring them.


“This is so cool! So this is what birdstyle looks like, huh?” He then turns his attention to Jinpei, and impudently remarks “You’ve got one ugly face, dontcha?”


Jinpei is too appalled to make a coherent reply, but now the older boy is admiring Jun’s wings, or rather what is under her wings.


“Wow, you kind of look like a sparrow,” he says. Is that supposed to be a compliment? Turning to face her, he adds “And a mighty cute sparrow at that,” staring up into her face.


Yes, I guess it’s supposed to be a compliment. Jun isn’t impressed, however, but either she knows they still want to get information out of him, she’s humoring him because he’s a kid, or she’s too stunned by his lame attempts at flirtation to immediately take offense. “Um, thank you?” she manages to say, as he smirks “I’m gonna keep my eyes on this birdie.” Interestingly, Joe is the one who seems irritated by this kid’s overtures to Jun. “We’re too busy to be dealing with these nimrods right now!” he thinks to himself, while staring. Maybe he’s annoyed that no one admired his wings.


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But, now we’re seeing the God Phoenix from a distance –someone is watching it through binoculars.

“It’s the God Phoenix,” says a man in a suit, standing on the seacoast with a vehicle parked nearby. “The Science Ninja Team must be onto us.”

“Notify Lord Katse,” he tells a man sitting in the vehicle, and that man activates a screen inside the car and Katse’s face appears on it.


Informed that the Science Ninjas are around, Katse instructs him to “Increase security at the outpost and carefully monitor everything Gatchaman does. Use extreme caution and don’t blow the outpost’s cover.”


As Katse fades out, we see the God Phoenix and the fishing boat again, but now they’re at a pier near shore.

“I was so worried,” says a woman, hugging Jiro and his brother –clearly she’s their mother- as other people stand around watching.


One man points to Ken and the others, who are standing some distance away at the end of the pier, and wants to know “Who are the strange people over there?” The older boy contemptuously asks him if he’s stupid (conveniently hiding the fact that he hadn’t recognized them either at first) and announces they’re “The Science Ninja Team Gatchaman –they’re famous.” Many people in the little crowd at the pier clearly recognize the name, and Jiro and his brother boast that the Team is their friends, and that “They came all this way to be with us.” No one in the crowd believes them. Jiro is indignant, and his brother declares that he and Jiro used to be members of the Team themselves. “We kept it secret from y’all, but we were incognito, investigating Galactor,” (he carefully enunciates “incognito”).


The expressions on the Team’s faces when they hear this are not to be missed –especially Joe’s!


Again, no one in the crowd believes this, but two men near the back of the group exchange a look and then walk away. They’re the two men we saw earlier, who reported to Katse.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” says Joe, and Jinpei adds “Yeah, those brothers are lying to everyone!”

The boys must have inherited their tall-tale-telling ways from their father, who is now trying to convince people that he caught a huge fish, but is soon forced to admit that it wasn’t really all that big… Everyone is laughing at him, so he starts trying to tell them about the really big thing he saw but everyone’s still laughing and not really listening. Jiro angrily pushes his way into the group and shouts “Shut up, you! Stop laughing at my Pa! We almost caught us a crawfish monster!”

These words certainly get Ken’s attention!

Again, no one believes Jiro. “You don’t find crawfish in the ocean, you dimwit,” says one listener.

“The fog came rolling in and the lighthouse started moving around!” insists the father, to no avail, but these words capture Joe’s interest.

Everyone’s heard enough of the crazy stories now, and they all start walking away from the pier, leaving the father and the two boys behind. “But it’s true! The lighthouse did move!” yells Jiro at their retreating backs. “We did see a giant crawfish monster!” yells his brother. They and their parents all run after their disappearing audience.

“What was that, huh? A bunch of meatheads,” says Ryu, watching them go.

“Maybe,” says Joe, frowning, “But I think they may know something that could help us out.”

But now Ken calls out to them to “Come check this out!” Ken’s gone over to the fishing boat and he’s holding up the squid that was caught earlier.


“And what about it? It’s just a dead squid,” says Joe. “It’s not a normal squid,” says Ken, “Pick it up –it’s too heavy!” Joe doesn’t seem to want anything to do with holding a slimy dead squid –he stays right where he is- but Jun is willing, and comes forward.

“Ooh, you’re right, it is really heavy,” she says, and then the squid separates into two pieces in her hands and a missile drops out of it and lands on the deck of the boat.


“A crawfish monster, a squid with a missile inside it,” says Ken, looking off over the water to the lighthouse, “and a moving lighthouse.”


Joe tells Ken they’d better go check out the lighthouse.

Over at the lighthouse, waves are splashing against the cliff below it. In the woods nearer to the lighthouse, someone disguised as a shrub is moving closer…

Jinpei’s head, sans helmet, briefly pops up from the shrub.


The others are further back, also in their civvies, and watching his progress. Jun wonders if he’ll be okay, but Ken says “He’s a kid. Even if he’s spotted, he can talk his way out.”

“That story about the lighthouse moving, I just don’t buy it, you know,” Ryu is saying, crouched behind some tall plants, but Ken shushes him, saying “Someone’s coming.”

The “someone” is the same sinister man in the suit that we’ve seen already. He walks right past Jinpei-the-shrub, but then Jinpei sneezes and, despite his efforts to suppress it, it makes noise. When the man hears something and turns to look back, he can clearly see Jinpei’s blue-and-white-striped butt protruding from the shrub. Way to be stealthy, kid!


Next we see him reaching down and pulling Jinpei out of the shrub, demanding “What are you doing, kid?”


Following Ken’s advice, it seems, Jinpei stammers “I’m here to check out the lighthouse. It’s for an assignment I’ve got to do at school.” The man frowns and tells him that won’t be possible as “the lighthouse is being renovated.” He shoves Jinpei on his way, saying “Go play somewhere else.”

“You don’t have to be so rude,” yells Jinpei, waving a fist as he stalks off, “I’m going to tell my teacher about you!”

Still in hiding, Ken and Ryu watch all this go down, and they’re suspicious.

Now, we’re somewhere else –outside a chicken coop where, inside, chickens are squawking in agitation and some feathers are flying out the door, followed by chickens who are missing nearly all their feathers. Hey, that’s not nice at all! Chickens need their feathers!


So now Jiro and his older brother, the nasty brats, come running out of the coop and they are wearing very crudely made Science Ninja Team costumes. What really has me laughing, though, is that both of them have number “1”s on their chests. Oh come on, surely one of them, at least, knows that number “2” is cooler! Wink3


The two boys are running along through the woods, declaring themselves “heroes of justice,” humming the “dare da” song, and yelling “bird go!”

“Gatchaman is face to face with danger! What’ll happen now?” says Jiro, really getting into his play-acting as he tries to climb some rocks. “Gatchaman is never afraid!” adds his brother, attempting a hero pose.


But then he hears something and asks “What’s that rustling there?” Well, what’s rustling turns out to be some kind of large wildcat, and it turns out that these two “Gatchamans” are actually quite afraid!


Backed up against the rocks, the boys have nowhere to run. As they cower, not knowing what to do, the cat moves in and then lunges for them.


But out of nowhere comes Ken’s birdrang, followed by some explosive charges. All these hit the cat, and it goes flying, and then explodes.


Oh no! Part of me was really rooting for the cat in this little confrontation…

But now, fragments of metal (and the cat’s severed head –ick!) fall to the ground around the two boys. Up above, on the edge of the rock face, stands Ken and the rest of the Science Ninjas, in birdstyle again.


Ken jumps down to the two boys who are still clutching each other in fear.

“Hey, cool out, kids,” says Ken. At his voice, they both look up excitedly, “Hey, it’s you, Gatchaman!”

Ken admonishes them to be more careful, but then bends down to inspect the wreckage of the cat as the other Ninjas come closer.


“It’s a cyborg, and I’m sure Galactor’s behind it,” says Ken, “We guessed it, guys, and those bastards must be closer to us than we thought they were.”

Commercial break! (and in this episode’s dub, the narrator says, “Gatchaman, I guarantee!” with some Cajun-like accent. I think there’s some sort of ADV in-joke going on here…”

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 07-08-2009 at 10:59.
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Everyone’s still standing around Ken. Arms folded, Joe says “We won’t be able to recover the uranium resource data if we don’t hurry up.” Striding up to Jiro and his brother, Joe adds “I hope you boys have learned your lesson. Now, you’ve got to know something about what’s going on. We need you to tell us everything you know.”


The ever-impatient Joe then adds “If you don’t tell us, Galactor might kill you both.”

Yes, I could see how saying that might hurry things along, but unfortunately these two idiot boys have an agenda. They’re willing to tell all that they know, on the condition that they’re allowed to join the Science Ninja Team.

“I’m afraid that’s not going to happen, kid!” snaps Joe, with another great expression on his face. (Maybe he’d have felt differently if both kids weren’t wearing white wings and number “1”s!)


“Come on kids,” says Ken, more ingratiatingly, “If you know anything, lay it on us.”

Jiro’s willing to tell “a little bit,” and his brother says “If you’re nice, maybe we’ll tell you about the secret passage to the lighthouse.”

These words sure get Ken’s interest, and he asks about this passage.

“Wanna get in the lighthouse? We’ve got that figured –we’re pretty sharp like that,” brags the older boy. “Yup,” pipes up Jiro, “And if you put us on the Science Ninja Team, we’ll tell you everything!”

At this, Joe turns away from the boys –he is done! The deadpan way he says “Your turn,” to Ken is pretty funny too. I’m almost surprised he hasn’t tried hitting them to get them talking –they should be very, very glad they’re children!

“Ah, we’re getting nowhere!” thinks Ken, staring.

But now we’re seeing the lighthouse from far below the high cliff that faces the sea, and the Team is there, with the two boys, looking up the steep rock face. It seems that the “secret passage” involves some treacherous rock climbing. Ryu looks nervously down at the water, far, far below and groans “I finally get to see some action, and this is what I get stuck with –I’ve got some kind of luck!”


“It’s right here, says the older boy, shoving away some vines on the rock face to reveal an entrance to a tunnel of some kind. They get inside, and are walking through a tunnel carved out of the rock, dripping with water.


“There’s definitely something going on here,” says Joe grimly, “I can feel it all around me.”

With the two boys leading the way, they continue on, but soon Ken sees a narrow beam of light shining through a small gap in the rock wall of the tunnel. He shakes the rocks loose around it, and as they fall to the ground a bigger gap is created and light pours into the cave. Ken and Joe both gasp as they peer in. Below, in a large chamber, is the crawfish mecha and armed Galactor goons are standing around it.


Ken immediately recognizes that this is a Galactor base, as the two boys say that that’s the monster that they saw before.

Below, on the crawfish mecha, a sort of transport tube is rising from the mecha, elevating a goon who’s carrying a metal case and talking to someone else with him that we can only see from behind.

“We seized this box from the ISO’s research ship, Sir,” says the goon to his companion. “It charts all the uranium resources at the bottom of the sea.”

Now, we get to see who “Sir” is:

Laugh2 , this is one of the truly classic Captains of the Week.


So, um, Captain Cyclops takes the case from the goon and says “Good work, we can use this to make sure that the largest uranium mine in the world will become the property of Galactor. Lord Katse will be pleased.”

Now a large, round door high up in the ceiling of the chamber is opening up as the transport tube elevating the goon and Captain Cyclops nears it.

Seeing this, Jiro loudly blurts out that the lighthouse is up there, and gets shushed by Ken and pushed down out of sight, but not before he dislodges a small rock that falls down…


“Damn it, kid,” mutters Ken, as he and Joe both glare in consternation. The rock lands behind a goon with a machine gun, who immediately turns and looks up. “Is someone hiding up there?” he shouts. “I don’t care who it is, open fire!” shouts Captain Cyclops from within the transport tube. So, the goon and his other gun-toting companions do just that, firing at the gap where the Team and the boys had entered through, but no one is to be seen up there now. Inside the transport tube, the Captain tells the goon that he’ll take the rocket to the secret base, and that the goon is to follow in the crawfish mecha. With that, the transport tube reaches the circular opening in the ceiling.

It turns out that Ken and the others aren’t gone; they’re just crouched down so low that the goons far below can’t see them. But seeing the transport tube reaching the ceiling, Jiro and his brother yell “They’re escaping!” and run back into the tunnel even as Ken demands they come back and Joe glares in outrage. But immediately, gunfire loosens rock over Ken and Joe’s heads and they have to duck and cover and can’t immediately pursue the boys.

So now, Jiro and his older brother have found a way into the lighthouse and realize that the lighthouse now contains one very large rocket. So, of course these two idiot kids run inside the rocket as its doors close behind them.


“Sorry, Gatchaman,” gloats Captain Cyclops, sitting at the rocket’s controls, “But no matter how hard you try, it’s all over now,” This Captain, it seems, has been studying Katse’s phrasebook. He pulls a lever and the rocket’s engines begin firing.

Still in the chamber below the lighthouse, Ken and the others hear the noise and feel everything shaking. “What’s happening?” says Ken.

The entire lighthouse is now lifting off from the ground –that’s what’s happening.


As it gets higher in the air, the lighthouse itself crumbles and falls away, leaving only the undisguised rocket now.


The Science Ninjas are rushing now the way the boys went earlier, but the rocket is gone and now they’re standing in the open air where the lighthouse once was. Behind them, Jun cries “Ken, what happened to the kids?” as Ken replies that they must have somehow gotten inside the rocket.

“Ken, we’ve got a problem on our hands,” says Joe as Jinpei shouts “Big Bro, the crawfish mecha is getting away!” Everyone rushes over to where Jinpei is standing and looking down at the sea below.


Sure enough, the crawfish mecha is visible below the water’s surface, moving away and deeper into the sea.


Ken decides they’ll follow it, as it’s surely heading for its secret base now.

With that, everyone is now in the God Phoenix, and it’s flying fast and low over the sea.

Ken reports in to Dr. Nambu that they haven’t recovered the uranium data, but that they are in pursuit of the crawfish mecha that is hopefully returning to its base.


Dr. Nambu again repeats the importance of the uranium data, but Ken has to add that he thinks there are two boys on board Galactor’s rocket that he also has to rescue. Dr. Nambu understands, and tells Ken to proceed with caution. So, the God Phoenix keeps flying along.

Meanwhile, on board the rocket, Captain Cyclops catches a brief glimpse of two white, bird-like figures running past an open doorway. “Is that the Science Ninja Team? How did they sneak in?” he asks himself. “Fools, I’ll make sure they never make it off this rocket alive,” he concludes, with an evil chuckle. Yup, he’s stealing Katse’s lines.

Now we see some kind of area of the sea that’s thick with seaweed and other vegetation. But as the rocket nears, panels slide away, revealing that it’s just camouflage, and the rocket plunges into the clear sea where the panels had just been. I guess this is the secret base.

Berg Katse is there; he turns to see that Captain Cyclops is now entering into the room behind him.


He holds out the case of uranium data to Katse, who is sure that Leader X will be pleased and that “the Earth and its people will finally belong to Galactor.” Captain Cyclops goes on that “I have a surprise for you that I’m sure you will appreciate,” and proceeds to explain that he has two captured members of the Science Ninja Team on board the rocket. Katse is very pleased to hear this, and notes that the rest of the Science Ninjas are bound to show up too, looking for their teammates. “Use the crawfish mecha to lure them into the sea,” orders Katse, smiling.

On board the God Phoenix, the skies outside are dark, and now Ken is seeing what appears to be a lighthouse’s beams. Realizing that there can’t really be a lighthouse in the middle of the ocean, Ken instructs Ryu to approach it with caution. Just as they’re getting close, Ken suddenly calls for Ryu to turn on the God Phoenix’s floodlights. He does so immediately and they’re all startled to see the large tail of the crawfish mecha, about to bash the God Phoenix.


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But Ryu is able to veer them out of the way at the last second and the crawfish mecha goes back underwater.

Joe then realizes why ships were going off course –the mecha was imitating a lighthouse’s beacon. Ken tells everyone to get to their stations as they prepare to chase the crawfish mecha and find Galactor’s base.

Unfortunately, as soon as they plunge into the sea, they have a swarm of squid missiles coming straight for them. Ryu tries to evade the squid invasion but missiles begin exploding around the vicinity of the God Phoenix, causing it to pitch about and sending Jinpei tumbling across the floor of the bridge.



Jun says the God Phoenix won’t be able to survive a direct hit and tells Ryu to be careful. He says he’ll be more careful and adds “Take it easy, Jun.”

“Insolent fools,” says Captain Cyclops, watching the God Phoenix on a screen with Katse, “They’ve fallen into our trap; they have no idea that a one way ticket to hell awaits them!”

(I’d expect Katse here to say “Stop taking my lines!” but he doesn’t.)

The crawfish mecha now cruises fast through some tall sea plants, with the God Phoenix in pursuit. But, the sea plants now reach out and ensnare the God Phoenix, clinging with suction cups. Everyone is alarmed!



Looking at some instruments that are going haywire, Ken can tell that the plants are metal, not real plants at all. Ryu’s having no luck getting the God Phoenix free, and cracks are starting to appear on the radar screen, causing Joe to yell “Damn them, those Galactor bastards!”


Now the crawfish mecha is closing in on them. Ken sees it coming and yells a warning.

But, a swarm of squid missiles is also on the move, and Jun, alarmed, says “They’re attacking us from behind too!” Ken is startled, and we briefly see Captain Cyclops (the one behind this squid missile attack) laughing evilly and saying “Destroy the Science Ninja Team and their precious God Phoenix!” Meanwhile, the crawfish mecha is still charging at them too.

But suddenly, Ken is calm –he has a plan of some kind. “Just cool down everyone, and wait until I give the signal.”

As the mecha, and squid missiles are almost upon them, Ken shouts to Ryu and Joe to “Okay now, power up!” and they each pull levers to fire thrusters at full power (and the God Phoenix briefly glows weird colours).


Ken’s plan works. The God Phoenix is able to tear free of the plants’ grip and get out of the way just in time for all the squid missiles fired from the base to hit the crawfish mecha instead. We get a quick shot of horrified goons on board the mecha and then there is a big explosion.

But now Ken can clearly see Galactor’s base (I guess the explosion blew away its seaweed camouflage) and he instructs Ryu to get them inside.


“Damn those Science Ninja Team brats!” snaps Katse, from within the base, and he instructs Captain Cyclops to bring forth the two Ninja captives from the rocket. “We’ll use them as hostages.”

So, next we see Jiro and his brother, in their lame costumes, with Katse staring at them.

“They’re with the Science Ninja Team?” he says in disbelief.


“No we ain’t; my name’s Taro” says, well, Taro (I finally learn the older boy’s name). “And I’m Jiro. We’re just sons of a fisherman,” says his brother.

“Imbecile!” snarls Katse, “These geeks aren’t Science Ninjas!”

“But… but, those outfits,” stammers Captain Cyclops.

Katse reaches out and yanks away Taro’s cape (as Taro says “Hey!”) and chicken feathers galore come unstuck and float around Captain Cyclops, who tries to swat them away.

“You idiot! Are you blind?” yells a truly enraged Katse.

“No Sir,” says Captain Cyclops, pulling himself together to stand at attention, “But I’ve only got one eye.” Cyclops1 Laugh1


But, a little calmer now, Katse decides that he might as well just kill Jiro and Taro anyway, and pulls out a gun.


Jiro and Taro are terrified, and beg him not to shoot them. Katse is immune to pleas for mercy, but now we see the God Phoenix.

It so happens that Ryu’s method of “getting them inside” is the crude but effective tactic of ramming the God Phoenix straight through the wall of the base –and straight into the room that holds Katse, Captain Cyclops and the two boys.


Rubble falls from the ceiling and the floor shakes, and Katse accidently drops his gun on the floor. Ken, Joe, Jun and Jinpei appear on top, at the God Phoenix’s open dome.


“I’m surprised you’re still alive, Berg Katse,” says a frowning Ken. This is a nice bit of continuity here, as the last time Ken saw Katse, in episode 35, he had just cut the rope that Katse had been hanging onto, sending Katse plunging into a burning city far below.

But Katse is lunging to grab the case that contains the uranium data. Ken throws his birdrang, and knocks it from Katse’s grip as Joe then fires his cable gun, spears the case and pulls it away from Katse and back towards the open dome where they’re standing. Ken catches it.



Katse realizes now that the jig is up. Yelling “I’ll see you dead if it’s the last thing I do,” he turns and runs. All four Ninjas chase after him, though, and Joe is in the lead.

“You’re not skipping out on this dance, Katse,” thinks Joe to himself, looking grim.

Joe is gaining on Katse, and just as he is reaching out to grab the collar of Katse’s cloak, a glass partition comes down between them, separating them.


Katse now stops and turns, smirking, as Joe slams his fists against the glass in rage and yells “Come back here, you bastard!”


“Dear members of the Science Ninja Team,” says a smiling Katse, “Galactor would have conquered the Earth a long time ago if it wasn’t for your interference!” Now the other Ninjas have caught up to Joe and they’re all glaring at Katse through the glass. Katse, no longer smiling, finishes up with “One day I’ll blast you all to hell –Mark my words!” before walking away.

Now Jun is asking Taro and Jiro if they’re okay, and they are.


An escape ship zooms away from the base now, and inside the base, Ken asks “What’s that pinging?” as we see a device on the base’s wall, with a blinking light –it’s the source of the pinging sound.


Ken realizes it’s a self destruct device for the base, and that it’s been activated. He yells for everyone to move out and they all run for the God Phoenix.

We see the Ninjas' silhouettes leaping to the dome of the God Phoenix, and then the God Phoenix’s engines firing. The God Phoenix gets out of the base with the same method it used to get in –bashing right through its walls. A good idea too -no sooner are they clear of the base, the entire thing explodes.


I’m not sure how Jiro and Taro got back inside the God Phoenix, but the shock of the explosion behind them sends them sprawling across the floor of the bridge.


Joe seems to enjoy watching this. “You’d better hold on tight, kids, or you’re going to get banged up.” Actually, he says it in a sort of friendly way. Maybe now that the base and the mecha are destroyed, Joe is finding them less irritating.


“Yes, sir,” gulps Taro.

So now the God Phoenix exits the sea and takes to the air.


“One more Galactor base chalked up for the good guys,” says Ken, looking out at the blue sky. “But we still have a long way to go before we accomplish world peace.”

Meanwhile, Jinpei’s asking Taro, “So what do you think? The Science Ninja Team’s pretty cool, huh?”


But, both Taro and Jiro, after the day they’ve had, have decided that being Science Ninjas is way too scary and that they don’t want to do it anymore. They take off their costumes and throw them on the floor as everyone else laughs.



The God Phoenix continues to fly through the serene sky.

The End.

This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by lborgia88 on 07-08-2009 at 10:53.
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Great stuff LB, and Saturn.

I guess we once again see Jinpei as the "Mascot" since he is the one to go flying as he is thrown around the Phoenix. You would think after the first 30 missions or so SOME ONE would have mentioned this safety fact to Nambu and the problem would have been fixed. Elfgrin1

These two boys came up with a much better creation than I did when I played BOTP and used a white bathing towel for my "wings"

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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This episode is a trip...another of the eps I usually skip...but the Captain of the Week in this one is just so awesome! I love it when he mentions to Katse that he only has one eye!

LB and Saturn...thanks for your terrific work on this! Animeangel


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Another great job LB and Saturn thank you!

Of the annoying kids that show up in this show these two take the prize. With all the lying and being in the way these kids do I was half hoping they couldn't be rescued!

The Captain of the Week is pretty awesome too!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

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LB great write up!

This is one of those eps that annoy me too. I think its the kids! And poor Jun has them making all sorts of comments about her...she should have swipped them with her yo-yo for being smarties!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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I would still say that Makoto from episode 3 is the most annoying, 1-episode kid in the first series (I say first series because I've seen some in Gatch II that are worse!). Giro and Toro certainly do some annoying things in this episode (rudely ogling Jun, withholding info from the Team, mistreatment of chickens, making noise that alerts Galactor goons' attention, sneaking onto the rocket for no good reason etc.) but I will admit that they, unlike Makoto, did sometimes amuse me too.

Something I did wonder about was why both the father and the boys, when they first met the Team on the fishing boat, wouldn't say anything about the mecha they'd seen even though they were directly asked if they'd seen anything peculiar, but then later they were quite willing to tell all the people gathered at the pier all about it.

I could see why they might have been reluctant to talk if they were nervous about the Science Ninjas and uncertain if they were the "good guys", but once Ken explained he was Gatchaman, they all seemed to trust the Team -but they still wouldn't talk. Of course, later, the boys were prepared to tell all, as long as they were allowed on the Team. Was that the father's angle too, on the boat -don't say anything until you can be sure that you can get something worthwhile in return for telling what you know?

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Hi all!,

Ummm... The boys names are not Giro and Toro. They're Jiro and Taro.


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Good job.

I liked this episode, mostly because it's funny.

I can't help but wonder though, if Joe would have tolerated the kids at all if they were imitating him instead of Gatchaman; some how, I don't think he would have.

And CD, you were allowed to use towels! My brother and I would've been skinned or using my mother's towels. So we used our blankets instead. Wink

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Originally posted by lborgia88
Something I did wonder about was why both the father and the boys, when they first met the Team on the fishing boat, wouldn't say anything about the mecha they'd seen even though they were directly asked if they'd seen anything peculiar, but then later they were quite willing to tell all the people gathered at the pier all about it.

I wondered about that too, LB! Usually these types of persons tend to gloat at the very first occasion, especially when being witness to such a scene! I don't know why they decided to hide the truth from Gatchaman in the first place when they could have had the spotlight beaming on them!

Although this episode is not so appealing to me, at least, we can learn a lesson from it ... that is, people tend to ignore and not believe any more those who lie as a habit, not even when these last ones are telling the truth for once and can get into real trouble! liar

I also chuckled at the captain's comment that he had only one eye to see with! Cyclops1

Thanks LB and Saturn and great job again!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


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Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Hi all!,

Ummm... The boys names are not Giro and Toro. They're Jiro and Taro.


Yikes, sloppy editing on my part there! I fixed it now.

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Originally posted by amethyst
And CD, you were allowed to use towels! My brother and I would've been skinned or using my mother's towels. So we used our blankets instead. Wink

Yeah, my brother and I used our beach towels. Blankets would have been better as they were wider and could spread out more like wings, the beach towels were either too narrow if worn for their length or too short if worn for their width (If you understand what I am trying to explain.)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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I thoroughly understand! It was rough being an 8-year-old in a brand new town, 3 hours from friends and family, not knowing anyone or how to get anywhere except for the school or the Safeway (and we couldn't go there as we weren't allowed to cross Main Street), but we had a big back yard and Channel 44 (anyone in the Bay Area will remember that channel) so G-Force became very good friends.

As for the fishermen not telling the SNT about what they say, these are ignorant people and most likely afraid that they wouldn't be taken seriously (the reaction of their peers at the dock) or that they'd be taken away (they didn't seem all to familiar with the team).

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Amethyst, channel 44 still exists in the Bay Area, but it's UPN now... or whatever UPN/WB became after their weird merger thing...

LB, you did a great job on this ep! It's one of the ones I cringe at (because of those nasty boys) but you had me laughing.... I had forgotten all about that 'one eye' comment! ROFL 2

I wonder why they didn't bring up Ryu's fisherman background here in this ep... it would seem a natural place to do that.


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Hi all!

Amethyst, channel 44 still exists in the Bay Area, but it's UPN now... or whatever UPN/WB became after their weird merger thing...

That would be the CW, home of quality programming like 90201, Gossip Girl, and America's Next Top Model. Makes me so proud to be working at Sacramento's CW affilliate...


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Seige of the Squids
Battle of the Planets, Episode Two
Gatchaman Episode #36, Little Gatchamans
DVD and Veoh episode #30

Review/Summary: Open with establishing shot of Center Neptune and Zark burbling. Although it’s obvious that Center Neptune is connected to a fake island floating on the surface of the sea, he insists that it is many fathoms beneath the surface. It’s Earth’s first line of defense against enemies from outer space. He reintroduces us to G-Force, ‘skilful and extraordinary young people, then turns his ‘head’ to introduce himself as a ‘skilful and extraordinary robot.’ [Bleargh, although that’s pretty tame compared to the self-congratulations that follow.] No, I will not inflict this self-congratulatory monologue on you. Suffice it to say that if he detects trouble, he dispatches G-Force to deal with it. Their most common enemy is the Earth-like planet of Spectra, raiding the Earth for resources it no longer has.

He’s getting an alert from one of their security ships in the Atlantic Ocean. Strange things are happening off the coast of Portugal. [Unlike Gatchaman, this show mentions real countries.]

Yes! Zark is gone! We have Gatchaman footage! A lighthouse in the night, its beams sweeping through the darkness.

Then a fishing boat, with a father and his two sons. One of the sons (who sounds like Keyop with an accent and no stutter) says that he’s caught a fish. His father and brother urge him to be careful as he reels it in. Next shot, the father is helping reel in the line, the water churns, and they pull in – a squid. [It’s a rather unfortunate color, prompting thoughts in the hentai-minded.] Dad tells his son, Poco, that sometimes even the best fisherman hooks an old boot. Poco says he’d rather catch an old boot, and tosses the squid into the well on the deck. Ominous music plays as the squid sinks into the well, and there’s a significant close-up.

Back to the lighthouse, then brief shot of the family on their boat, as Zark in voice-over says that the survey ship sent the signal from this area, but he can’t locate it in all that fog. [Right: he can detect a spaceship coming in from outer space, but can’t detect a ship in fog? I think it’s time to review that contract with Quanto Tobor Labs.]

Cut to bridge of the ship. The captain, who sounds like Scrooge McDuck, says that he’s been in a lot of fogs, but never one like this. The man at the wheel agrees that it’s real pea soup. [Keye Luke did a good job with the generic American accent of the helmsman. I didn’t recognize his voice until he had a few more lines (coming up in a bit).]

View of the lighthouse from the bridge, forward over the bow.

Back to our crew of two. The captain orders his helmsman to keep the ship on course. The helmsman acknowledges, and suggests they steer clear of the survey ship dead ahead. (Huh? What ship? I can’t see another ship.)

The lighthouse is gone. What? The two men are startled, until a flash of light reveals that it’s over by the survey ship. The captain says that lighthouses don’t move. They turn the ship to avoid a collision.

The fisherman’s other son says that the lighthouse has moved over by that second ship. (What second ship?) Father notices that not only has the lighthouse moved, but the water is churning by that ship.

Cue the squid attack!

A scriptwriter has the father observe that a giant squid is attacking the ship. The next shot is of normal-sized squids exploding against a ship’s hull. The ship lists, and ---

Is suddenly in the grip of a giant crayfish. The crayfish looks as if it’s indulging in some interspecies mating with the burning ship. The fisherman notes that the ship is sinking.

Zark feels the need to tell us the obvious: that one of their survey ships has been attacked off the coast of Portugal, directly over the spot where their scientists have been extracting solodium (sp?) from the sea and converting it into powerful new energy. [Okay, now this makes no sense at all. If he knows the location of this extraction operation (of which we see no sign), then he knows the location of the ship. So he can’t have lost it in the fog – meaning that the scriptwriter was just trying to explain away something that didn’t need explaining.]

And now we have Zark in his control room, poking at his controls in front of his four-screen array. His sensors have told him that Spectra is behind this attack. For the benefit of new viewers, he also tosses in that it is ruled by Zoltar. Spectra knew that the solodium formula was on the survey ship, and that they would stop at nothing to get it. He must warn Security Chief Anderson at once. [Those are some smart sensors!]

Pan right to left across G-Force, as a new adult voice informs them that Zark has declared a red alert. The back of the speaker, a man with longish brown hair and a very light blue jacket, is revealed at the end of the pan.

Close-up on Mark, who says it has to be Spectra again.

Next shot is – Geraldo Rivera? No, wait, it’s Chief Anderson. Eye-candy for the women who may want a little more maturity when the youthful hotness of G1 and G2 gets overwhelming. Unfortunately, he’s given lines that recap what we were just told by Zark. [What, they thought the audience had ADHD?] Spectra has the formula, but it will take time for them to decode it. G-Force has to get the formula back before Spectra can do that. [Since when are scientific formulae encoded?] More stating of the obvious, as Mark notes that the longer they talk, the more time Spectra has. Anderson sends them off.

Stock footage of the Phoenix launching.

Lest we think G-Force is flying blindly around, Zark informs us that he gave them the precise coordinates of the attack. Their assignment is to find anyone who may have seen it.

Our fisher-family is adrift. The motor is dead. The father says that someone will be along soon. Poco spots a spaceship.

The Phoenix flies out of the sky, and Father says, ‘See, Poco: I told you.’ They wave their arms to attract attention.

Aboard the Phoenix, Mark spots them, and orders Tiny to splash down. As their craft lands, it kicks up water over the stranded family. Father says he’ll do the talking.

G-Force glides over onto the boat. Father and sons hide behind the wheelhouse and peer around the corner. They have no idea who the newcomers can be. [Which, initially, seems to make sense: this is the second episode, so maybe G-Force isn’t so well known. Until we get to the next scene.]

Mark calls to them to come out, and identifies his team as G-Force. Poco runs out and happily tells him that he’s heard of them. [We can only assume that they don’t have photographs or video with the news in Portugal.] Father and his other brother also come out of hiding.

When Mark tells them that G-Force is investigating a mysterious incident, they deny seeing anything. Oddly, the older brother sounds like Poco. Mark assures them there’s nothing to fear.

Meanwhile, Poco is stroking someone’s white wing-cloak. He says the owner looks like an eagle, then tells Keyop he looks like a sparrow (to Keyop’s dismay). The older brother is getting an eyeful of Princess under the skirt, but says she’s a ‘beautiful lady with wings, just like a real angel.’ For some reason, Princess looks dismayed, but her words are, ‘That’s sweet.’ The boy apologizes: he should not speak to an angel. [Yeah, just peer up her skirt.]

Cut to shot of Phoenix framed in binoculars. Cut again to the owner of the binoculars, a beefy fellow in a suit. He sounds like Jason with a really raspy throat as he tells his fellow goon that they’re in trouble, and to get Zoltar on the monitor.

Car goon obeys, and Zoltar tells him things he no doubt already knows: G-Force must not be allowed to stop them, or to find the secret base.

Now, the Phoenix is afloat at a pier. Zark tells us that G-Force has returned the fisherman and his sons to their village. Because we can’t figure this out ourselves from the next few minutes.

Mother is squishing her boys to her (Venus of Willendorf) ample bosom as she coos over them. One of the other villagers asks the identity of the five strangers. Nobody believes the fisherman when he says the newcomers are G-Force, and accuse him of making up stories. The evidence is right there in front them! How can they not believe? More understandably, the villagers don’t believe the claim that they are old friends of G-Force. Then the boys claim to be in G-Force, which doesn’t help their credibility.

Cut to dismayed reactions from G-Force as the boys claim to have just joined the team. Soon, they’ll be leaving for outer space. The older brother’s name is mentioned, but I can’t make it out.

Cut to the villagers, who tease the boys about their claims. The two goons from before are in the back of the crowd, and they leave.

Too soon, as it turns out. As the derision mounts, Poco runs up and says he almost broke a bone reeling in a giant squid. His father, nervous, backs him up, and says they also saw the lighthouse moving in the fog. The villagers laugh and leave them alone.

Tiny disgustedly comments they’re wasting their time in this village. Jason says they should investigate the boat. Nobody calls out the fisherman on having lied to them initially.

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Mark calls the team to the boat. He’s holding up the unfortunately-colored squid by the tip of its head [and I will not apologize for the yaoi images I have just put in your head, because I certainly did not intend to put them into mine]. Jason notes that it’s a squid. Mark says it’s no ordinary squid. Princess takes the squid [okay, now the animation puts hentai images in my head!], and says that it’s too heavy. She yanks on the tentacles, the squid comes apart, and a missile falls out. [Not going there. Really.]

Cue the upwards-pointing shot of the team standing in a dismayed circle, except that Keyop looks like he’s trying to keep from barfing as he says, ‘Bomb’ in between burbles.

Mark says the squid is electronic, and is somehow connected to the lighthouse. Jason agrees they should check it out.

Zark voice-over, agreeing with Mark that if a ‘squid isn’t really a squid, then maybe a lighthouse isn’t really a lighthouse.’ Okay, so the audience has ADHD and is as dim as the Watson of the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movies.

Cut to the woods near the lighthouse. Some bushes start moving, then Keyop (bareheaded) pokes his head out of them. As he continues to sneak closer, the scene cuts to G-Force, in civvies, watching him. Princess hopes he’ll be okay. Mark assures her that Keyop is small, not easily seen. Tiny still doesn’t see how a lighthouse can move around.

All goes well for the plan until a goon walks right past the concealed Keyop, who then sneezes. The goon turns, and spots Keyop’s blue-and-white striped butt sticking out of the bush. He grabs Keyop and demands to know what he’s doing. Keyop says he’s hunting butterflies. The goon says the property is restricted, and to get out. Keyop shakes his fist and calls him a butterfly-hater.

Tiny now agrees with Mark that there’s something going on.

And now we have Zark again. Again. We can never, ever escape Zark. His antenna are drooping, then perk up a bit as he speaks. He was as nervous as the team. If he had a heart, it would be in his mouth. If he had a mouth. [Bleargh!]

Now he has some heavy work in front of him. When he finds out what happened to the command ship, he will have to design a whole new Phoenix. What? When was there a problem with the Phoenix in this episode? Then he wonders when he will be redesigned with all the latest components.

Keyop throws himself onto a couch. He burbles something about things could be worse, and then –

A glitch in the episode. Was it the fault of the person loading the episode to the Veoh site?

Suddenly, the two boys, wearing chicken feathers and cookware, are running through the woods, playing G-Force.

Back to Zark (unfortunately). He has called Mark about these two. Mark is the leader of G-Force (thanks for reminding us, Z-egg: we almost forgot that little detail), and should be able to handle two small boys. [Parents, is there a flaw in Zark’s logic? I think there is, but my children go ‘meow.’]

Suddenly, overhead shot of G-Force and the boys. There’s something on the ground, obscured by Mark’s body. Mark and Jason try to get the boys to tell what they saw last night. Jason says the village could be in danger. The boys won’t tell, unless they’re made members of G-Force.

Jason says they never take new members. Especially, Mark points out, anyone who withholds information. The older boy offers to show them the secret way into the lighthouse.

I hope Jason is merely playing along when he asks Mark if they should sign them up.

Cut to the lighthouse, and the team below on a narrow ledge on the cliff. The boys lead the team to a vine-covered passage into the cliff. They creep through tunnels until a thread of light attracts Mark’s attention. He pushes on some rocks, enlarging the opening. They look through.

Below is a giant crayfish mecha, which the boys identify as the ‘giant squid’ which attacked the ship.
The back of the mecha opens up and a sort of elevator (lift) rises out of the back. Inside is a Captain of the Week who’s wearing a black mask with a single eye in the middle and two horns drooping to either side. [Casey Kasem – I think it’s him -- adopted a very peculiar, sort of Irish-y sounding, accent for this guy (and needed a throat lozenge).] He’s carrying a briefcase with the solodium formula. He says that his goons have done a fine job, and that Zoltar will be very happy to have the formula placed in his hands.

The lift enters a portal in the cavern ceiling. Poco jumps up and says the lighthouse is above. Mark pulls him down while telling him to be quiet, and they dislodge a small rock. The goons are alerted. Captain One-Eye tells his main goon that he will be leaving in the main rocket, and to join him in or by the giant squid later.

The boys are still in ‘G-Force mode’, and run after Captain One-Eye, all the way up to his rocket. Then they run inside. Before he launches, he congratulates himself on obtaining the formula and G-Force’s failure to stop them.

Cut to Mark, who says that the rocket is launching.

Cut to the lighthouse, which shakes, spews exhaust, and takes flight before it crumbles to pieces around the rocket.

As Mark and most of G-Force realize the boys are on the rocket, Keyop continues the general zoological blunders of the episode. The ‘squid’ is escaping, and visible under the water is the CRAYFISH MECHA!!! He even says ‘squid.’ [Honestly, how the scriptwriters could do that is beyond me.]

Mark says they’ll tail it to the main base.

Cut to the Phoenix, hauling ass over the ocean. The mysterious malfunction does not seem to have hurt it much.

Zark calls, and our next scene is Zark in his nerve center. The usual four screens are gone, replaced by one large screen showing an absolutely wretched head-shot of Mark. [I guess the technology of 1978 didn’t allow the Sandy Frank animators to borrow a head shot and use it. The Zark animation is not up to the rest of the show, anyway. This just makes it obvious.]

Crappy-headshot Mark reports that Spectra has the energy formula and is rocketing off with it. Zark asks what else could be wrong.

Gatchaman head-shot Mark reports that two boys are on the rocket. He asks how they can zap the ‘space pirates’ without hurting the kids.

Zark says that doesn’t compute, and that he needs to be reprogrammed. Wow! Zark doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t know what’s going on! Yay! [No, I don’t know if I’m being happy or sarcastic. Why do you ask?]

The chase continues.

Captain One-Eye spots the kids, and thinks they’re G-Force. [This actually makes sense. This is early in the G-Force/Spectra conflict, and all many commanders would know is that G-Force had winged capes. A flash of motion could be easily mistaken. On the other hand, they do catch the boys, and should have figured it out.]

The rocket dives into a concealed water-entrance.
Next scene is One-Eye entering Zoltar’s presence. Zoltar asks for a report. One-Eye tells him he has the energy formula. Zoltar praises him, and says that the ‘Supreme One’ will be pleased.

One-Eye then tells Zoltar that he also captured two members of G-Force. This pleases Zoltar, who says he will recommend One-Eye for a medal when they return to Spectra. He also advises One-Eye to be careful, since the rest of G-Force will attempt a rescue. Have the giant squid decoy them into the sea.

Now it’s foggy and dark, with an apparent lighthouse. Mark wonders what a lighthouse is doing in the ocean, and orders Tiny to buzz it. Then he orders Tiny to turn on the lights. They see a crayfish mecha’s tail, but it’s just the giant squid again. The tail swings at them, and they dodge.

Jason figures out that it flashes like a lighthouse and lures ships into trouble.

Mark orders Tiny to follow the ‘squid’. Princess warns of danger ahead, even as missile-squids (still unfortunately colored) attack. Tiny tries to dodge them, and does a pretty good job of it. Princess still warns him that the squids could sink them.

Briefly cut to One-Eye’s control room, where he informs Zoltar that he’s managed to trick G-Force into following him.

The Phoenix follows the rocket into what looks like a kelp forest. The fronds curl around the warship. Said metal fronds have metal suckers on them.
Mark announces that they’re trapped by magno-electric kelp. Tiny tries to obey his order to escape, but the magnetic kelp is preventing it.

The Phoenix starts cracking. The ‘giant squid’ attacks from one direction, and missile-squids attack from another. Just before the Phoenix is destroyed, Mark orders ‘superjet’, and the ship tears free. Instead, the Spectra machines destroy each other in a collision.

Mark spots the underwater base. He calls it Spectra’s main base, and orders Tiny to ram it.

Zoltar orders the two hostages brought in. When he sees them, he sees right away that they’re children and chews One-Eye a new one. The poor sap’s only defense is that he has only one eye.

Before much else can happen, the Phoenix breaks through the wall. Mark announces that he won’t let Zoltar have the energy formula. As Zoltar grabs it, Mark throws his sonic boomerang, and Jason fires his cable into the case to retrieve it.

Zoltar hauls ass, G-Force hot on his heels. Jason’s breathing down his neck. A transparent barrier prevents Jason from grabbing Zoltar.

Now that he’s safe, Zoltar taunts them. They will never defeat the superior forces of Spectra. Spectra’s supply of weapons is inexhaustible, and their genius unequalled. [I thought Spectra’s resources were used up? It could just be bluster and bravado.] With his trademark evil laugh, Zoltar escapes.

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Princess asks the boys if they’re hurt. Poco says they aren’t hurt: they’re G-Force.

Zoltar escapes, but the self-destruct is ticking away.
Back to the Phoenix, and they get the heck out of there. Flying debris knocks the ship around, and the boys get tossed to the floor. Jason teases them that they can’t get hurt: they’re G-Force.

The Phoenix surfaces and takes to the air. Mark says that Zoltar will be back.

When Keyop puts an arm around one of the boys and calls him ‘Real G-Force’, the boys decide they want nothing more to do with being G-Force.

Agh! More Zark. He says it was a narrow escape for the team, but ‘We got the job done.’ He can say ‘we’ because he considers himself part of the team. A few more inanities, and he says the Zoltar will turn up like a bad penny. Then he wonders if they have pennies on Spectra.

Look, I know they added Zark, and have to try to fit him in, but they could have done a much better job of it. And let’s not get into his personality. Please.

Fic Alert: What is solodium, and how is it extracted from the sea? What does it power?

Who wants to reconcile the appearance of a giant crayfish with the statement that it’s a squid?

Science question: Is there anything that can be extracted from the ocean and used to produce energy?

Bizarreness alert: Why didn’t they just call the ship with the captain and helmsman the survey ship? Throw in a later line about rescuing the crew, and they’d have been fine with the censors.

The mecha is plainly a huge crayfish. But it’s called a squid. Why? More falling down on the educational content.

Fog defeats Zark’s sensors? WTH? No radar?

I know it’s a children’s show, but the scriptwriters could have acknowledged the existence of maps and charts, and that such an important facility and its attendant vessels would have been under constant surveillance.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

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