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lborgia88 lborgia88 is a Female


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Gatchaman episode 34: “The Evil Aurora Operation” Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Report Post to a Moderator        IP Information Go to the top of this page

[Thank you, Saturn, for the screencaps!]

Gatchaman episode 34: “The Evil Aurora Operation”


Whatever its proper title is, to me this will always be “the episode where Joe hits everyone.”

It begins with Ryu, fishing from a small boat in a peaceful little bay somewhere. He doesn’t seem to be having much success, as he yawns with boredom.


But suddenly he gets a bite, and excitedly begins trying to reel in his catch. However, the fish puts up a fight, Ryu’s line snaps, and the fish escapes. “Man, that’s no fun,” he says, sighing the sigh of one who has given up. With that, he stretches out and prepares to take a nap as a few seagulls fly past in the sky.


Now, time has passed and it’s dark. Something strange is moving through the sky. It’s a rippling band of purplish light, but within it is something that resembles some sort of giant, legless aquatic reptile.


Now its light is shining on Ryu, who is still in his boat and still napping. He wakes up and quickly sits up. “I’ve never seen an aurora in these parts. That’s kind of weird,” he says. Now two little lights, like eyes, flash briefly from within the “aurora” and then are replaced by two intense beams of energy that fire on Ryu.


Caught in their intense light, he screams in agony and clutches his head but then he looks up with a savage expression on his face, growling instead of screaming.



Now we cut to a yacht cruising through a sea elsewhere, piloted by two men. Just as with Ryu, the aurora appears and just as they react, it hits their yacht with two beams of energy and they too scream and clutch their heads. But quickly, they are grunting, making animal noises and randomly yanking on the yacht’s steering controls.


This causes them to sail their yacht at high speed straight into the side of another, much larger, ship and there is an explosion.


Now, a passenger train is moving quickly through a large city.


Just as with Ryu, and the yacht, the aurora appears and the train’s conductor is hit with its energy beams.


The train heads into a station, and a voice is announcing that the “train is pulling into line number three,” but the train whizzes right by all the people waiting on the station platform, without stopping. It smashes through a barrier at the track’s end and then into a wall. The collision causes the train to derail and to explode into flames.

With sea and land covered, that leaves air. So now we see a large passenger plane flying in for a landing. Just as the pilot contacts the control tower, the copilot yells “What the hell’s that?” as the aurora looms in the sky before them. Like Ryu, the men on the yacht and the train conductor, they get bathed in the aurora’s energy beams. They grimace in pain, but keep flying the plane.


However, a man in the airport’s control tower is watching the plane come in for a landing and he yells “Hey, what are you doing? You’re landing on the wrong runway!” That they are; the plane smashes into another parked plane and a massive fiery explosion ensues.


Now we’re seeing a television screen, but it’s getting very poor reception and wavy lines are all over the screen. It’s a news broadcast, showing images of the destruction, and in each case, an aurora is visible in the background. “The cause of the major accidents today is unknown. Unthinkable equipment failures are concurrently happening in planes, trains and ships. The government has begun an investigation into today’s incidents, but as-”

The signal cuts out completely and the TV screen becomes nothing but static. We can now see that the TV is in a lab of some kind, and that Dr. Nambu, Ken, Joe, Jun and Jinpei are watching it. Jinpei assumes that the TV is broken and is indignant, as it’s a new one. Dr. Nambu explains that the problem isn’t with the TV though. “This is all being caused by a surge of electric energy.” “A surge of electric energy?” says Ken. So, Dr. Nambu goes on that “It seems that an electric surge of at least five million volts is being emitted and I can think of only one organization that would be capable of such a thing.” Ken concurs, declaring that it must be Galactor, but he wonders what they’re up to this time. Dr. Nambu doesn’t know, but he can only assume that it’s something “outrageous.” I guess that no one noticed the aurora in the sky in the footage shown on the news broadcast, but then, the broadcast did have poor image quality.


As if suddenly remembering something, Dr. Nambu says to himself, “Right,” and then he goes and opens a small panel in the wall and pushes up a lever behind it.


Jinpei asks what the lever is for and is told that “It’s a self destruct control, which when detonated will destroy the Crescent Coral Base within the blink of an eye.” Everyone reacts with some consternation to learn about this, and Jinpei says “That’s kind of scary!”


But Dr. Nambu explains that he’s turning it off, lest it be accidently triggered by the electric surges.

Now, strange noises are coming from behind them. Everyone turns, and they’re all surprised to see that Ryu is there, squatting near the wall and clutching his head while making strange, grunt-like noises.


Jun approaches him, worriedly asking him if he’s okay. Suddenly Ryu turns to face them all, still hunkered down and with a sort of squinting grimace on his face, and he reaches out one hand and hisses “mouse!”


Jun is startled, and she and Jinpei are trying to figure out what’s going on with him, but Ryu licks his hand briefly and then crouches down, growling. “It’s almost like he thinks he’s a cat or something,” says Jun. Ken’s fed up and approaches Ryu, saying “Okay, that’s enough, Ryu.”


But Ryu leaps past him, launching himself at Jinpei.


Jinpei runs, yelling he’s not a mouse, as Ryu chases after him while running on all fours and snarling.


I’m laughing here, but Dr. Nambu is not amused though. “Take Ryu to the hospital immediately!” he orders. In the state he’s in, I wonder how on earth Ryu made it back to the Base from his boat.

We don’t get to see exactly how they accomplish that, as next we see Ryu he’s strapped down on a table and is wearing some type of oxygen mask and a helmet from which numerous wires connect to some piece of diagnostic equipment.


A doctor (for once, not Dr. Nambu) is standing by, taking notes as he watches a screen.

The doctor opens the door and lets in Dr. Nambu and the other Science Ninjas. Asked about Ryu’s condition this doctor replies “I’m at a loss for words. His brain waves are equivalent to those of a cat,” while examining some charts.

“How can that be?” asks Dr. Nambu while a wide-eyed Jinpei murmurs “Ryu the cat…”

The doctor hands Dr. Nambu the charts so he can see for himself and says he doesn’t know what caused it, but also adds that this isn’t the first case like this that he’s seen today.


A nurse wheels in another man, strapped to a hospital bed, and the doctor explains that he has the brain waves of a dog. At that, the man begins to thrash and strain against the straps, growling.

Now as we are shown a montage of various other random victims.


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The narrator tells us suddenly hospitals are being filled with patients whose brain waves are comparable to animals –some filled with rage and some more passive, but all acting as if they were animals. Doctors and scientists have no explanation for the phenomenon (and we briefly see a group of scientists and doctors at a large table, talking anxiously or mentally straining with frustration.) “Little did they know the cause was Galactor and its newest mecha aimed at world domination, Thundersaurus!”

Now we’re shown the aurora in the sky again that conceals the mecha. Within it, Berg Katse laughs “Insolent humans, feel the misery from Thundersaurus’s electric waves!” The narrator now explains that Thundersaurus is equipped with a brain interchanging system, as we are shown powerful current moving through a large wire in a glass pipe, and an unconscious gorilla lying on a glass covered bed with monitoring equipment behind it.


“Galactor can synchronize the brain waves of any living creature to those of a human. They can then transmit those brain waves to the human brain,” causing a person to act like a particular animal.


We are shown a victim, a perfectly normal man in a suit, being beamed with the brain waves of a gorilla and his face shifts to a more savage expression and his hair suddenly becomes messy.

A happy Berg Katse declares “The experiment is a huge success!” and goes on that once everyone is transformed, they will easily conquer the world. But now Leader X appears on a screen to ruin his happy moment. “It’s too soon to celebrate,” admonishes Leader X, “Put the brain wave transformation project on hold for now and concentrate on your orders.” Katse knows what orders Leader X is talking about –doing a brain wave transformation attack on Dr. Nambu. “Once he’s insane I’ll make him Galactor’s marionette!” says Katse. There’s also a goon and a guy dressed in brown and yellow with horns on his head in this scene. We only see him from behind and he doesn’t say anything, but anyone with horns on his head must be a “Captain of the Week.” It’s interesting that Leader X was clearly visible to both the goon and the Captain –Leader X usually only addresses Katse in private. “Good,” says Leader X, before fading out, “I will not accept another failure.”

So now Dr. Nambu is in the backseat of a car, while some ISO driver is in the front, and they’re moving along a highway in a wooded, hilly area.


The aurora is in the sky, closing in. I think Dr. Nambu would have done better to get Joe to be his driver again, as in episode 31, but oh, well…

Now Thundersaurus hits the car with the energy beams, but the driver is managing to keep it under control. On board Thundersaurus, we now see the Captain of the Week’s face and he has got some serious buck teeth.


He’s also explaining to Katse that the beams are having trouble penetrating Dr. Nambu’s car as it’s got protective glass. So, Katse tells him to up the voltage to max, and a goon at the controls obliges. Now, the windows of Dr. Nambu’s car are cracking and he and his driver are both succumbing.


The driver takes the car through a guardrail and down a slope. Somehow, Dr. Nambu falls out of the backseat and goes staggering into the woods just before the car crashes into something and explodes. On board the mecha, Katse is seeing somewhat distant footage of the burning car on a screen and he concludes, laughing evilly, that Dr. Nambu is most likely dead, but if he’s not, he’s surely insane now, with the brain waves of a monkey.

But we see Dr. Nambu, and he’s lying face down on the forest floor, not moving.


Now we cut to the standard exterior shot of the Coral Crescent Base, with the schools of fish swimming by. Some time has passed, as Dr. Nambu is now unconscious or sleeping in a hospital bed within the Base, and Ken, Joe, Jun and Jinpei are standing around him.


Dr. Nambu stirs and opens his eyes. “Doctor?” says Ken. “Are you alright?” says Jun. “Man, what a run of bad luck. First Ryu, and now the Doctor’s hurt,” says Jinpei. “Filthy Galactor vermin,” says Joe, “They’ve stepped way over the line this time.” Ken tries to rouse Dr. Nambu more, but he immediately leaps from the bed and goes running out of the room, nearly colliding with Joe and hooting like a monkey.


“Oh no,” says Ken, “The Doctor’s gone crazy too!”

Now Dr. Nambu is staggering into the room we saw before, that has the self destruct control behind the little panel, and for some reason he makes a beeline for it, growling now. (In my opinion, the Japanese actor does funnier “crazy” noises than the dub actor.) Ken comes rushing into the room, and he’s horrified to see that the Doctor is trying to get at the control switch. Ken is telling him to stop, saying that if he pulls the switch on, the Base could be blown to bits, but words aren’t getting him anywhere so he grabs Dr. Nambu from behind and tries to restrain him.



Now maybe Ken’s going easy on him, seeing as he’s Dr. Nambu and not an enemy Galactor member, because Dr. Nambu manages to throw off Ken such that Ken falls backwards onto the floor.


At that point, Joe, Jun and Jinpei appear in the doorway. Ken decides that staying low and grabbing onto Dr. Nambu’s legs to drag him from the switch is a better tactic, but Dr. Nambu is still growling and reaching for the switch…


“Damn it, Doc!” cries Joe’s voice and we see a hand moving fast in a “karate chop” type blow. The hand connects with Dr. Nambu, and he falls to the floor in slow motion, unconscious. Joe certainly wasn’t so easy on him!


“I hope you can forgive us, Doctor,” says Ken, looking a bit distressed. “This is horrible,” says Joe, staring at his hand as if he can’t quite believe he hit Dr. Nambu. “I never thought that the Doctor could possibly be transformed into someone so violent!”
Jun now suggests that they should try to get Ryu to remember what happened when he was transformed. “Right on, I think that’s the best idea yet, Jun,” says Joe, as Ken nods his head in agreement. Go Jun!

Now, Ken, Joe and Ryu are back in Ryu’s boat and back out on the water where Ryu had been fishing. Hey, where’s Jun? This was her idea, after all!


Ryu doesn’t seem quite right in the head, but he’s in better shape than Dr. Nambu. He’s able to say that he doesn’t remember anything, but Ken encourages him to keep trying to remember what happened to him here before. “I need you to tell me what you saw. Think!” says Ken, getting a bit exasperated. But now Ryu is in a huddle, whining that he’s scared of the water. Ken’s realizing that Ryu is still acting like a cat, and that this probably isn’t going to work. “I’ve always heard that idiots have longer recovery times,” says Joe. Ouch –not nice there, Joe!

Ryu’s pleading to go back, but Ken tells him to try to remember one more time, as “the Doctor’s life is at stake.” “Why should I care about some stupid doctor!” yells Ryu.


That’s too much for Joe. “You shouldn’t talk about the Doctor that way,” says a glowering Joe, pulling his arm back. “Ever!” And he punches Ryu in the face, hard.


Ryu crashes head first into the boat’s dashboard, so hard that he gets a big electrical shock from damaging its control panel.


Ken pulls him up to see if he’s okay, as Joe looks on in alarm –that wasn’t quite what he’d intended it seems!

Commercial break!

Ryu’s looking around now, asking where his fishing rod is, and clearly not remembering any of his “crazy” time. Maybe Ken would have reprimanded Joe here, but instead he’s focused on the fact that Ryu now seems to have come back to his senses. Ken quickly asks Ryu what he remembers. “Just try to remember something, anything, please!” says Joe now, with a hand on Ryu’s shoulder.


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Well I guess Ryu probably can’t remember that you just insulted him and then decked him, Joe -which is likely a good thing, I suppose. But Ryu’s face brightens now and he says “I saw this strange looking aurora in the sky and then… well, I can’t remember anything after that.” Ken and Joe decide that the aurora must be what’s emitting the electrical waves that have been creating global interference, and that this means that the aurora must also have something to do with Galactor’s new insanity-inducing weapon.

Now Ryu is puzzled. “But how on Earth did you guys get me back to normal?” he asks.

Ken has a sudden flash of inspiration and says “Hell yeah, we’re going to fry that monkey right off his back!” I guess this means no reprimand for Joe, as his punch is what cured Ryu and might, indirectly, cure Dr. Nambu too.

Now we’re back at Dr. Nambu’s bedside, and his doctor is there along with all the Science Ninjas.


Ken is telling the doctor that they have to send a strong electric current through Dr. Nambu’s brain –“fighting poison with poison” says Joe- but the doctor is having nothing to do with this plan. Jun tries to persuade the doctor too, but he says that “Dr. Nambu’s brain is currently being controlled by the electrical waves being emitted. His brain waves are cycling vigorously, so who knows what could happen if we gave him electroshock therapy.” Ken demands to know what they should do instead, and the doctor suggests they destroy whatever is creating the electric emissions.

Ken’s okay with that plan too, and tells everyone they’re going to head out in the God Phoenix to look for the aurora that Ryu saw. Next, they’re all in birdstyle and running down the corridor to the God Phoenix’s launching bay. “If it’s what will save the Doctor, we’ll find Galactor no matter what,” says Ken, while running.


“Hell yeah,” replies Joe, “I can’t wait to blast them away with bird missiles!”


Jun isn’t so impressed with all this bravado though. “Listen, you two really need to take it easy,” she says, frowning slightly while running, “We aren’t going to be able to defeat Galactor with just bird missiles this time around, so look, I think I have a good idea. Just leave it all up to me, you dig?”

Go Jun!


They all leap up on top of the God Phoenix, but Jun doesn’t accompany the others on the dome to descend to the bridge. Rather she goes and jumps down the opening where the bird missiles are fired from, and attaches one of her little round explosive devices to a missile.


She reports to Ken that “Everything’s all set,” before heading to the bridge herself and we get the stock footage of the God Phoenix leaving the Crescent Coral Base and breaking the sea’s surface to fly into the air.

Because this is television and there’s only so much time in an episode, we immediately have Jun informing Ken that she’s located the aurora on the radar. So they head for it, and soon they get their first sight of it. Thundersaurus is faintly visible within, but I think we’re to assume the Science Ninjas can’t really see it.


On board it, Katse is berating his Captain because Dr. Nambu is still alive, and “The Science Ninja Team picked up our frequency while trying to save him!” The Captain is all apologies, and explains they couldn’t finish off Dr. Nambu because “he’s hidden in a secret base somewhere.” “I see,” says Katse, and he orders them to keep emitting the electrical waves.

Meanwhile, on the God Phoenix, they can tell that there’s something inside the aurora, using it as camouflage. “Damn it, show yourselves you filthy maggots!” says Joe. He is in true Condor form in this episode, alright. He heads straight for the red button and launches a bird missile.


“Ah damn! What the hell, it didn’t even scratch it!” he says, glaring and with his hand in a fist. Jun then notes that the aurora is acting as an electrical barrier and that the missiles can’t get through it.

Over on Thundersaurus, Katse laughs to see that the God Phoenix is out there. “They’ve got their bird missiles aimed at us,” points out the Captain, but Katse is unconcerned. “Their puny missiles can’t do any harm to the mighty Thundersaurus.”

Back on the God Phoenix, Joe isn’t listening to Jun. He angrily fires three more bird missiles (none of which do any damage) before snarling “You bastards,” and going for the button again. This time, Ken grabs his wrist. “Cool it, Joe! No matter how many we shoot, it won’t work. We’ve got to save our last shot.” Joe isn’t happy at all, but he complies.


“Thundersaurus can’t be fazed by their scrawny bird missiles,” gloats Katse, “Now it’s our turn. Prepare to attack!” he tells the Captain.

On the God Phoenix, they see that Thundersaurus is up to something and Ken quickly tells Ryu “Full stop!” What’s happening is that Thundersaurus is uncloaking from the aurora camouflage and now they can all see it clearly.


“Oh man, it looks like a lamprey eel monster!” cries Ryu. (I’ve seen many lamprey eels in Nova Scotia rivers and, no, it doesn’t look like one at all to me!)

“So you’ve finally decided to show yourselves, you Galactor freaks!” says Ken, as Joe suddenly notices that Thundersaurus’s eyes are emitting the energy beams of animal insanity. The light fills the bridge and everyone reacts with pain and discomfort.

“This is what happened when I lost it,” says Ryu, clutching his head, “It was this light that did it!”

Ken is telling Ryu to get the God Phoenix away from the beams and Ryu tries, but then gasps “I can’t control the ship because of the strong magnetic field!”

Joe’s really angry now and he wants to fire a bird missile again, but Ken argues that the beams will just block the missile, and that they have to get closer to Thundersaurus and shoot it from behind.

Now Jinpei is succumbing to the beams. As Jun anxiously tells him to “get a hold of yourself,” she tells Ken to hurry up on firing that bird missile.


Joe’s ready. He tells Ryu to charge towards Thundersaurus, “Like we’re going to ram it,” and Ryu about to do just that but suddenly Jinpei, now clearly crazed, leaps at Joe and grabs onto him. Joe actually looks frightened, but then, Jinpei looks pretty damned creepy! (Not sure what animal he is, though.)


“Jinpei, what the hell are you doing?” he says, and then Ken looks over and realizes that Jinpei’s gone crazy. But Ken’s struggling too to resist the beams power. Meanwhile, Jinpei is still clinging to Joe, kicking him frantically with his legs and snarling gibberish, and Joe is exhibiting remarkable restraint here and just taking it, but it’s not helping him fire a bird missile…


“Joe, I’m afraid we don’t have a choice!” says Ken, still straining to not succumb, “Go ahead and sock it to him!”

So, Joe punches Jinpei in the head and sends him flying.


Jinpei’s head then hits the wall, and he slumps to the floor, unconscious.


Well, Joe, at least you had permission this time. The God Phoenix, still within the beams, flies quickly towards Thundersaurus and at the last minute, Ryu is able to duck under its head, out of the beams, and slip past Thundersaurus. Out of the beams, Joe fires a missile at one of its eyes (Ken’s instructions) and this time it hits and pierces Thundersauraus, and the goons (and the Captain) in its control room are most distressed to see it and begin to flee. But, the missile doesn’t explode –it just stays lodged in Thundersaurus’s eye.


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But, it does seem to be affecting the intensity of the beam coming from that eye.

Back on the God Phoenix, Ken mutters “Damn it, it still didn’t work,” and Joe wants to know what Ken thinks they should do.

“Come on, Ken,” says Jun now, “Don’t lose faith. We can get out of this.”

“But we’ve already fired all of our bird missiles,” says Ken wearily, “We’re defenseless!”

Jun says they need to get away from Thundersaurus, then, but Ryu says he’s tried everything and that hasn’t worked. Finally, Jun points out that there’s still one thing left to try, and then Ken remembers the Firebird technique.

“Exactly,” says Jun, “The Firebird may be our only chance of getting out of this mess alive.”


Joe concurs, and heads for his seat. Ken and Jun head for theirs, but first Ken puts the still unconscious Jinpei in his chair, telling him to “Hang in there, you can do it.”


So, they go Firebird, but now Thundersaurus’s beams are trained on them again. Katse isn’t impressed with their technique, and he orders the Captain to quadruple the electric frequency. The Captain points to the missile protruding through one of Thundersaurus’s eyes and says it’s interfering.


Katse orders him to increase the voltage and blow “that dud missile” away. The Captain then turns to a goon who’s only about six feet away and says “You there, increase the voltage!” You know, with Katse standing right there, I’m not sure why there needs to be a Captain on this mecha –Katse could just bypass him and give orders directly to the goons.

The goon starts upping the voltage, and now we see the missile that’s stuck in the eye from the exterior of Thundersaurus. It’s the missile that Jun attached one of her little round explosive charges to back before they left the Crescent Coral Base.



Meanwhile the God Phoenix is still in Firebird mode, and still getting hit with the beams from Thundersaurus.

“You’ll be put out of your misery soon,” laughs Katse, and he tells the Captain to give them a taste of Thundersaurus’s missiles. So the Captain then turns to the goons, who would have heard everything that Katse just said anyway, and says “Prepare to launch the missiles!” I guess they really believe in following the chain of command strictly in Galactor.

So now a missile bay opens up in Thundersaurus to reveal a missile launcher.


On board the God Phoenix everyone’s straining from being in Firebird mode, but Jun’s explosive device is still attached to the bird missile that’s stuck in Thundersaurus’s eye.


“I bid you farewell, Gatchaman,” says Katse, “Fire.”


The Captain goes to fire the missile, but Jun’s explosive charge seems to be activating. The entire Thundersaurus suddenly electrically overloads.


Then it explodes. As the God Phoenix comes out of Firebird, the wrecked Thundersaurus is plummeting to the ground far below, trailing black smoke. However, its tail detaches and flies way –Katse always has an escape ship.


“Ahhh! I never get a fricking break!” he yells, as the rest of Thundersaurus crashes to the ground, still burning.

On board the God Phoenix, everyone (except Jinpei) is beginning to wake up to see this.


“I can’t believe we made it,” says Ken.


Beside him, Jun says “I guess the bird missile must have finally exploded. You see, I tweaked it so that the fuse would be ignited if the voltage was brought up to a certain level. Pretty sharp, huh?” Here, she gestures to her head.


“You sure know your explosives, Jun,” says Ryu, but we don’t get to hear what, if anything, Ken says about her demolition expertise.

Joe goes over to the still inert Jinpei and starts shaking him. “Hey small fry, wake up, I didn’t hit you that hard!”


Jinpei revives and stands up. “What happened? Why was I asleep?” Here, Joe smirks and says “I guess that electrical wave was too strong for a baby so you passed out.” Jinpei doesn’t like this at all! (Maybe he’d prefer to hear that Joe had to clobber him.) “What are you talking about? I’m not a baby, you lame-o!” he cries, waving a fist near Joe’s face. Joe laughs. Any laughter from Joe is kind of rare, and here it’s friendly laughter, not “I want you to die” laughter.


He puts a hand on Jinpei’s head and says “Sure, whatever you say, kid,” but Jinpei turns his back on Joe in an attempt to muster dignity and goes “Hmmph!”


It’s a cute scene. It’s interesting how it’s so often Jinpei that brings out Joe’s kinder side, and Ryu that he’s so often mean to. I wonder if Jinpei somehow reminds him of himself when he was younger.

Jun also finds this whole Joe/Jinpei exchange amusing, and laughs too.


Ken, however, is relaxed and ready to head back to the Crescent Base. “By the time we get back, Dr. Nambu should be back to his old self again.”


With that, they fly off towards the sun, passing over the still-burning wreckage of Thundersaurus on the ground below.


This is another episode that didn’t get used in Battle of the Planets –likely due to Joe hitting nearly everyone, or to the somewhat disturbing nature of Galactor’s plot, with Ryu, Dr. Nambu and Jinpei going insane.

The End.

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Great job as usual, LB and Saturn!

Ah yes, the 'fists of healing' episode... it's amazing how Joe cna cure everyone just by belting them once or twice! ROFL 2

I agree, I think it's Joe hitting everyone that caused this to be bypassed for a BOTP episode, not to mention some of the unsettling 'animal' scenes.

It is interesting to note that we are now aware of a 'self-destruct' mechanism for the Crescent Base.

Is is just me, or in the beginning of this episode are Joe's pants *way* too high?


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Terrific! I don't watch this episode that often, and now I want to go back and's just such a silly ep!

I love that Jun was the brains of the group this time, it seems like she steps in and saves the day when the usual leaders aren't functioning (she did that when Ken ran off to find Daddy and Joe was in charge, too). I think she might make a good leader some day if she gained some confidence (ie- "What do we do now, Ken?")

And TJ, I never noticed, but Joe does have the "grandpa pants" going on in this ep, doesn't he? pound


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No new posts 30-07-2009 18:21 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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I couldn't stop giggling all through this episode! Your comments were hilarious, LB and it also was quite an insane episode in itself! At least, Joe must have been more than happy to give all those punches without being corrected! And Jun saved the day ... go girl!

Thanks again LB and Saturn!

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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by gatchamarie on 30-07-2009 at 21:06.
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I had forgotten myself just how much fun this episode is, until I recently rewatched it. I has some really funny bits! The plot has some original elements not yet seen before too (like members of the Team and Dr. Nambu going insane) and it's a nice group effort where everyone contributes in different ways and no one hogs the limelight.

I agree that Joe's pants looked too high-waisted in some scenes!

No new posts 31-07-2009 02:35 lborgia88 is offline Send an Email to lborgia88 Search for Posts by lborgia88 Add lborgia88 to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: lborgia88
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LB, and Saturn your recap makes me want to watch this episode today. What I found that I was rather Confused2 about is, where the bruises are after they get clobbered by Joe? Even Ken and Joe looked more beat up after they belted each other once or twice (in another episode).

TJ, your high water comment made me go look again, and yes his pants do seem a little too high.

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Yep. Another post to put these in order.

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