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Elvin Ruler Elvin Ruler is a Female
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So I was out running errands with Mom today, dropping off and picking up mail. Mostly junk mail and bills, as usual. However, one piece of mail my mom opened immediately. It was from our health insurance company, stating that we had been dropped because of nonpayment. Whoops.

Except that Mom remembers paying, and the check has cleared. So she calls them up, expecting it to clear up, no problem.

Now, tell me if what they have done makes sense to any of you. They have 2 months of credit on our account, but we've been dropped because of nonpayment. They'll call us on the 28th to talk to us about it. Until then, no insurance. But...we have a credit. A TWO MONTH credit, Mom explained to the dude on the phone. Too bad, apparently, because he won't put us back on.


Methinks a trip up there is in order. But this is weird.

Sure wish Dad could find another job so we could ditch this company. They keep dropping us for oddball reasons. *sigh* Does no one use common sense anymore? Confused

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No new posts 17-06-2004 19:19 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
Lolabella Lolabella is a Female


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Hmmm...something sounds fishy with this company...

How frustrating for you and your family. Sorry that you have to go through such a headache...

Now, we know that a check was sent and cleared. By law if they thought you had missed a payment, they should have sent you a letter stating that your insurance would be dropped and given you ample time to make a payment. Most State laws require a 10 - day written notice...

But, the 2 months credit also gets me. You have paid in advance for a service that you are no longer receiving?

Name of the Insurance Company please!

I wouldn't let this lie. Especially until the 28th. Anything could happen and if you are not properly insured, you can lose everything.

Does your local TV station have some kind of Consumer Complaint segment? A friend of mine did this when she had problems with her eye doctor and a prescription. It seems that several people had similar complaints. A segment aired and my friend had her problem rectified.

Good Luck!


No new posts 17-06-2004 19:37 Lolabella is offline Send an Email to Lolabella Search for Posts by Lolabella Add Lolabella to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: LolabellaG3
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Better Business should hear about these folks.

I'm also curious if they are local? In our community, our TV News Station has a segment of the news called "Six on Your Side" devoted entirely to investigating and reporting on suspicous business practices by less than honorable stores and companies. The bad press alone often makes the company own up to their shoddy practices if nothing else does. Wonder if you have something similar in your community?


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No new posts 17-06-2004 19:43 Buffy is offline Send an Email to Buffy Search for Posts by Buffy Add Buffy to your Buddy List
Elvin Ruler Elvin Ruler is a Female
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What's weird is that our insurance is provided by IBM, the company my dad worked for until he retired (which he basically had no decision in, but since the company was being such a pain he let it lie). I think the insurance company itself is Humana. I don't think Mom and Dad are going to let it lie. They'll probably head over to Austin in the next couple of days. Don't worry, we *definitely* won't let this one go without a fight.

They've been giving us such a hard time ever since he retired, because the retiree's family is put on another program (same benefits, different name). Usually the problems are put to computer glitches and the like (this is *definitely* a problem with the people, though). Unfortunately, we can't switch providers because we can't afford to, which is why Dad's looking for another job.

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No new posts 17-06-2004 19:47 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
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What type of insurance is this?

If it's a combined life insurance and saving plan, then the credit might be in another part of it. Matter of fine print, but I know the ones we have, it automatically draws from the savings plan.

If it's life insurance, and it was Canada, then they can't drop you for non-payment, not easily. Too many did that during the big depression. You have to actually ask to cancel the policy. Not sure what's in place to protect the company from intentional non-payers.

But, it sounds like it's a health plan, and in the States you need it even more than you do here. (Don't get me on about governments who cut services below safety levels -- cutting out lots of preventative checks, like glaucoma tests -- and then implements a "health tax").

Definitely call. Definitely complain. Get a copy of that cheque now (rather than racing to the bank at the last minute).

Yep, just about every local station has a help feature. Sometimes, it's a matter of misunderstanding, or the wrong product. But it'll be someone who isn't intimidated by fine print and such.

Might be worth having your lawyer write a letter. Even if he says nothing other than "they asked me to write and ask you what's up", the letterhead often scares them.

IBM's personnel department and the union / employee rep are also places.

And ask others on the same plan -- if they're all having problems, you've got more evidence that IBM should get a new insurance company.

Also, for the interim, do you have any other plans? Credit cards often include small plans (for a fee -- and they're usually overpriced, but...). Schools often have plans for their students, usually for a good price. The Canadian Association for Retired Persons, the Professional Engineers Association, and the Canadian Automobile Association have all offered to insure us.

Best of luck!

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No new posts 17-06-2004 21:02 CricketBeautiful is offline Send an Email to CricketBeautiful Homepage of CricketBeautiful Search for Posts by CricketBeautiful Add CricketBeautiful to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: cricketbeautiful MSN Screenname:
Elvin Ruler Elvin Ruler is a Female
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Well, Mom and Dad are working on it, but I'll definitely pass on the tips! We don't have a lawyer or anything like that, but at this rate... Big Grin

Mom explained that the people on the phones can't do anything, even if the answer is obvious. They just relay messages to people who can and give us a date that is the latest we'll be called. Which is stupid, in my opinion. I think they plan on going up there tomorrow.

It is a health plan, which all of us good US citizens know is usually a pain in the butt no matter which company you use. Other plans right now are limited to the "don't get sick/injured" and "ask relatives for money." The latter will's just kind of embarrassing. Also we've been looking in switching my sister and me to the university's plans. When my dad eventually finds a new job we'll definitely switch to something local.

Thanks for all the tips guys! I really appreciate it. Right now isn't a good time to bring up things like insurance and such (some other stressful things are also cropping up, so keep my mom's sanity in your thoughts ^_^), but I will when a good opportunity presents itself. Thanks again!

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

No new posts 18-06-2004 02:18 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
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best of luck to your parents in sorting it out wish I could add something to above but not versed on consumer rules and contract legislation in the US, though seems to me the advise you have should hopefully aid in sorting out the problem.

Would say one thing though. People on the phone maybe working a call centre but they can make notes on files and that includes one insisting on a callback from a supervisor.

Good luck!

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No new posts 18-06-2004 06:36 Firebird is offline Send an Email to Firebird Search for Posts by Firebird Add Firebird to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Taishala YIM Screenname: taishala
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You don't need a lawyer to hire one. Check the Better Business Bureau or the yellow pages. They're a lot less expensive than most people think, especially for the simple stuff. Some even give you a free half-hour so you can decide if you want them to do anything.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
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