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Tajiri Tajiri is a Male
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I finally had the extreme pleasure of seeing a film I have been looking forward to for months; Fahrenheit 9/11. The theater was about half full on a Sunday afternoon with people of all ages; from teenagers all the way to senior citizens. But the most amazing thing about this film was at the end the audience actually broke out in applause. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been to a film where people applauded to the extent they did at the end. This was truly a phenomenal film.

I’m assuming most everyone knows what this film is about by now, but here’s a short explanation. Fahrenheit 9/11 points out that Bush rigged the 2000 election, did nothing for his first 9 months in office, and took the whole tragedy of 9/11 and turned it around so it looked like Iraq had something to do with the attack just so he could get Daddy’s job done. I think that’s unbiased, don’t you? Well it’s the truth. Everything that Michael Moore puts in this documentary is exactly what I have been saying since the very day Bush was “elected”. Moore has compiled everything Bush had ever lied about and neatly packaged it in this film. But this film goes further than just telling the truth about Bush. It basically comes out and says that no one in the government reads the Bills before they vote on them. In the case of the Patriot Act Moore rides around Washington DC in an ice cream truck and reads it to everyone over the truck’s intercom so the people would know what it entailed. He even shows what the soldiers have to endure in Iraq because of Bush. Some of the soldiers think all this starts out as a game but they soon realize the reality of what’s going on. It also shows the side of a family who has lost their son over in Iraq because of Bush’s actions.

This is one of those films that I think everyone should see. People don’t want to think they are being snowballed by the government. They want to think that this “president” can do no wrong. They don’t want to look at the fact. And what happens when something like this comes out? The person and the film get attacked. I turn on the Fox new channel (which is nothing but tabloid shit) and they are ripping Moore. He hates this country. He’s unpatriotic. That’s a load of shit. As far as I’m concerned some of the most patriotic people are the ones who are willing to stand up and state they aren’t willing to be one of the mindless cows that are manipulated. Michael Moore is one of those who won’t be manipulated and Fahrenheit 9/11 should been seen by everyone before they vote in November.

4 Stars out of 4

No new posts 29-06-2004 02:55 Tajiri is offline Send an Email to Tajiri Search for Posts by Tajiri Add Tajiri to your Buddy List
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I'm simply not going to watch this.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

No new posts 29-06-2004 07:59 Cep is offline Send an Email to Cep Homepage of Cep Search for Posts by Cep Add Cep to your Buddy List Add Cep to your Contact List AIM Screenname: cepeleon
Elvin Ruler Elvin Ruler is a Female
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Michael Moore is known for twisting the truth in every single documentary he's made. This site, aptly describes what I think about the movie. Since they did it so eloquently, I'll let them say it. People should remember that every documentary has a purpose and never shows the entirety of an issue. They only show what they want the people to see.

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No new posts 29-06-2004 13:10 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
Tajiri Tajiri is a Male
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I found that review to be quite funny. I really think a Christian based web site that reviews movies is going to have a lot of good things to say about a film made by a man who is attacking a president who is very religous.

But in all seriousness what does piss me off is what this fool says about the whole military part of the film. I went to this film with my cousin who was in the Air Force and he applauded Moore for showing what it's like to fight in a place like that. That is reality. They do think it's all fun and games when they first get over there. As for the recruiters targeting the poor and duping them into enlisting, do you think they're going to rich sections of town to go after the rich kids??? You know what the rich parents would say? "Not my kid! Send someone else!" That's just great. How about we send Bush's daughters over there to fight since he wanted to go over there so bad.

No new posts 30-06-2004 02:52 Tajiri is offline Send an Email to Tajiri Search for Posts by Tajiri Add Tajiri to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Tajiri
How about we send Bush's daughters over there to fight since he wanted to go over there so bad.

I am sorry but what exactly is that going to prove? Rolleyes

I have always steered clear of political discussions on the internet, as I know that they can become extremely heated. However, comments like that make me cringe.

I understand that Michael Moore's desire to have Bush removed from office was a driving force for making this film. He had a vendetta against Bush even before he was elected into office. If I decide to see this movie, I intend to go to the theather with an open mind and view Mr. Moore's documentary as a propaganda piece in support of his opinions against Bush. Intelligent minds will see the movie, do some research, form an opinion that can be backed up with concrete facts.

While I do respect the opinions set forth by all that desire to comment on the like or dislike of President Bush, I want to remind you that he was elected into this office by the people of United of the States. And he can also be removed upon election time in November. Michael Moore's popularity and strong voice would be greatly suited to get out there and encourage people to vote as well as support our troops not only in Iraq but in several other countries where people are fighting for their freedom.

While I do not agree with everything that President Bush has accomplished while in office, I still maintain a high level of respect for the position he holds, the office he commands, and the country he leads.


No new posts 30-06-2004 04:02 Lolabella is offline Send an Email to Lolabella Search for Posts by Lolabella Add Lolabella to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: LolabellaG3
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Given the topic of the film and the fact I know people who went to Iraq and have work COlleagues who have been asked to go over and assist in setting up their police force and help them set up a investigative procedures.

I avoid politics because at the end of the day there is always more going on than meets the eye.

As far as the current President Lola is right come November the people have a right to decide for themselves what they want.

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No new posts 30-06-2004 07:00 Firebird is offline Send an Email to Firebird Search for Posts by Firebird Add Firebird to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Taishala YIM Screenname: taishala
Elvin Ruler Elvin Ruler is a Female
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Ah, Tajiri. Seeing as how both of us know people in the armed forces, and both see differently, I'll bow out of this one. Let's face it, wars are ugly. I do want to say that I never meant that the fighting wasn't realistic.

However, since the politics behind the war and the election have such volitile opinions about them, and we're on opposite sides, as I said, I'm going to bow out. ^_^ I agree that we disagree. ^_^



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No new posts 30-06-2004 17:55 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
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I normally stay away from this type of thread, however,
I would not consider where I grew up a poor neighborhood, nor us poor people. But my sister was recruited into the military, along with my two brother in laws, all who are Vietnam Vets. I know it is not easy to fight a war, but when you sign up you should not expect it to be easy.
What I am tired of is people who assume what is going on in the military. Do you really think they tell you everything in the news? Let me assure you they don't.
I have really only one question though, was Michael Moore in the military? If the answer to this is yes, then I will back off this subject altogether.
But really, I just couldn't sit back anymore and be quiet.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

No new posts 30-06-2004 21:07 stardust is offline Send an Email to stardust Search for Posts by stardust Add stardust to your Buddy List
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Yup. Not just poor people get recruited. Heck, one of my friends happens to be a member of one of the richest families in town. He heads over to Iraq in the fall. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm so passionate about this subject (I am *REALLY* holding back. ^_^). A good deal of the people I hung out with/ grew up with are now in the military. Most of them knew what they were getting into. Several of them joined because they hoped to fight, not because they thought it'd be fun, but because they felt it was their duty. Fighting in a war is ugly, no mistake. But sometimes it isn't wrong. But like I said, I really don't want to get into an argument about that.

It really is an interesting question as to whether Moore was ever in the military. I know that some vets feel differently than those in my family and friends. Does anyone know?

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No new posts 30-06-2004 21:27 Elvin Ruler is offline Send an Email to Elvin Ruler Search for Posts by Elvin Ruler Add Elvin Ruler to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Elvnruler
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Oh and one more thing, before you all start thinking my sister was a nurse (and there is nothing wrong with that, it is just the assumption made when I mention women in the military at that time period) she was an MP. She joined in 1972, at the end of the Nam war, and was one of the first female Military Officers to make the grade. She left as a high ranking NCO. And if you have family or friends in the military, everyone knows the MP's are the first ones out there and the last ones back.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

No new posts 01-07-2004 00:13 stardust is offline Send an Email to stardust Search for Posts by stardust Add stardust to your Buddy List
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Absolutely. I think being an MP is one of the hardest jobs there. You have to keep the people *and* your comrades in line. Can be a very tough job.

That's impressive that your sister did that. It certainly wasn't expected at that time. She should be proud of herself.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

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