I am a Berg Katse.
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Registration Date: 21-05-2004
Posts: 386
I normally stay away from this type of thread, however,
I would not consider where I grew up a poor neighborhood, nor us poor people. But my sister was recruited into the military, along with my two brother in laws, all who are Vietnam Vets. I know it is not easy to fight a war, but when you sign up you should not expect it to be easy.
What I am tired of is people who assume what is going on in the military. Do you really think they tell you everything in the news? Let me assure you they don't.
I have really only one question though, was Michael Moore in the military? If the answer to this is yes, then I will back off this subject altogether.
But really, I just couldn't sit back anymore and be quiet.
A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier
30-06-2004 21:07
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