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Registration Date: 25-07-2001
Posts: 382
Well, it's over. Series Finale. Done. Finished. End of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise.
I have been a rabid BtVS fan for years. The kicky, clever writing and characterizations made a fan out of me in spite of my best intentions.
I stayed until Buffy wrapped up. I continued with Angel, even when the writer/creator, Joss Wheedon, left Angel. The writing quality took a gradual but relentless nose-dive. I was okay with the whole "Angel has a 17 year old son raised in a hell demension" plot line that followed. Not my favorite series year, but still, not too far off track. Then they followed up a year of the Angel and crew runs Wolferam Heart Law Firm thingie. It had much potential...but, wasn't persued properly by the writers. Sucky year. Then year two at Wolferam Heart: The final year. Only one episode stood out as having that 'spark' that made me a fan in the first place: The episode where the character "Fred" gets contaminated by an elder goddess and dies. I found out later that Joss Wheedon had returned to write that episode! That explained it!
I stayed with the show until the end though, holding out for a crumb of satisfaction. And then! The series finale! Gasp!
Except....no gasp. They brought in another 'apocolyptic evil force' as almost an afterthought. And then, they defeat the members of the great evil, only to have hell unleashed on earth, and the show ended with our heroes standing around in an alley saying 'lets go out with a bang' with their swords in hand. And....end credits. There was no build up. No revelations. No sense of 'ahhhh, good series'. They ended the series as if it were another cliffhanger. Except, the writing of the cliffhanger was handled with all the skill and subtlty of a sledge hammer.
My hubby and I looked at each other after it was over and said "what the heck was that?" We were so annoyed, we went out for ice cream.
I have never seen another series end so annoyingly. I could almost visualize the people involved with the show, shoving that mess at us and running for the showers to scrape the taint of the show off of them as quickly as they could. To wash their hands of the whole affair and be done with it.
Wibble. Sob. Whimper. Undignified and Prolonged Blubbering.
I'm so depressed.
Pet me someone. 

"Spider sense....tingling."
26-05-2004 14:43
Princess Firebird..... Goddess of Swannie Fics
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 01-07-2002
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26-05-2004 15:28
I am a Swan.
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Registration Date: 05-04-2004
Posts: 430
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't seen the Series Finale, please do not proceed any further.
Ahhh Buffy! I know exactly how you are feeling! I too am a huge fan Buffy and Angel.
I happened across Buffy during the second season and was instantly hooked. It had a lot do with Angel's character. Thank the heavens for the net. It allowed me to catch up on the previous season.
When Angel left Sunnydale, I followed him as well. The first season was incredible. The addition of Doyle was greatly received. I kept praying for the return of Doyle. That is until the actor that played him passed on...
For me, Angel 'jumped the shark' last season with Cordy getting preggos by Angel's son Connor. I still watched every week, but not with the same enthusiasm.
After the way that BtVS ended (thrilling ending!), I really thought that Joss would give Angel a proper send off as well. I read that Sara Michelle (Buffy), wanted to be in the finale, however Joss had issue with it. He didn't want to take the glory away from the rest of the cast and have it be about Buffy.
Well, in my opinion, it should have been about Angel and Buffy. The ending had me sitting on the couch shrugging my shoulders and questioning my kitties about what I just saw. Huge disappointment. I couldn't even shed a tear when Wess passed on.
Rumour has it that the ending left open the possiblity of the cast coming back to do a 'movie(s) of the week'. If that is true, then let us hope that they involve Buffy.
26-05-2004 18:31
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Registration Date: 25-07-2001
Posts: 382
Yeah yeah! Exactly!
You know, I don't care if Buffy was in it or not, as long as the ending was satisfying. I was flexible!
And about Wes, my favorite character of this season because the was the only one who showed any smidgen of depth and complexity? Gosh darn it, it's pretty bad when all the previews scream "One won't make it", and you have a betting pool with your hubby over it to lighten the tediousness of how it was portrayed. Incidentally, our thoughts: Wouldn't be Aliria/Fred or Spike, as both have already died once (one of them during the BUFFY series finale). Wouldn't be Gunn, because with his role and glorified flunkie status this season (and don't you know I hated THAT...I ADORE Gunn), that would be too Star Trek. Lorn? Hmm, not enough focus on him this season for it to be a big deal. That left Wesley, who, oh my, conveniently enough, had been developing a death wish the entire last season with the death of Fred. Very Romeo and Juliet.
*sits in corner and gladly accepts her hugs from FB.*

"Spider sense....tingling."
26-05-2004 21:39
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