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Princess Firebird..... Goddess of Swannie Fics


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There has been increasing press about games causing violence among children.

The 'experts' have said they produce a rise in antisocial behaviour

I cant find the most recent article but here is the link to the latest game banned in the UK

Game news article

So what do you all think?

Are they truly that bad or is it more a case of parents not helping to separate fiction from reality?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

No new posts 02-11-2007 12:21 Firebird is offline Send an Email to Firebird Search for Posts by Firebird Add Firebird to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Taishala YIM Screenname: taishala
Princess Firebird..... Goddess of Swannie Fics


I am a Swan.

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oh and here is another article

news 2

Is banning really solving the problem or is it just creating more press for these games so that kids just download them from the web?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

No new posts 02-11-2007 12:24 Firebird is offline Send an Email to Firebird Search for Posts by Firebird Add Firebird to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Taishala YIM Screenname: taishala
kimiko kimiko is a Female
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Well I don't have kids, but my older nephews play these games and their dad or uncle is right there with them explaining that this is just for play, this is not real...yadda which they usually roll their eyes and say "I know".

I think that there will always be problems with some kids, but there are always other reasons for things like "Columbine" happening, which are the real problems that need to be dealt with.

These type of games don't appeal to me in general. If they were to play any "shooting" type game I would rather it be something like Medal of Honour . At least they get a sense of history and what the vets went through.

Out right banning is not going to work, but strong parental supervision and making sure it's not sold to minors is about all that can be done IMO.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by kimiko on 02-11-2007 at 12:58.
No new posts 02-11-2007 12:51 kimiko is offline Send an Email to kimiko Search for Posts by kimiko Add kimiko to your Buddy List
amyltrer amyltrer is a Female


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I'm a fan of shoters and RPGs and those usually have gore graphics. It's just that the difficulty of the game gives you no time to notice them! I can barely shoo/slash the hordes of enemy before they gut me, though I often blow them apart just for the fun of it!

As for violence, I have not noticed any increasing effects on me!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

No new posts 02-11-2007 13:06 amyltrer is offline Send an Email to amyltrer Search for Posts by amyltrer Add amyltrer to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: amyltrer MSN Screenname:
Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


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My kids watch movies like Star Wars and play games like Warcraft, and frankly I don't think it's making them any more or less aggressive than they otherwise would be. In any case, whenever they show aggressive behaviour, we call them on it immediately and warn them that it's not acceptable. I think what this has essentially done is teach them the difference between fiction and reality, and that while some things happen in movies and games, they aren't repeated IRL.

FWIW, we had much more of an issue with watching Gatch. Hiding After watching the ADVs with me, my 3 and 5 year olds (at the time) began spouting 'damn' and 'hell' every second sentence. I ahd to quickly explain to them that these were 'naughty words' and not things they should be saying. My 5 year old picked it up pretty quickly, but my 3 year old of course took longer. I told him that if he didn't stop saying these things, he couldn't watch Gatchaman anymore. Of course, he slipped and so one day I left him in his bedroom while my daughter and I watched. He could hear the show but not see it and it drove him NUTS. Now the threat of not watching is taken seriously.

So now my kids are almost 7 and almost 5, and they completely understand the concept that there are naughty words, and just because someone else uses them (even if that person IS Condor Joe Wink ) that doesn't mean they should. It is my belief that they have been able to apply this to violence issues in movies and games as well.

That being said, I don't let my kids watch/play anything gory, or with nudity. The violence is all Gatch/Star Wars style cartoon violence with little to no blood.


No new posts 02-11-2007 13:24 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
amyltrer amyltrer is a Female


I am an Egoblosser.

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Yes, TJ tape the Condors mouthcensored

It's good you have Gatch to keep them in control with. Mom had nothing to blackmail me to behave nice when I was little and I often was a foul mouthy riot

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

No new posts 02-11-2007 13:27 amyltrer is offline Send an Email to amyltrer Search for Posts by amyltrer Add amyltrer to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: amyltrer MSN Screenname:
Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


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Originally posted by amyltrer
Yes, TJ tape the Condors mouthcensored

Oooh.... could I spank him instead? Wink


No new posts 02-11-2007 14:02 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
amyltrer amyltrer is a Female


I am an Egoblosser.

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Hmm that would be Naughty!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

No new posts 02-11-2007 14:23 amyltrer is offline Send an Email to amyltrer Search for Posts by amyltrer Add amyltrer to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: amyltrer MSN Screenname:
Transmute Jun Transmute Jun is a Female
Queen of the Bird Missiles


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Originally posted by amyltrer
Hmm that would be Naughty!

Well, I've written a Naughty fic, and I've written a Nice fic... I can be both! Angel1


No new posts 02-11-2007 16:45 Transmute Jun is offline Send an Email to Transmute Jun Homepage of Transmute Jun Search for Posts by Transmute Jun Add Transmute Jun to your Buddy List
Springie Springie is a Female
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My son is only allowed to play "E" rated games...but my biggest issue with him lately is that he pitches a fit when he is frustrated. So, yesterday, I unplugged the game mid-fit and put the entire system into my closet. He threw a giant tantrum...but later he came to me apologizing and crying. He will get his video games back today, but he can keep them only if he keeps his temper in check. Hopefully, he's learned a lesson from this.

I really think that the whole violence issue depends on each child's temperament. I know my son can't handle seeing violence well, and that he needs to work on controlling his temper, so the video games are a powerful tool, KWIM? Each parent knows their own child, so it's up to each parent to make their own judgment.


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

No new posts 02-11-2007 19:22 Springie is offline Send an Email to Springie Homepage of Springie Search for Posts by Springie Add Springie to your Buddy List YIM Screenname: Springie MSN Screenname: Springie
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My answer is no.

The rise in violence and violent behavior in the UK at least is down to the costcutting and namby pamby liberalist politics of government.

The reason for the rise in violence, crime and the yob culture all stems from the past and present policies of open prisons, asbo's and basically treating the victims of crime like sh*t whilst letting the criminals get away with it. With teachers being told they cannot punish children or even expell them, that parents are facing the possiblity that smacking their child will become a criminal offence and other non-sensicle rubbish.

This has led to an entire generation of children being brought up without fear of consequences for their actions, mainly because there are none any longer.

Take for example a gang of car thieves I helped arrest, they were stealing peoples car keys after folllowing them into their houses, then driving the cars off and selling them at upwards of £10,000 a car.

You consider that they do this once a month thats £100,000 a year, tax free!

Yet what happened to these theives when arrested?

Well they got two months community service. Bloody good money when you think about it, £100,000 a year tax free and if your caught you work for two months in a nursing home or something. Think I would like to switch to that profession, dont you?

Take again the liberalist nonsense on the human rights issue where a serial rapist, not just a rapist oh no a serial rapist who has comitted several attacks on young girls and women is allowed not only to take part in the national lottery and claim a £7 million jackpot but also enjoys the benefit of £300,000 a year from us jolly taxpayers to pay for his "protection" from the public eye.

With these things as with all others it is a simple case of the "what can we find to blame all these problems on because we dont want to address the real issue".

Take for example the case of a man who kidnapped, raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated his wifes, sister.

The government response was to blame the bondage and force fantasy materials found on his computer, saying that it was these materials which drove him to this terrible act.


Any person who is sick enough to not only kidnap and rape but to torture, murder and then mutilate a person has something seriously wrong with them and furthermore someone who could do this to their own wifes sister, their sister in law, is someone who would have comitted this act regardless of any materials they saw on the internet.

If these people in government are seriosly trying to say that people seeing these materials will then go out and act on them are f**king stupid.

So the governments answer was to make it a criminal offence much like child pornography to view such material, but wait?

What about the films like Saw? The hills have eyes? Saw 2, 3 and 4? The motel? Hostel?

Hmm... seems a bit strange that we publicly allow such sick and twisted films which depict snuff, torture, murder and mutilation to be shown in cinemas around the country and yet... we should ban bondage and force fantasy materials that people view in the privacy of their own home?

I fail to see the logic there, except the only logical reason is that unlike films like those above such materials don't make as much revenue for the government watchdogs or the local economy for local government to soak up with stealth taxes.

Another reason for the rise in violence is that now the younger generation are so well protected from the system and society that they often violate they have no concepts of what is truely dangerous.

They think you can stab someone and they will walk away, that you can shoot someone in the arm or leg and they will be fine, they wont die unless you shoot them in the head or chest you see. They think that kicking someone in the head when they are on the floor is not going to do any permanent damage.

They think this because they have never had anyone do it to them and they are not likely too with the rules brought down about our heads telling us that we can't discpline our children, that we should not smack them, or tell them off, that we should talk to them as adults and reason with them.

For gods sake they are chlidren!! They are not adults yet and do not comprehend reason to an adult level!

When your a child and you first put your hand on a lit match because the flame are pretty what happens?

You burn yourself and you learn not to bloody do it again!

Thats how children learn, thats how they know right from wrong, they are taught if you do something bad you will get hurt!

Todays children are not taught this and now they think being yobbish and violent towards people is acceptable because no one has taught them otherwise, and the system, soceity lets them down by not punishing them properly either.






There, I feel I have ranted. biggrin2

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

No new posts 02-11-2007 21:21 Cep is offline Send an Email to Cep Homepage of Cep Search for Posts by Cep Add Cep to your Buddy List Add Cep to your Contact List AIM Screenname: cepeleon
Princess Firebird..... Goddess of Swannie Fics


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All very valid points though Cep.

I raised my son to know right from wrong and if he misbehaves even now I take away privileges (he's 19yrs).

I dont think games cause any of the problems but bad parenting contributes and those parents that just "cant be asked" or use their children as pawns in a game because they split with the partner (an example of this is someone who rang to report the kids missing because they were 10 minutes late but could not be bothered to ring the other parent to check why?)

I think responsible parents raise their children to know the difference irresponsible ones could not care what their kids do and need parenting lessons.

I get fed up with hearing how its a games fault that something happened because it gives the person who did the crime a way out. Why should they get that, they should accept they have done wrong and get a suitable punishment.

I have used games in an educational way (teaching basic numeracy, reading etc while allowing to learn basic computer skills)

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

No new posts 03-11-2007 11:30 Firebird is offline Send an Email to Firebird Search for Posts by Firebird Add Firebird to your Buddy List AIM Screenname: Taishala YIM Screenname: taishala
kimiko kimiko is a Female
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I agree with you all the way Cep! Here! Here!

It's easier for the politicians ban something than actually doing something about the real problems!

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

No new posts 04-11-2007 13:39 kimiko is offline Send an Email to kimiko Search for Posts by kimiko Add kimiko to your Buddy List
Ebonyswanne Ebonyswanne is a Female


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There is too much blame on external influences, if a person is that way inclined than banning a game is not going to stop them from commiting a crime like murder.

it is up to parent to filter what thier children see on TV and the games they play.

It no different now in that way than it was over 150 years ago when children were take to watch live hangings and executions. I bet even back then there were some parents that didn't expose their child to that kind of violence.

A murderer will place blame elsewere, "It wasn't me it was the drugs I took..." or "That violent game was a turn on, and I didn't know killing a person was a crime." etc.

There are just some people in society who will point a finger to get out of taking responsibility for their actions. And for the courts to throw out the idea that the problem is solved by banning everything.

In some cases computer games cop it, maybe they just need to review the rating and make it a game that can only be purchased through showing ID, like going to buy cigarettes or alcohol etc.

I hope we can filter things for our daughter as she grows up in this world.

Good on ya Springie!

For teaching your son a lesson in right and wrong and learning to control aggression and that he can't have it all his way all the time. But still show him love at the same time even when your on a tither when he's having a tantrum.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Ebonyswanne on 05-11-2007 at 05:05.
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