Forum Goddess
I am a Red Squadron.
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Registration Date: 26-04-2007
Posts: 2867
It's pronounced "O-ZZ-IE" not "O-SS-IE"
So I discover copy and paste are not my friend in this forum ... Sorry, kids. Hope you can understand a little..
Now that I live here in good old North America, I have noticed a couple of trends that have ... well ... begun to bug me a little.
These couple of things are:
Ozzie vs Ossie
I dunno if it is just a West Australian thing ... You know, grammar is rarely our friend because we butcher it in our own unique little ways ... Or from Australians in general, but I have always known the word "Aussie" to be pronounced "OZZIE".
All my life.
All 32 ... uh ... 25 ... years of it.
All my buddies and even my teachers used to say it exactly the same way.
Now. I understand that the double "S" insists that it must be pronounced as an S & However, in the spirit of Australianism and our penchant for butchering the English language, it is actually pronounced as a Z.
Nothing pisses me off more than when I see an ad on TV, like the Aussie hair care line. A giant purple kangaroo with a pouch-full of goodies always doing stupid things in the name of good hair, with an Australian accent in voice-over.
And the damn Australian is forced to pronounce it Ossie.
And ya know. When an Aussie politely corrects you on the pronunciation, dont tell them theyre wrong. We live it, mate, we know how to say OUR slang name.
Ee-m-you vs Ee-m-oo
This is not a Canadian hybrid, people! There is no half-moose going on in this creature. It is also not a word that sounds like it should be called by a cow.
The vowels are heavy. E-m-U
I have never, ever, heard a U pronounced as Oohhh like one was having an orgasm. U is typically pronounced like you or uh Never oohh
Again, please dont correct the Aussie.
Ive petted, been attacked by, helped raise, pulled feathers, fed and eaten the damn animal & I know what the damn thing is called!
Everything in Australia will kill you.
:grin: Yes. This is true. There is no way you will ever survive a trip to Australia, so dont bother. All of our spiders are as big as horses and snakes are everywhere &
All Australians wrestle crocodiles. And we all live in the dark ages.
Now. I loved Steve Irwin. I thought the man was natures best friend and an incredible wealth of information and energy. I have the utmost respect for him and his family for what they have done for nature, for knowledge and for the Aussie reputation.
Paul Hogan, I dont like so much.
Paul Hogan perpetuated the myth that Aussies are pretty much all dimwitted in-bred morons with no civility at all.
All we do is drink piss, wrestle crocodiles, play with knives and blah blah &
&Okay the drinking piss (beer) is fairly true, but that isnt my issue.
I got asked the other day if Australia has flushing toilets yet.
I told them, No. We use Kangaroo pouches it keeps the joeys warm. And before you ask; I wrestled my first croc at 6. I was a late bloomer.
I mean, come on &
I think I hear a Dingo Eating your Baby
Thank you Simpsons, and Seinfeld. Nice of you to make fun of a very violent and horrific event upon a wee child. So nice of you to be empathetic... How about I say to you: <taken out because it was offensive - SJ> Tactless and heartless? Yes. So stop it, okay, because I can come up with a lot of nastys for everyone else in rebuttal.
This is actually a touchy subject cos most Aussies simply dont believe the Chamberlains about this whole incident. The other half just shrug and say I dunno, dont care.
Statistically speaking, you arent really all that likely to be dragged off by a hungry Dingo, and honestly. If you are stupid enough to leave an infant ALONE in an open tent, youre kind of inviting some kind of trouble.
And dont tell me the tent was zipped shut, cos that would make that naughty dingo one hell of a dexterous creature. Opposable thumbs? Who needs them, right?
And, yes. Let us not forget that the famed little jacket that was found some years later was neatly folded in the bush with very little blood on it. A considerate Dingo to say the least. Not only can it unzip tents, but it can drag off a baby, remove its jacket, fold it neatly and bury it.
Can you say OCD?
But think about it, really. A dingo is a dog. A dog. Thats all.
There are more attacks by pit bulls, rotties, Dobermans and the such & Why is the dingo being hunted for maybe three attacks in 33 years?
Using Aussie Colloquialisms.
Uh. If youre going to do it. Please do it right.
And lets be respectful about it.
If I dont know you and you call me at my workplace, dont tell me you were in Australia ten years ago and picked up the lingo, then ask me if I came to Canada to get my root on.
If I did what to do what?!
I believe what you were trying to ask was Did you come to Canada to get a root?
And if you think I am not going to hang up on you and complain to your supervisor that you are asking extremely inappropriate questions that actually fall smack bang in the middle of the Sexual harassment bylaws, then you are sorely mistaken. If youre gonna say it, say it right.
I was in Australia or I had a friend who went to Australia so I should know&.
Heh. Funny that. I spent 25 years of my life living in the country, yet someone who had a friend of a friends counsins aunts uncle twice removed who visited Australia in the 50s for two weeks knows more about the place than me.
Funny that I always considered Summer to be the warm months of the year between December and March, but obviously I am wrong. Summer is actually June, July and August.
Or, of course, that Australian Rules football is actually Rugby League.
Are you from New Zealand?
No, Im Australian.
Same thing &
No. Trust me that NZ and Aust. are two completely different nations. We cannot walk across a bridge between the two countries.
Aussies dont shag sheep &.
<snort> Just kidding.
Both countries have different identities. They have different traditions, history, landmass, accents, and landscape.
They are not the same thing.
Buncharespect for the Kiwis, but we arent not one in the same.
Hmm & I am sure other board Aussies will have a few gripes to add (or tell me Im full of shit), so Ill leave it here &.
Damn good to get that out!

Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.
This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by SJ_SwanJun on 02-05-2007 at 19:46.
Reason: Damn little squares ....
02-05-2007 13:34
I am an Eagle.
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Registration Date: 06-06-2005
Posts: 3595
I don't blame you SJ for your rant and well done for both eing serious and tongue somewhere in your cheek.
People will say things similiar to us Brits but I try not to say a thing like that, for example, I was a member of a forum and I was mostly posting in one thread. Unfortuantely, 1 Aussie and couple Americans said nasty things about me being British, so I said nasty things back to them.
I was told by someone else that would get kicked out of the forum for the things I said, though I didn't start it but I decided that I should leave so that wouldln't happen again. I didn't and won't apologise to them for what I said as those people didn't apologise to for what they said about Britain/England.
This forum is different as everybody, no matter who they are or WHERE they are are respectable, friendly and damm funny.
I have played on XBox live o some games (mostly First Person Shooter games, eg Halo, Doom, etc) and they are Americans who are just well, rude to put it politely and offensive.
Another thing I can't stand is people who say they have grandparents who are Irish,Welsh, Englaish or even Scottish (Americans mostly (sorry guys)) who think they are the only descentants of 2English, Welsh, etc. Big deal, I am 50% East Midlander, 25% Scot, 12 and half " Welsh and 12 and half % West Midlander but I am not allowed to be part Scot or Welsh but must be English. I consider myself British.
Sorry for my rant as well but heck you guys in this forum are fantastic and better than Wolverhampton Homebase customers.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
02-05-2007 17:37
Forum Goddess
I am a Red Squadron.
9 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 26-04-2007
Posts: 2867
Hey Cep... Remember back in the day when there was a major board attack against Canada and Canadians?
That got kind of nasty - but the rebuttals from members from around the globe in defence of the might Canuck was magnificent to watch.
Metal, hon... I so know how you feel. I've been there ... Although the assholes I generally encountered were Aussies - and I'm one of them! - and some of the nicest I've met are also Aussies.
People are people. Doesn't matter where they're from, some people are just dicks ... Depends on where you hang out as to which country you assign the blame, right? There are bad apples in every bunch, but on the whole we're all pretty kewl.
It sucks, tho, when you get targeted and you've essentially done nothing wrong.
I think that the problem is that most forums/moderators are so busy making sure that someone doesn't get offended, or that their little clique remains unscathed regardless of whether they are instigators, that they jump on just anyone in an attempt to prove they moderate well and that they're doing their jobs.
What tends to happen, then, is that the discussions that are adult and informative get canned - thereby making other posters reluctant to enter in to such topics.
I encountered alot of that on a Yahoo group (who shall remain nameless) where the moderator and her witches coven had a specific dislike for me. Any time I posted I would first get torn apart by one of the members in the "clique" and then I would get a warning from the queen bee saying I was a bad person.
I had a debate going on at one point about my beloved Steve Irwin. One of the coven felt he was a bad, bad, person, and I rebutted using all of my glorious debating techniques learned at school and felt as though we were having an adult and interesting discussion, until the day I put across a point about :
Which is worse? Steve Irwin holding a snake for 30 seconds to teach the audience about the creature and to show you to steer clear of it, or a group of scientists with no real zoological training trapping these same animals, keeping hold of them for hours at a time, tagging them and blah blah...
Well. She couldn't respond to that so you know what I get?
I get a warning from the moderator about how people find the topic offensive and way off topic and a post from the other sheila telling me to get back on topic (I.e. the theme of the group).
HOWEVER ... This same group only a handful of days later begins an "I was Raped" thread... Started because someone was curious why a female lead is always written as being raped in fanfiction.
I farking kid you not! So next thing you know there is a myrid of people talking about how they were raped/molested/harrassed, etc. in deep dark detail.
But that was perfectly acceptable.
Got me knackered.
Things like that made me leery to participate in forums TBH. And I stepped back for a very long time (why my absense here was so long) ... I got tired of hearing juvenile attacks, people having to apologise for nothing and people getting offended because someone sneezed ...
Thing I like about forums like this one, and Da House, is that you can talk about anything, and everyone is an adult about it.
Heck I can rant and y'all join in.
And you all understand that if you don't like the topic on hand, you simply will avoid it ...
It's a choice people simply forget they have ...
And if someone offends you, then you shouldn't be denied the right to fight back.
It's human!

Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by SJ_SwanJun on 02-05-2007 at 19:17.
02-05-2007 18:53
Her Royal Fluffiness...Swan of Swans...
I am a Swan.
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02-05-2007 20:05