Exalted Member

I am a Berg Katse.
0 fics uploaded
Registration Date: 07-10-2011
Posts: 239
Hello, everyone.
After lurking for quite a long time, I came to the decision that it might be better if I register already. (I... uh... ran out of threads to read)
I first watched G-Force when I was about 13 years old, which is fourteen years ago. Although I have watched and watch a plethora of other anime series, Gatchaman remained one of my most loved ones. Unfortunately there is literally no one I can talk about about it with (or any other anime for that matter. It's not big in Czech republic), so I hope that with my registering here I can partake on some of the discussions.
As for hobbies, I like writing and drawing, pictures shooting, internet browsing, I study Japanese, I like movies, especially horror and psychological, I read a lot, particularly classics and army/history related books, and I have a cat I love very much.
So, yeah. I hope I'll get along with everyone in here.
That's it for now.
See you around.
Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise, In Brudersphären Wettgesang, und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise, vollendet sie mit Donnergang.
My fanart is here
06-11-2011 21:09
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