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Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-09-2008 at 16:50:

Originally posted by Springie
Funny you should mention that, CD! Guess who is going to teach her students about writing Fan Fiction this year? We've already talked about it, and the kids are soooo excited! They want to do crossovers, too...

Springie that is a fantastic idea! I'm sure they'll all have a terrific time writing stories about their favourite characters!


Posted by clouddancer on 07-09-2008 at 18:52:

Originally posted by lborgia88
There's a manga edition of Hamlet?

I think your students will have fun, Springie! I can't recall ever being asked to write any fiction in school, except poetry.

Funny that is ALL I remember writing in Elementary School. High School I remember writing essays in history and Language and this is were I remember having all my peers laugh at my attempts at writing stories. pileobricks
Interesting what we remember...

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 07-09-2008 at 20:32:

I was mercifully spared any bad experiences. I don't think I ever showed any essays or poems that I wrote to anyone else, and my teachers, thankfully, never made us read them out loud.

Posted by clouddancer on 07-09-2008 at 21:43:

In high school my sharing was not by choice either.
The teacher had asked us to move into small groups to do some group work about Macbeth. Unfortunately, trusting me, left my notebook, in which I had written down stories and thoughts, on my desk and the group that worked near my desk picked up the notebook and started reading it.

The next thing I knew the teacher had left the room and they were reading my private thoughts and the story in it out loud and laughing at all my work. As soon as I got home I threw out that book and never wrote anything personal down again, that way no one could ever make fun of my thoughts again. Which is probably a big reason I find it hard to trust and share any of my thoughts or stories. When ever I want to say anything I still feel and hear their laughter.

And in retrospect probably why I never did well in essays or assignments where I had to give my personal opinions on things. I only gave the facts but never my thoughts. I didn't want to feel like my teachers or professors were going to laugh at what I had to say.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 08-09-2008 at 05:36:

Teenagers are horrible. As soon as I graduated from high school, I went to a university where no one else from my school was going, as far away from home as I could feasibly go! I've blocked a lot out over the years, but when I really think back, I can remember the insecurity and the constant effort to not do anything that would draw any attention my way.

In grade 11 English class, we had to write a series of poems, and my teacher wanted me to submit mine to some literary journal for the high schools in the county, and I flat-out refused, horrified at the thought of any one else reading them (except the teacher -I trusted her). The thing is, looking back now I wish I'd done it, but I know that there was no way I would have done it then -I would have been too afraid of being laughed at.

I only really started to find enough self confidence to speak my ideas once I got to university, especially after I changed majors from chemistry to history. Then, it became hard to shut me up. I felt like a dam had broken inside me and years worth of stuff I wanted to say was pouring out!

Posted by saturn on 08-09-2008 at 09:25:

Wow, I couldn't make the time to visit the internet cafe for just 1 day, and already there had been so many replies with quite wide-ranging topics in this thread, Biglaugh1. Blame it on my ISP,which has not settled its network problem until now. I am still depending on the internet cafe until now, but no biggie,logging on this board is always worth the trouble and has always made my day.Bounce2

Firstly, to Hinotori & Gatchgirl, glad that you like the pictures.Can you believe that all of the pictures are actually hand-drawn and the artist only uses special software like Adobe Photoshop for some finishing and digital effects?Pretty remarkable, isn't it?

It is nice to know that you all are trying to involve your families and close friends with Gatchaman. I have tried to do the same thing with my DH and families. unfortunately,DH lost interest after a few episodes (He is not really much into anime anyway, still very supportive though, he actually paid for my Gatchaman DVDs and OVA.A very sweet "eagle" indeed,Smile ). As for my brother, he is more into current anime like Naruto & One Piece, and I don't actually have any friends here at my place that are gatcha freaks like me. That's why I am hooked on this board, Bounce2

To Springie
I think it is a fantastic idea to introduce fanfic writing to students at the early age.Kids are usually pretty creative anyway, and you as a teacher will definitely be amazed of what students are capable of writing nowadays,Smile

Dear CD
Sorry to hear about your bad experience in high school.It had to be a traumatic experience for you.The positive side is that I think that you are in the right place now, as I can see in this board, most people are very supportive and motivating in terms of their evaluations of another people's works or contributions.So, perhaps you will not be so fearful anymore of sharing your personal thoughts, especially in this board.

Speaking about bad experience in essay writing,I did have one in my English class in high school. The teacher asked all the students in my class to write a book review of an English book. As we were not familiar with book reviews, almost all my friends chose simple English book, like children's storybooks, but I chose English Classic "Wuthering Heights"by Emily Bronte.I have read the novel so many times before, and I really loved the novel and wanted to write a review on it.So I wrote a book review on that novel, and guess what, the teacher accussed me of plagiarism, because she said that it was impossible for a high school student to read such heavy literature and even wrote a fine review on it (that's what she said). I had to strongly defend myself, and even proved to my teacher that I did read the novel from the beginning until the end.She finally relented and gave me the A that I deserved.

This was not the end of the story though.I later found out that she actually sent my book review to a literary journal and used HER name as the writer. I did not want to make a big deal out of it.I had been happy enough that I could write a book review of one of most favorite novel, and this experience had also give me more confidence to write in English.Smile

In any case,in relation to this board, I am still not confident enough to write any fanfics though,so I will leave the fanfic writings to all the professionals in this board, Bowdown 2!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-09-2008 at 13:29:

I too had a hard time in school (elementary and junior school and high school) with being the butt of teasing. It wasn't specifically about writing though... I was just the type of kid that always got picked on because I was a crybaby and wouldn't defend myself. It wasn't until I got older and people actually started respecting me for my grades that I started to relax and de-stress a bit. It took me years to figure out how to come out of my shell and make a friend, and for that I can thank... yup, the internet. ROFL 2 I learned how to make friends on a board much like this one (although it consisted of Non-Gatch general topics and bizarro Mary-Sue-style IFs where everyone on the board and random celebrities were characters) and if it weren't for that I'd probably be sitting in a room all by myself reading books. Instead, I'm not sitting at a computer all by myself typing messages to people I've never met and thinking about the fic I plan on adding to as soon as I'm done. Wink

CD, I can see why you were hurt, and hopefully you realize that we here are much more appreciative of your writing skills than those ignoramus kids were. Huggles

Saturn, I can't believe your teacher stole your work! You should have called her on it! I can completely understand why you didn't, though. Huggles


Posted by lborgia88 on 08-09-2008 at 14:39:

Originally posted by saturn

In any case,in relation to this board, I am still not confident enough to write any fanfics though,so I will leave the fanfic writings to all the professionals in this board, Bowdown 2!

Don't be surprised if, someday, you change your mind! I lurked for about a year at Gatchaman sites, reading everything but never thinking I would ever write fics, but then one day I got an idea and started to write it...

As for your former teacher, I'm convinced that people who steal or cheat must secretly suffer because they have to go through their lives always knowing that they are thieves and cheats.

Posted by lborgia88 on 08-09-2008 at 14:56:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

It took me years to figure out how to come out of my shell and make a friend, and for that I can thank... yup, the internet. ROFL 2

Finding that first true friend really does make all the difference, doesn't it? For me, it was this crazy, unconventional girl who was taking one of the same history classes as me, who had a big personality and was completely unafraid of doing anything she felt like doing. Me, I was born to be a loyal sidekick, so we bonded and then went on a spree...
Best year of my life, in many ways. Funny thing, she's the one who is married and has two children now.

Posted by saturn on 09-09-2008 at 08:19:

Originally posted by lborgia88
I lurked for about a year at Gatchaman sites, reading everything but never thinking I would ever write fics, but then one day I got an idea and started to write it...

Thank God you changed your mind about writing fics, because if not, we would not have the privilege of reading "Guinevere", biggrin2

And if you have not started to write at all,TJ would not have a partner in crime to write " A Night at the J" and that would be a big loss in the "smut" community,laugh3


Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-09-2008 at 12:49:

Originally posted by saturn
And if you have not started to write at all,TJ would not have a partner in crime to write " A Night at the J" and that would be a big loss in the "smut" community,laugh3

You make a good point! Eva started it, and Ebony was supposed to write it with me, and interestingly enough, they both backed out... Nono1


Posted by lborgia88 on 09-09-2008 at 12:56:

Originally posted by saturn

Thank God you changed your mind about writing fics, because if not, we would not have the privilege of reading "Guinevere", biggrin2

And if you have not started to write at all,TJ would not have a partner in crime to write " A Night at the J" and that would be a big loss in the "smut" community,laugh3

You are so nice!

I joined into "A Night at the J" only about 2 weeks after I "delurked" and began posting here. Where Joe or Ken are concerned, I have no shame!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-09-2008 at 13:10:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Where Joe or Ken are concerned, I have no shame!

And that's why we love you, LB! Huggles


Posted by Condorfan on 09-09-2008 at 14:42:

Thanks to all for sharing their writing and school experiences. I, too, was afraid of putting anything down in print in fear of someone finding it and reading it. I used to draw a lot though so as to escape the constant teasing that I was unable to stop. It had gotten so bad that I went to an all girls high school to get away from it--but it just continued there. I drew pictures to escape but its been years and looking back my drawing weren't really good. A few years ago I took some literature classes which I really enjoyed and after reading the fantastic stories from the talented scribes here I'm taking a stab at writing my own story. But I find myself getting stuck though.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by lborgia88 on 09-09-2008 at 15:02:

Originally posted by Condorfan

I'm taking a stab at writing my own story. But I find myself getting stuck though.

Yay!! Is it a Gatch or BOTP fic that you're writing? I've been stuck too, at various times. I got unstuck by either by deciding that the part of the fic that I just do not want to write isn't really all that necessary and cutting it, asking for someone else's opinions/ideas, or just waiting a bit for the right mood and inspiration to strike.

Posted by clouddancer on 09-09-2008 at 16:52:

Yeahhh! Condorfan has decided to try her hand at writing.
I wish you success CF.
As for getting stuck... well I can not really help you there, I just had to wait my way through it, until the inspiration struck again. Although I plot down a few other ideas for stories while I was waiting.

I think the big thing that got me through my non-writing it was all the encouragement I had from people on this site and from talking to others through email.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-09-2008 at 20:24:

Originally posted by Condorfan
I'm taking a stab at writing my own story. But I find myself getting stuck though.

Huggles CF! We know how hard it is to post a story... it's like something of yoruself. If you need help, we're always here.


Posted by Springie on 09-09-2008 at 21:06:

CF, I am so happy to hear that you are writing! You know you have all of us behind you! Wave2


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Condorfan on 09-09-2008 at 21:29:

Thanks to everyone for their encouragement! Anime Smooch

I have trouble keeping the story on track. I tend to take the story in a different direction and then I realize "Hey what happened to the main story?" I'm having difficulties with characterzation at the moment.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-09-2008 at 21:39:

Originally posted by Condorfan
Thanks to everyone for their encouragement! Anime Smooch

I have trouble keeping the story on track. I tend to take the story in a different direction and then I realize "Hey what happened to the main story?" I'm having difficulties with characterzation at the moment.

This is where an outline comes in handy. It doesn't have to be written in stone, but it does keep you on track. Wink


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