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Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-05-2011 at 19:57:

The Jetmobile is actually some kind of random 'land speeder' type thing. Mark knew Princess was in trouble because she was able to click on some kind of 'homing beacon' that she had concealed on her person.

ETA: This reveals all the answers for you, UW!



Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 14-05-2011 at 20:49:

It was CD who had the questions.

'Jetmobile' -- snicker

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by clouddancer on 14-05-2011 at 20:54:

Originally posted by UnpublishedWriter
It was CD who had the questions.

'Jetmobile' -- snicker

that is alright. I am use to being ignored, it is happening all the time at work right now. My Principal has pushed off an evaluation meeting we were supposed to have 3 times now.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-05-2011 at 21:07:

Originally posted by clouddancer
that is alright. I am use to being ignored, it is happening all the time at work right now. My Principal has pushed off an evaluation meeting we were supposed to have 3 times now.

I wasn't ignoring you, CD, I was just not paying attention. My bad. Huggles


Posted by clouddancer on 14-05-2011 at 21:12:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by clouddancer
that is alright. I am use to being ignored, it is happening all the time at work right now. My Principal has pushed off an evaluation meeting we were supposed to have 3 times now.

I wasn't ignoring you, CD, I was just not paying attention. My bad. Huggles

I guess I should have said "overlooked". And no worries TJ, I know you did not do it intentionally. Animekiss

I mentioned to a co-worker, yesterday as I was leaving, what was it that made me such a "pushover?" Most the time I do not mind, but evaluations are stressful in the first place, having to prepare myself three (and now four) times is even more so.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amethyst on 15-05-2011 at 00:15:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I mentioned to a co-worker, yesterday as I was leaving, what was it that made me such a "pushover?" Most the time I do not mind, but evaluations are stressful in the first place, having to prepare myself three (and now four) times is even more so.

CD, talk to your union rep. That is really unforgivable and irresponsible on your principal's part.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by clouddancer on 15-05-2011 at 00:30:

Amethyst, each time it was not my principals fault. The first time it could be said it was my fault. He told me Friday and I assumed he meant the Friday of THAT week, not the following week.

Since then the problem has been unscheduled emergency meetings, set by the board, that have had him miss out on evaluating me. Or, a death in his family. He is not doing this intentionally, I just happen be getting the "fall out" so to speak.

It is also what I get for trying to rush (push up) my evaluation (I requested this be done now, it is not something that is scheduled to be done). After being missed again on Friday, I told him lets just forget about it for this year, but now he really wants to get it done since he has so many to complete next school year.

I do know I will get a good evaluation what ever happens, since he likes me so much and knows the work I do with my class, but ANY evaluation, or having someone in the class to observe you, is stressful.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amethyst on 15-05-2011 at 03:26:

Originally posted by clouddancer
ANY evaluation, or having someone in the class to observe you, is stressful.

I hear you on that. I once had a parent show up, in the office, demanding to see my classroom (by contract we were entitled 24 hours notice), it was not a good day, and I said no. She then showed up at my classroom anyway and it turned to chaos. I think that was the primary reason I was not rehired, as the administration sided with the parent (who might have had a justified complaint if her son ever did any work). I was just glad to be free from that district. Unfortunately, it was bad timing as California quit hiring English teachers that next year and I missed out on prime hiring season because my VP dragged his feet writing a recommendation.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the next schedule Eval goes off without a hitch!

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Springie on 15-05-2011 at 10:44:

I'm lucky that I don't get an official eval this year. We are evaluated every other year once we are tenured. Although, I would'nt have minded this year...I have the best class I've ever had. I'm going to miss them!

I know you'll do great with the eval, CD!

Amethyst, what grade do you teach again?


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 15-05-2011 at 15:22:

I didn't have any in-class evaluations for years. I guess my student evaluation scores were good enough they never bothered. Then i was evaluated 2 years in a row and everything was fine. So I haven't been evaluated since. There's no set schedule, and every Spring I keep waiting for it, but never want to ask if it's coming, KWIM?


Posted by gatchamarie on 15-05-2011 at 17:48:

Good luck with your evaluation, CD!Huggles

TJ ... I've just had the chance to view the last couple of comic pieces you sent and I'm still laughing! Thanks again for sharing!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by amethyst on 16-05-2011 at 02:56:

Originally posted by Springie
Amethyst, what grade do you teach again?

High School. I had freshmen and sophomores in an urban school. About 50% of my students failed half or more of their middle school classes (a few of my sophomores were actually second year freshmen taking both English 9 and 10).

I learned a lot about gangs and the difference between Hispanic gangs, African-American gangs, and Philippino gangs. I'm not sure how much English they learned. I was frustrated because I was not away how much difference 15 miles could make in a culture. I expected to have issues with the African-Americans because they are the culture I had the least experience with (and it did take me some time to learn the different subcultures). What I did not expect was the difference in Hispanic students. My home district where my husband and I went to school and my kids attend, is almost 50% Hispanic. The other districts I've taught in were close to that, and one was over. I really underestimated the difference in rural/suburban Hispanic culture and the urban Hispanic culture (I did deal with few gang-bangers, but mostly wanna-bes before teaching in Vallejo; however, most of them wanted out of that life).

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by clouddancer on 17-05-2011 at 14:34:

The principal finally made it in this morning. He stayed for about 40 minutes saw the kids working and then left. Now all that is left is sitting down and having a discussion with him about the things he saw in class as well as some of the things I do that he did not see.

I have about 15 areas (questions) to answer before I meet with him.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Pufles65 on 18-05-2011 at 03:58:

Good Luck CD, never more stressful than being evaluated. Smile I hope everything works out great. Smile

Love the comic, I had that one growing up, but thanks to my ex-mother-in-law I think it was given away when I was getting rid of things while trying to save my marriage. Should have thrown him out instead of my comics. Frown

That comic always cracked me up. Smile I remember buying that one it was in a packet of 3 and I couldn't tell you what the other 2 comics were, I just wanted the BoftheP one. Smile Awww the memories. Wish I could have collected all of them.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-05-2011 at 20:19:

Here's the following page of the story.


Oh, the horrible cliffhanger! Will G-Force survive?

Notice the nod to canon... Princess isn't wearing her numbered civvies, so Keyop had to bring her a spare uniform. But... does that mean she changed clothes in front of all the guys???? I thought this was a children's show!!!!!

Also... did Zoltar know it was Princess from G-Force? Now you realize why it's a bad idea to make your secret identities known! Think about *that* the next time you wrestle as a member of G-Force, Tiny!


Posted by clouddancer on 19-05-2011 at 21:19:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Also... did Zoltar know it was Princess from G-Force? Now you realize why it's a bad idea to make your secret identities known! Think about *that* the next time you wrestle as a member of G-Force, Tiny!

Of course there will be no comment made that that is not the way to "keep your identity." After all it is SO obvious so who would believe it to be true. animewink

Princess was "tricked"? That does not make her seem to be a "smart" as I like to believe she is.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Becky Rock on 19-05-2011 at 22:19:

From what Zoltar says, he knew Princess was a member of G-Force and would call in the rest of the team.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Springie on 19-05-2011 at 22:30:

Too funny- love that Keyop happened to have her uniform- wonder if they have those things dry cleaned? animeyoyo


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-05-2011 at 23:58:

Yeah, Princess gets captured every so often... she's 'the girl' you know, and 'the guys' have to rescue her. Sigh...


Posted by amethyst on 20-05-2011 at 00:22:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Yeah, Princess gets captured every so often... she's 'the girl' you know, and 'the guys' have to rescue her. Sigh...

I think they did switch that up everyone once in a while, though I don't think she was ever on her own.

Perspective Alters Reality

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