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Posted by Victoria on 12-10-2014 at 23:32:

Originally posted by ElectricWhite
I couldn't help thinking of this non-Springie classic:


Well, that's just mean. In so many ways. If we celebrated Halloween in this edge of woods, I'd certainly... commission my mom to make me Katse-sama's costume, since I can't really sew. (sorry for my absence, everyone. I think I'm allright now Blushing )

Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise, In Brudersphären Wettgesang, und ihre vorgeschriebne Reise, vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

My fanart is here

Posted by ChrisW on 13-10-2014 at 00:11:

Glad to hear you're okay, Victoria!

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by ElectricWhite on 13-10-2014 at 00:37:

Glad you're doing all right, Victoria, and it's good to hear from you!

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by Springie on 13-10-2014 at 03:00:

Glad you're back, Victoria! We'd love to see you in a Katse costume...and we'd tell Joe not to attack you! *grin*


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Becky Rock on 13-10-2014 at 20:04:

Nice to have you back, Victoria.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Kritter on 13-10-2014 at 20:43:

Good to hear from you again Victoria.

No matter how much cats fight there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

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