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Posted by rachel on 03-04-2014 at 13:35:
These are Japanese fan art site. 
They're really goooood~~
Posted by Redbird on 03-04-2014 at 21:39:
Thank you so much for the links Rachel !

Edit: I'm sorry--- didn't see you had posted another message before the last one. It's very interesting to hear how your parents (and school) viewed comics when you were younger. I tend to think parents in the U.S. felt that way about them a long time ago. I can't imagine a school burning comic books.....
Playing darts with the Condor's feather shuriken...
Posted by clouddancer on 04-04-2014 at 00:19:
Thank you for educating me on the Korean situation Rachel and for the links to fan art sites. I love finding new art work from artists who I have never seen before.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
Posted by Becky Rock on 04-04-2014 at 01:08:
I agree that the information you have shared about Korean society is very fascinating. It's one thing for us to look in and make assumptions. Quite another to hear the inside scoop. Thanks!
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
Posted by Springie on 04-04-2014 at 01:15:
Thanks so much for those links! Some of them I had seen before, but some were new to me. It's always exciting to see new Gatchaman fan art!
There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.
Posted by jublke on 04-04-2014 at 03:44:
That drawing - which is fantastic - looks an awful lot like Diinzumo's style to me. Is it possible that is a Bird Scramble cover that has been altered ... or perhaps someone copied her style as they drew it?
"The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal
Posted by ChrisW on 04-04-2014 at 04:20:
Rachel, I totally agree about Crowds, I'm one of those snobs who's really annoyed that it has the word "Gatchaman" attached to it.
That's really fascinating about Korean culture when it comes to animation and comics. I can see how that could be scarring and make it hard for fan culture to emerge even later. Those nicknames for Ken, Joe, and Jun are pretty funny (to me, anyway). Teens do like to find ways to anger their adult "oppressors," don't they?
Like others have mentioned, many American parents (and Canadian) had no respect for comics and/or animation as their children got older, seeing them only as distractions and childish. Yet many Americans/Canadians considered themselves comic book collectors. My husband went away to university and came home to find that his parents had thrown all of his comics away. He was quite upset!
There's still an American/Canadian perception that comics and animation is for children, but broader exposure to foreign animation and expanded comics/graphic novels and animation aimed at adult markets has changed things somewhat over here.
Thanks so much for the site links. I'm all excited to go explore and find new art!
Eagle Whisperer
Posted by ChrisW on 04-04-2014 at 04:24:
Oh and thank you for looking for those tapes! I'm sure James is happy to learn anything he can about the Korean version even if he can't see it.
Eagle Whisperer
Posted by rachel on 04-04-2014 at 08:51:
In 1770's, dictators didn't let men's hair grow long.
And miniskirts were illegal.
Gatchaman was released after disposal of these ridiculous laws. No one might not be brave enough to import foreign animation whose heroes's hairstyles were illegal.
This is what happens if G-force would have visited Korea in 70's. 
Posted by rachel on 04-04-2014 at 18:42:
quote: |
Originally posted by jublke
Is it possible that is a Bird Scramble cover that has been altered .? |
Deaar Jublke.
Sorry, I can't understand. Would you please explain more?
Posted by ChrisW on 04-04-2014 at 19:30:
Oh no, I always loved that messy hair! I suppose Jun would have been in big trouble, too, if she'd been in Birdstyle with that miniskirt.
Eagle Whisperer
Posted by jublke on 04-04-2014 at 19:45:
quote: |
Originally posted by rachel
quote: | Originally posted by jublke
Is it possible that is a Bird Scramble cover that has been altered .? |
Deaar Jublke.
Sorry, I can't understand. Would you please explain more?  |
Hi Rachel:
The drawing you found and posted looks very familiar to me. I was wondering if someone had tried to draw in the style of a Gatch fan artist named Diinzumo. She used to draw some of the cover pictures for the Amateur Press Association quarterly magazine Bird Scramble (several of us on here are members - we can use some new members, hint hint!). I was wondering if anyone else thought the picture looked familiar. Sometimes Diinzumo drew her pictures in black and white, so I also wondered if someone could have taken her drawing and colorized it.
It could also be that there is no relationship between Diinzumo and this other artist. In this case, I might have offended the artist - sorry!
Bottom line, it's a great drawing, no matter who drew it.
"The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal
Posted by Reboekah on 04-04-2014 at 21:46:
quote: |
Originally posted by jublke
quote: | Originally posted by rachel
quote: | Originally posted by jublke
Is it possible that is a Bird Scramble cover that has been altered .? |
Deaar Jublke.
Sorry, I can't understand. Would you please explain more?  |
Hi Rachel:
The drawing you found and posted looks very familiar to me. I was wondering if someone had tried to draw in the style of a Gatch fan artist named Diinzumo. She used to draw some of the cover pictures for the Amateur Press Association quarterly magazine Bird Scramble (several of us on here are members - we can use some new members, hint hint!). I was wondering if anyone else thought the picture looked familiar. Sometimes Diinzumo drew her pictures in black and white, so I also wondered if someone could have taken her drawing and colorized it.
It could also be that there is no relationship between Diinzumo and this other artist. In this case, I might have offended the artist - sorry!
Bottom line, it's a great drawing, no matter who drew it. 
Jublke |
Hi Jublke!
Nope - that is not a Diinzumo classic, but an original by one of the Japanese fan artists... Don't recall which one right off the top of my head...
I have all of the BS! covers scanned... once my personal website migrates to my new server, I'll post another link and let everyone enjoy...
Bird Scramble OE
155 issues - 36.5Years! - and flying high!
Posted by Springie on 04-04-2014 at 23:56:
Rachel did you do that drawing of Ken getting his hair cut? It's really good- and really funny! Now I'm wondering what they'd all look like with haircuts! *grin*
There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.
Posted by clouddancer on 05-04-2014 at 00:08:
quote: |
Originally posted by Reboekah
Hi Jublke!
Nope - that is not a Diinzumo classic, but an original by one of the Japanese fan artists... Don't recall which one right off the top of my head...
I have all of the BS! covers scanned... once my personal website migrates to my new server, I'll post another link and let everyone enjoy...
-Boeke |
It is a Japanese artist … Sayuri perhaps ? or is it Miya or Asakura? I don't think it is Phantom G's.
I have seen it on Sayuri's website in the artist section … I would have to go looking at all the artists again to find the artist.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
Posted by Becky Rock on 05-04-2014 at 01:01:
That's actually one of my favorites of Ken.
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
Posted by Springie on 05-04-2014 at 01:10:
quote: |
Originally posted by Becky Rock
That's actually one of my favorites of Ken. |
It's one of my favorites, too! Love that expression on his face!
There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.
Posted by jublke on 05-04-2014 at 02:31:
I am very impressed! My apologies to the Japanese artist. Very nice.
"The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal
Posted by Becky Rock on 05-04-2014 at 15:30:
I can't believe they actually went around with measuring sticks to check people for hair and skirt length, but the pictures don't lie.
In one of the pictures, the men have their heads down. Are they ashamed their hair is too long, are they hiding their faces to not be identified, or feel beaten?
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
Posted by rachel on 06-04-2014 at 02:13:
quote: |
Originally posted by Becky Rock
In one of the pictures, the men have their heads down. Are they ashamed their hair is too long, are they hiding their faces to not be identified, or feel beaten? |
They didn't think their hairstyles are shameful. They're just lowering their heads down not to be identified.
In 1880, these regulations had been disposed of. But in middle and high schools still ban student's "untidy" hairstyles. Korean females who are order 4~5 years than me(I'm 30) couldn't raise their hair more than 3cm from her earlobe. When I was a student, long hairs were accepted, but I couldn't had my hair dyed or curled. Female students had to bind her hair with a black plain rubber band. If its color is not black or there is a decorative charm on it, teachers forfeited the band. One day one of my aunt who lived in England gave me very beautiful ponytail holders. I brought them to school to show off to my classmates. But one jealous girl tattled to the homeroom teacher. She took them away from my backpack. Next day my mother visited the school with a fruits basket, and pleaded her to return them. I was sobbing next to my mother. LOL.
Also, only white panties and bras were allowed for female students. Sometimes female teachers looked into inside of school uniforms to find out "BAD underwear" and male homeroom teacher had girls jacket off and ordered her to band her back to check white bra under her blouse. (These days school teachers do not inspect girl's underwear.) When he ordered me to band my back, I didn't feel embarrassed or being insulted. I just accepted it without any question, I just thought that he was guiding students into right ways.
These regulations were stricter in private schools. There is high possibility that women around my age who attended public schools didn't experienced at least underwear checking. In Korea, 40% of middle and high school is private, and the almost owners are member of Senuri-Dang. As I said before, Senuri-Dang members are descendants of traitors. After Japanese left Korea after world war 2 they hurriedly established schools to soothe angry people. Well, you may understand what I'm trying to say.(private schools are counting on government supports. the owner only give out 1.5% of budget. Running a school is very very profitable business in Korea)
Anyway, <Allowing students free hairstyle> is a hot potato still. Also <Physical punishment upon students> is a hot issue, too. I was also experienced physical punishment. I was not that frequently beaten, but it was my common school life watching other students being beaten. Seeing purple bruises on my friend's thigh or calves was really horrible. So I desperately strove to follow the every regulations set by teachers. In my school if class's exam results were not satisfactory, homeroom teachers used to beat us because it made the teacher stay away from <bonus>. Parents welcomed punishments so their girls could enter high rank universities. One day a homeroom teacher next to my class, he was entitled to that <bonus>. It was his first <exam bonus>, so the gleeful young teacher brought his girls to a Chinese restaurant. Finally we had known about the <bonus>. It really made every student upset. After that, the young teacher was bullied by his colleagues.
When the anti-Senuri superintendent of education was elected, Senuri was really horrified by it. He tried to ban physical punishments, allow free hairstyles and guarantee the freedom of assembly for students.(it is banned by law) Also he wanted private school's accounts to be transparent, the process of employment of teachers should be clean. He also insisted that teachers who were accused by sexual harassment upon girls should be kicked out of the school forever.(Sexual harassment in school is mainly done by male teachers who is a relative of school owner) After the election, he was accused by Senuri that he forced the other anti-Senuri candidate not to participate in the election. He was sentenced a year of prison labor in 2012, but he was released after 6 months. It was a really big scandal, but main media didn't reported his release sincerely. So many elder people consider that he is still in a jail. Though he was sentenced only a year, and today is 2014. The prosecutor demanded 4 years, and the media loudly babbled it. But when the judge finally gave him a year of prison labor, they became silent. Many Korean do not know the difference between prosecutor's demand and final judgement. This is typical mean how Senuri-Dang contaminate their enemy's reputations.
Senuri-Dang itself consists of descendants of dictators, high government officials, big business owners and dirty medias. They are bounded each other by marriages like a spiderweb.
The school I attended was owned by the largest cosmetic company in Korea. And the owner had his daughter marry a son of the newspaper proprietor who runs the largest paper media. I do not buy any cosmetics produced by them. I patronize MAC, Benefits and other foreign brands. I do not buy them at the large department store, because they are owned by Senuri-Dang members too. Sometimes I feel really exhausted to evade them cause they are all around me, but I just can't stop it remembering the true patriots who were killed or assassinated by dictators. It's very hard to stay awake. I can understand the traitor guy in the movie Matrix 1. He betrays his colleagues. He says he would rather choose fake steaks rather than disgusting real meals. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to the moment when I didn't aware of uncomfortable truth.
Recently my husband delivered an disappointing political news to me. Then I showed my irritation accusing him that he is ruining my sophisticated teatime with French black tea!! LOL.
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