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Posted by saturn on 27-07-2008 at 18:07:

Originally posted by clouddancer
Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
I know...

We send in Springie,TJ and CD who are there now and they can ambush them with a story and plot line thats Gatchaman all over!!!!

Katsesama could ahhh create a diversion...

Well we did invade the booth several times even with TJ in Swan costume but the goons at the booth did not even recognize her or get any of the jokes we were spitting out about gatchaman.

Soooo.....fingers crossed, maybe it will come.

Well, Clouddancer had desribed it perfectly well, those people in the booth are Goons, and of course we all know how "intelligent" Goons are. Cyclops1

Just make sure to take some pictures if TJ has ever decided to use her yoyo on the clueless marketing people. Would love to see a swan in action!

And if I read it correctly, IMAGI is talking about ancient Samurai history in the movie. Are this people confused between a Samurai and a Ninja?It is like confusing between a spy like James Bond and General Hawk from GI Joe!


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 27-07-2008 at 22:26:

So trues Saturn that's what I was thinking... Maybe that's why the idea got scrapped!

I hold out hope that SOMEONE who is involved in making the movie actually takes the time to watch the series.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 27-07-2008 at 22:59:

Well, everyone at the booth is so focused on Astroboy I really do not think they have much idea on other things they were advertising.

And to give them credit, if you can give goons credit the picture of the Swan, I will assume that is who it is, is not dressed AS the Swan. A youngish girl holding her yo-yo "walking the dog" trick, I believe it is called, down by her leg.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 28-07-2008 at 11:49:

We're all hanging out here to find out what went on at the Comic Con!

James, are you out there!!! I heard a rumour that you were there...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 29-07-2008 at 01:47:

James was there, but I'm not sure if he's home yet.

There's not much for me to add here, except to say that generally the people who run these booths are very low level personnel. These AREN'T the people doing the movie. The act that they didn't recognize my costume just says to me that Imagi isn't focusing on it yet, so they hadn't been educated, KWIM?

BUT... I went by that booth every day (3 days in costume) and on the last day I went without a costume and the head 'goon' lady there recognized me... "Gatchaman, right?" she asked. Ah well, at least she'll repor that there was a psycho lady in a Gatchaman costume who visited every day. ROFL 2


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 29-07-2008 at 04:36:

TJ did you give them your details so they could contact you for advice about the movie...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 29-07-2008 at 05:43:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
James was there, but I'm not sure if he's home yet.

There's not much for me to add here, except to say that generally the people who run these booths are very low level personnel. These AREN'T the people doing the movie. The act that they didn't recognize my costume just says to me that Imagi isn't focusing on it yet, so they hadn't been educated, KWIM?

BUT... I went by that booth every day (3 days in costume) and on the last day I went without a costume and the head 'goon' lady there recognized me... "Gatchaman, right?" she asked. Ah well, at least she'll repor that there was a psycho lady in a Gatchaman costume who visited every day. ROFL 2

I visited everyday as well. But they did not say anything to me, even when I was standing in their way as they handed out Astro boy posters. King2

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Springie on 29-07-2008 at 11:47:

I'm baaaaack! I had such a great time meeting everyone...and spending time giggling with TJ and CD! The three of us were giddy as we stood watching the teaser at the Imagi booth. I have to say, it looks pretty good...and Joe is HOT! Most of the preview was of him in his car, taking out some goons who looked like they were in the middle of some weapons deal. And Jun looked cute, but really young! Everyone at the Gatchacon seemed to think that this was just old footage from before Jun took over, it may not even be in the movie...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 29-07-2008 at 12:07:

Thanks Springie!!!

I wonder why they would make Jun look so young in the first place????

A hot looking can you lose!!!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 29-07-2008 at 13:15:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
TJ did you give them your details so they could contact you for advice about the movie...

Um...... no.

(Where is that smilie when you need it? ROFL 2 )


Posted by Transmute Jun on 29-07-2008 at 13:19:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
I wonder why they would make Jun look so young in the first place????

A hot looking can you lose!!!

JMHO, but I think the shot of Jun was supposed to be her as a child, during the first Galactor attack. In other words, BEFORE she joined the KNT.

Yes, Joe was HOT and better yet, instantly recognizable as Joe. Big Grin

I forgot to comment on the Samurai thing earlier. I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this, so perhaps others will correct me, but it is my understanding that despite being CALLED ninjas, the KNT actually bear more resemblance in function to samurai. Regardless, there are elements of both in the KNT we know and love.


Posted by tatsunokofan on 29-07-2008 at 17:38:

Hi all!

James was there, but I'm not sure if he's home yet.

Yes, I was there, and yes, I'm home. I got in last night, and am now busy trying to get caught up on things that got piled up while I was away...

Everyone at the Gatchacon seemed to think that this was just old footage from before Jun took over, it may not even be in the movie...

Not from before Jun took over, but recent test footage to see how things looked and moved. Like Condorfan said after seeing the footage at Anime Expo:

However, they did show a brief animation test of some Gatchaman footage which will be shown at Comic Con.

HOWEVER, the Imagi rep said these were computer tests and the characters may not look like this when the movie comes out. The footage was dated May 19, 2008.

This was basically the same thing that the Imagi people at the booth (At least those with at more than two active brain cells to rub together...) reiterated regarding the footage.


Posted by gatchgirl on 29-07-2008 at 23:02:

Thanks for all the updates everyone....

Glad to have back some of our gang, it was rather quiet around here without you all.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to Drool3 over the thought of a sexy Condor. The comment made by TJ saying that even better he's recognizable as the Condor, makes it all the better.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Hinotori on 29-07-2008 at 23:27:

Welcome back, Everyone! We missed you all while you were at Comic Con! Seems you all had a great time though.

And thanks for all the updates and news! Hopefully the Imagi folks will keep Joe looking the way he did in the test footage. Don't want them messing around with hottness and having him become not-hot!! I want to be Luvu2 when the film is released!!!!!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by lborgia88 on 29-07-2008 at 23:57:

I'm glad everyone here who went to Comic Con had a good time. Thanks for sharing the details! I'll be leaving Nova Scotia tomorrow to head back to Indianapolis (sob!), but I guess I can't stay here forever (I do have a fic to finish...)

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 30-07-2008 at 00:30:

Iboriga you do have a ficcie to finish!! Make sure you don't miss that flight...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 30-07-2008 at 02:47:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
Iboriga you do have a ficcie to finish!! Make sure you don't miss that flight...

if she was as dedicated as TJ and Springie she would be taking a notebook with her so she could write in her free time. Actually I thought I might find the inspiration while I was away and do some writing as well which is why I took my laptop with me ... unfortunately, the wrong kind of inspiration struck. Wink

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 30-07-2008 at 03:01:

CD does that mean you'll be writing Smut in your stories now!! Spending time with those two Swans really did corrupt you even more...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Condorfan on 30-07-2008 at 04:14:

I'm glad everyone had a good time and made it home safely. I'm glad you all are back..we need more smut!

That is a hot looking Joe in that footage...but whether or not they keep it remains to be seen. I liked the action though, fast paced and fun.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by clouddancer on 30-07-2008 at 13:45:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
CD does that mean you'll be writing Smut in your stories now!! Spending time with those two Swans really did corrupt you even more...

Smut .... No, at least not smut like you and TJ write, maybe at some stage the prequel to smut. No I was thinking more of the silliness and laughs the three of us had, creating weird mecha, Galactor captains and getting the team into and out of trouble. Wink3

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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