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Posted by Elvin Ruler on 30-04-2004 at 03:55: they're asking for the nasty?! Wow guys, ya'll have quite a find here. Lola might deserve another round. Big Grin Hope you enjoyed your trip to Mexico. I *love* Mexican food. Enchiladas, Chile Rilleno (I think that's how you spell it...I like to eat, not spell), all that wonderful food that you can literally feel clog your arteries. Wonderful. Where in Mexico did you go?

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Firebird on 30-04-2004 at 06:29:

I dont know Lola Imi certainly was not meant to scimp on the frisking with you. Maybe Imi was having an off day and should try again?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by imaqtz on 30-04-2004 at 14:11:

Moi?..Scrimp On Frisking?..

I NEVER scrimp on my Frisks!! I enjoy corrupting our newbies into debauchery and chaos too much to ever scrimp! . Evillaugh

Funny tho, Ive recieved death threats and paternity suits over Frisking, dont think Ive come across a complaint of Not enough Frisking! Eek1
Big Grin

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Firebird on 30-04-2004 at 14:43:

Well read up Imi Lola wanted vaseline and rubber gloves as well

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Firebird on 30-04-2004 at 15:42:

Lola, Ashke...

What do you think?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 30-04-2004 at 17:16:

Paternity suit?


Good thing I'm a mere little Cricket, don't have to worry about such things.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 30-04-2004 at 17:21:

Heh...maybe you should use protection first, Imicondor? Gotta keep the world population down, ya know. Course, you could just sell the little tykes into slavery or something. ^_^

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Lolabella on 30-04-2004 at 20:35:

*saunters back through the door, singing...*

What Lola wants, Lola gets...

*shows members array of whips and chains and fur lined handcuffs*

Thought I would bring my own props to the Welcoming Party.

*looks around room*

Any takers?


Posted by Cep on 30-04-2004 at 21:10:

Ok baby! Lets do this! Winknudge

Nurse Kinky Sex Over18

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Ashke on 01-05-2004 at 15:28:

Hi Lola! Hope you and Imi have fun! I'll bring a video camera!

Posted by Cep on 01-05-2004 at 15:39:

You could make a profit from that Ashke....or one of those newbie safety videos.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Ashke on 01-05-2004 at 15:57:

Just incase we need to blackmail somebody at a later date!Devil1

Posted by imaqtz on 02-05-2004 at 15:50:

Too late Ashke....Ive already sold Lolla/ Cep "welome Par-tay" video to E! News , People magazine and uploaded it on the net...

So far its taking more hits than the Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton ones~! good to get rich off these things..

Moral of the story: DONT *intend* to do things..just DO them...and Cep, how many times have I warned ya to LOCK Frisking room when Welcoming Newbies...or to switch off hidden surveillance cameras if you dont want to be seen or make use of those videos yourself??


Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Ashke on 02-05-2004 at 19:00:

What the heck have I gotten myself into! *grins*

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 03-05-2004 at 03:12:

Heh...I find that when one needs to ask that's best not to ask it. Someone just might answer, and that answer may be terrifying and capable of scarring one for life.

*points at scars*

See? Not a chance they're going away.

Oh...wait...that saying pertains to psychological scars...not physical. Duh. ^_^ Sorry, I get my phrases mixed up sometimes. Brain's a little scrambled, you know. Inverted1

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Ashke on 06-05-2004 at 23:49:

Oh, thats right, tell me AFTER I've already signed up. You really have to post a warning on this site

Posted by mei on 07-05-2004 at 00:18:

Cep, I think Ashka is right, we should definitely post a warning somewhere. And that'll probably appeal more newbies than we'd ever imagine. Big Grin


Posted by Elvin Ruler on 07-05-2004 at 00:24:

Yeah, just see how many nuts we get if we post warnings about frisking and zaniness...

Oh...wait...we're all nuts, so does it really matter? Hmmm...but we could get flocks of aspiring crazies. Could be good stuff.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Firebird on 07-05-2004 at 06:18:

AH but it wont be the same.

The frisking and zaniness is a bonus for all those that love Gatch in its various incarnations and its a gift from fellow fans and should only be shared with true Gatchamaniacs.

Would it be fair to do otherwise?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 07-05-2004 at 14:57: that you mention it, probably not. Course, we could tie them up and make them watch Gatch/incarnations until they *become* fans. Get 'em addicted and all that.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

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