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Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-04-2009 at 00:44:

Funny... that whipped cream looks a lot like shaving cream to me... but then the guy ate it... ewwww.....

James, what were the girls in the beginning teasing Gatchapin about? I was ROFL 2 when they slapped his helmet and it had that cheap plasticky sound! Wink


Posted by lborgia88 on 14-04-2009 at 01:28:

Yikes, but when the villain pulled down his shorts I was all "what is he doing ?!" until... Laugh1 Now I understand where the "cat" in his name comes from.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-04-2009 at 02:13:

Hi all!

what were the girls in the beginning teasing Gatchapin about?

They weren't so much teasing him as admiring how soft he felt.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 14-04-2009 at 12:29:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
They weren't so much teasing him as admiring how soft he felt.

Ah, well no wonder he was upset! What male superhero wants to be told that he's 'soft'? ROFL 2


Posted by tatsunokofan on 14-04-2009 at 23:56:

Hi all!

Episode #13 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "Tears, Tears of...Asakusa's Frustrations"

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

Today Gatchapin faces off against the Mystery Man Frustrating Rimble!



Posted by lborgia88 on 15-04-2009 at 03:14:

How did Gatchapin do that? Was the cup glued to the tray, because I was certainly expecting it to slide off.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 15-04-2009 at 23:43:

Hi all!

Episode #14 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "Game Center Asakusa X"

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

Today Gatchapin faces off against the Mystery Man Game Center Arinox!



Posted by lborgia88 on 16-04-2009 at 02:00:

I feel bad for Gatchapin! How many tries did it take him to make a hit, and were those members of the film crew that he was hitting? Laugh1

Posted by Transmute Jun on 16-04-2009 at 03:05:

But when he did make a hit, he got it *right* on target!!!!! Wink

Still waiting for the 'awesome' weapon James mentioned. I guess it comes tomorrow!


Posted by tatsunokofan on 16-04-2009 at 16:16:

Hi all!

Still waiting for the 'awesome' weapon James mentioned.

You've misinterpreted my words. What I said was "There's actually a weapon coming up later this week that, at least in its usage, ends up being far more memorable than the Mentos & Pepsi weapons."

The key part of that is "in its usage." I never said the weapon itself was overly memorable, only that it is memorable when we see it being used.

So, to clarify, I was referrring to the weapon in the current episode (#14) of Gatchapin. I can't help but get a laugh out of seeing Gatchapin's numerous attempts to use the weapon properly, the production crew (And the villain!) having to chase the weapon down and return it to him, even having Gatchapin hitting the cameraman with the weapon at one point, all before Gatchapin manages to use the weapon in a manner that will make certain that this is one Mystery Man who will think twice before returning to a life of crime. To me, that is far more memorable than simply seeing a guy sprayed with soda.

Lowbrow humor to be sure, but still funny.

I'm also sort of surprised that no one has mentioned the moment when Gatchapin bangs his head against the game machine...


Posted by tatsunokofan on 16-04-2009 at 23:54:

Hi all!

Episode #15 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "Frightening! The Asakusa Frozen Solid Plan"

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

Today Gatchapin faces off against the Mystery Man Frozenman!

With the Fuji Kids site having already run Gatchapin #'s 16~20 last week, this episode marks the final episode of Gatchapin before they start repeating the series next week.

So, for one last time, enjoy!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 17-04-2009 at 15:05:

I have to say that this 'last' crime is one of the funniest to me! I remember seeing all of that plastic food in Japan in the restaurant windows, and it was so helpful! And it's so common to see it...

And then, all of those people (especially the poor 'American' boys who can barely speak Japanese) being confounded by it, as if they've never seen the plastic food before! ROFL 2 The 'American' boys were snickering so hard as they spoke their lines!

My DD was watching the scene where Gatchapin gets the plastic ice cream, and she was so disappointed that his tooth didn't break. Now *that* would have been funny, if Gatchapin's tooth had fallen off!

And then Gatchapin just sits there and whines... DD was yelling at Gatchapin to 'throw the ice cream at the bad guy'! I think that would have been a far better weapon than the paper snaps! JMHO... Wink


Posted by lborgia88 on 17-04-2009 at 15:31:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I have to say that this 'last' crime is one of the funniest to me! I remember seeing all of that plastic food in Japan in the restaurant windows, and it was so helpful! And it's so common to see it...

And then, all of those people (especially the poor 'American' boys who can barely speak Japanese) being confounded by it, as if they've never seen the plastic food before! ROFL 2 The 'American' boys were snickering so hard as they spoke their lines!

My DD was watching the scene where Gatchapin gets the plastic ice cream, and she was so disappointed that his tooth didn't break. Now *that* would have been funny, if Gatchapin's tooth had fallen off!

And then Gatchapin just sits there and whines... DD was yelling at Gatchapin to 'throw the ice cream at the bad guy'! I think that would have been a far better weapon than the paper snaps! JMHO... Wink

Maybe, after the previous episode, he's afraid that if he throws anything, he'll just miss his target?

I think I would have felt sorry for Gatchapin if he'd broken a tooth off! Laugh1 Of course, he could probably just grow a new one, or Dr. Muuken could reattach it.

Those two American boys were certainly complete goofs! I hope they aren't a representation of how young North Americans are perceived in Japan.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 17-04-2009 at 22:42:

Hi all!

And then, all of those people (especially the poor 'American' boys who can barely speak Japanese) being confounded by it, as if they've never seen the plastic food before!

While, yes, the food seen in the episode was indeed the plastic food typically found at Japanese restaurants, it was not supposed to be plastic in this episode. It was, as the title for the episode and the name of the Mystery Man imply, supposed to be real food frozen solid (Just like the poor rickshaw driver who didn't move was supposed to be frozen as well).


Posted by tatsunokofan on 18-04-2009 at 00:17:

Hi all!

For those who missed any of the Gatchapin episodes that were available this week, all five episodes are now available for viewing over the weekend.

They can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

Since Fuji Kids posted the final five episodes last week, these were the last new episodes in the series. Come Monday, I'd expect them to be returning to the beginning with the first episodes of "Go Go! Gatchapin." You are, of course, more than welcome to continue to use the ID and password to watch these, but this will be the last of these reminders I will be posting regarding the latest episodes (Unless, of course, they produce new episodes. But, since it's been nearly a year since the last new episode aired, I think this is fairly unlikely). Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed them!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-04-2009 at 01:52:

Okay, I thought the Rickshaw driver was supposed to have been turned into plastic as well! Shows you what I know... Wink


Posted by clouddancer on 18-04-2009 at 02:16:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Come Monday, I'd expect them to be returning to the beginning with the first episodes of "Go Go! Gatchapin."


How likely is it that all these eps. will be repeated again? Your comment makes it seem likely, but I was wondering if there might be something else in the wings to show for the Fuji club to show, now that this series has been completed.

Thank you for the constant reminders, James. I did miss a few eps. this week and have now been able to "catch up" on them.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 18-04-2009 at 04:23:

Hi all!

How likely is it that all these eps. will be repeated again? Your comment makes it seem likely, but I was wondering if there might be something else in the wings to show for the Fuji club to show, now that this series has been completed.

Very likely. This makes the third time I've seen them cycle through the run since they started running them all. Prior to that, they were simply cycling through the 20 episodes of the then-current "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" series, matching the episodes that were airing on their station that day. Now the series is airing once a week on their station, but five days a week on their website.


Posted by clouddancer on 18-04-2009 at 14:33:

Thank you James, that means I get to watch my favourite ones again cheerleader2 - as long as I remember which days/weeks they were. Wink

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 20-04-2009 at 01:08:

For those who are interested, Fuji Kids seems to be airing episodes 16-20 of the most recent Gatchapin series this week.


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