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Posted by Cep on 14-04-2007 at 18:13:

Aww I feel all loved and supremo now Pope

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 15-04-2007 at 14:42:

Lolaaaaa!!!! Been, like, forever! How've you been? We've heard about Imi, now your turn!

Chat? hmmm, better ration. Do NOT put on "open all these every time I get bored" list.

Lookin' like old-home-week around here. Good times await!

(Bath Uh, Cep, I really didn't need to see that. Prefer to think of you like this Pope , or maybe Pharoah . Definitely Magic


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 15-04-2007 at 14:52:

Speaking of Chat, I missed Meridian by 5 minutes!

(Will I even open my email before the family gets back? Let alone de-spam and read any of it?)

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by imaqtz on 15-04-2007 at 14:54:

Tis very good to see familiar faces (does da Happy dance with Lola! woo! ) coming out of the woodwork as well as getting to know the new ones who already post very much like us ole criginal crazies!

And do you honestly think of Cep that old and sagely and Dumbledorely?

heck ever since he mentioned the shower Ive been trying stop using my imagination!!!! Angel3

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 15-04-2007 at 15:24:

nah, more like Eyebrows

Never mind me and my twisted world-view.

Now, how come we're cross-posting and you ain't in the chat?

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Cep on 16-04-2007 at 09:31:

I've always thought of myself as Batman

But mostly just Moonie3

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Yuki on 04-05-2007 at 15:09:

Imi darl, you know.. you really got me in tears!

I am so proud of you... so proud of your gorgeous kiddies! They are so lucky to have you as a mom as you are just such a wonderful person!

I really don't know what to say! You know how much we all love you, right? No need for words, right?

Sorry, that I am a month late in responding.. I have been very very busy since Easter. I have a week's break now before another crazy 8 weeks. Meanwhile, I'll try to clean up the house and get the alumni set up.

Other than that...hee..hee.. I mean to catch up with you and all the other wonderful folks on site.

I am so glad to see you back (yeah right.. as if I have been around) heh! And bravo for all your strength. So glad all the crap is over and that your entire family is happy! That's the most important part!


C'ya later.. huns...


Posted by imaqtz on 04-05-2007 at 16:31:

Thanks darl. <<superhugs>> :hugs:

A week off you say eh? hmmmmmm...*slowsmirk*

I can see a week of wrecking some real damage round the place before you get back to another 8 hectic weeks!

evilvsangel evilvsangel evilvsangel

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Yuki on 09-05-2007 at 04:24:

Yup.. yup.. hun..

I do mean to wreck some damage.. just email me when you plan to be around.. and we can meet on chat.. k?

btw.. can you believe that I mistyped 'meet' twice before getting it right? First I got it spelled 'mean' and then I got it spelled 'meat'.. pathetic..pathetic..

Anyhow.. ttyl..


Posted by Yuki on 09-05-2007 at 04:26:

Oh.. btw.. I just noticed this smilie... Samurai2

Sooo cool!!!!!

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