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Posted by kimiko on 20-10-2007 at 19:25:

I haven't seen the puppy ep or the Aurora Operation but I must admit my curiosity is piqued (just picturing Nambu as a gorillaRofl)

I do have the Devil's Fashion Show (not subtitled).."Bird Roller!"Wallbash There's just something so NOT RIGHT about it...maybe if they used hockey sticks it would appear more menacing..or a hockey game would break out and then we'd see some real fights...

Mind you I do remember that roller-skating back in Tha Day could be quite dangerous. (ie kimiko can't skate or stop to save her life and was usually the end of the "whip" crashing into things! Yes these were my friends doing this to me!) So I did sympathize with poor Ryu trying to learn to skate!

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 20-10-2007 at 19:33:

You mean you don't have the ADV sets, Kimi? You must run, run, and buy them!!!!


Posted by Springie on 21-10-2007 at 00:41:

I dunno...the Roller skating episode is kinda reminds me of Murder Music because of the glaring 70's's just so ridiculous, I like it...and it's cute the way Jun is embarrassed to be caught trying on the dresses...

The one I really don't like is the episode that only has Ken in it...the one where he is kidnapped and forced to fly the guy in his plane...and they are tied together in a well and then take on a chameleon mecha...

I mean, give me a break, this isn't the "Ken show"'s about the whole team! Springie breaks into the Ken sketch song...Ken, Ken,Ken marvelous Ken, wonderful Ken...Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 21-10-2007 at 00:42:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
You mean you don't have the ADV sets, Kimi? You must run, run, and buy them!!!!

Oh yes, Kimi, the ADV set is awesome. I highly recommend it!!! OK


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-10-2007 at 04:06:

Originally posted by Springie
I dunno...the Roller skating episode is kinda reminds me of Murder Music because of the glaring 70's's just so ridiculous, I like it...and it's cute the way Jun is embarrassed to be caught trying on the dresses...

Yeah, but the way she sounds so ditsy and airheaded, going on about dresses and fashion... rubs me the wrong way. It's not the intelligent girl we have come to love and expect, KWIM?


Posted by Sosai X on 21-10-2007 at 05:20:

Originally posted by Springie
I mean, give me a break, this isn't the "Ken show"'s about the whole team! Springie breaks into the Ken sketch song...Ken, Ken,Ken marvelous Ken, wonderful Ken...Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle

A point of order m'lord... Gatchaman refers to both the team *and* Ken. i.e. Eagle Ken is G-1, Gatchaman. The whole team is also known as Gatchaman. Confusing aint it. Wink

Galactor Galactor Katse Galactor Galactor


Posted by kimiko on 21-10-2007 at 10:59:

Originally posted by Springie
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
You mean you don't have the ADV sets, Kimi? You must run, run, and buy them!!!!

Oh yes, Kimi, the ADV set is awesome. I highly recommend it!!! OK

Oh yes I've been looking online, pricing stuff and I must say that my salary for the next year or so has been spent already! will be the death of my savings account!

Does anyone have any recommandations for buying online? I am a newbie when it comes to shopping online and don't have credit cards (this is a good thing!)

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Springie on 21-10-2007 at 11:19:

Originally posted by Sosai X
Originally posted by Springie
I mean, give me a break, this isn't the "Ken show"'s about the whole team! Springie breaks into the Ken sketch song...Ken, Ken,Ken marvelous Ken, wonderful Ken...Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle Eagle

A point of order m'lord... Gatchaman refers to both the team *and* Ken. i.e. Eagle Ken is G-1, Gatchaman. The whole team is also known as Gatchaman. Confusing aint it. Wink

Yeah, I know...the invincible Gatchaman...the white shadow...and team Gatchaman...grrrr...marvelous Ken, wonderful Ken... Lonelylaugh

To me, the shows can revolve around one of the team...but I want them to show the other members, too...and I want to see how they react to the situation... Fencing


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by clouddancer on 21-10-2007 at 13:33:

Originally posted by kimiko
Originally posted by Springie
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
You mean you don't have the ADV sets, Kimi? You must run, run, and buy them!!!!

Oh yes, Kimi, the ADV set is awesome. I highly recommend it!!! OK

Oh yes I've been looking online, pricing stuff and I must say that my salary for the next year or so has been spent already! will be the death of my savings account!

Does anyone have any recommandations for buying online? I am a newbie when it comes to shopping online and don't have credit cards (this is a good thing!)

If you do not want to buy online, you could do what I did. I purchased most of the DVD's through HMV, Bestbuy or Future Shop. For the last few DVD's I realized they were slightly cheaper online and purchased from, but then I have a credit card.

I know this does not help you with your problem, but it is a possible solution. I am sure those stores could get copies from other locations if they do not have copies in stock.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Hinotori on 21-10-2007 at 13:39:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
You mean you don't have the ADV sets, Kimi? You must run, run, and buy them!!!!

Don't feel bad Kimi! I don't own the ADV's either. Eek4 Thank goodness for the online DVD rental stores. If it wasn't for Netflix I wouldn't even be watching the series!

I am planning on purchasing them - eventually. Though I've noticed that Amazon only has a few collector sets left. Most are just the ADV's featuring the eps, clean opening/closing, and the interviews with the voice talent.


Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by kimiko on 21-10-2007 at 14:00:

Chapters/ has the box sets listed at $ roughly $360 for all 9 including tax/free shipping. I can buy a reusable gift card and use it online or just visit one of their stores to see if they will stock it for me.

off to check HMV online...

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by kimiko on 21-10-2007 at 14:20:

HMV online has them priced at $44.99.

FutureShop: doesn't have all of the volumes listed some are $34.99 & otheres are $40.99.

So far chapters/indigo seems to be the best bet @ $35.99.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-10-2007 at 14:25:

Originally posted by kimiko
Does anyone have any recommandations for buying online? I am a newbie when it comes to shopping online and don't have credit cards (this is a good thing!)

I would say open a Paypal account (you can do it with your bank account) and check EBay. There are LOTS of sets on there and if you're patient you could probably find a good deal.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-10-2007 at 14:29:

Kimi, has a bunch of the collections for about $20 apiece, and some individual volumes for $10 apiece.

Since the $Cdn is at par right now, that's pretty good. They also have a $1 shipping special that ends today.

Oh shoot... I just saw that they don't ship to Canada. Tell you what, if you want, you can have them send it to me and I'll re-send it to you, if you'd like. It shouldn't be too bad in terms of shipping cost.


Posted by clouddancer on 21-10-2007 at 15:11:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Kimi, has a bunch of the collections for about $20 apiece, and some individual volumes for $10 apiece.

Since the $Cdn is at par right now, that's pretty good. They also have a $1 shipping special that ends today.

Oh shoot... I just saw that they don't ship to Canada. Tell you what, if you want, you can have them send it to me and I'll re-send it to you, if you'd like. It shouldn't be too bad in terms of shipping cost.

I have noticed though that even though the $Cdn is at par, some online stores are still not accepting it at par yet. I was upset when something I wanted to order was still listed at 1/3 more expensive in cdn funds. I went elsewhere to purchase.

BTW do they have any BOTP at Overstock?
Cloud wanders off to look

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by kimiko on 21-10-2007 at 15:31:

Thanks for looking anyway TJ!

I'm just waiting for camera has to come first, next pay i'll be able to afford some DVD's!

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-10-2007 at 17:15:

N/P Kimi! I've been the mailing point for a few of my Canadian friends before... usually when they want to bid on EBay and the vendor doesn't want to sell to 'foreigners'. Some people are really picky. Sheesh!


Posted by tatsunokofan on 21-10-2007 at 18:16:

A point of order m'lord... Gatchaman refers to both the team *and* Ken. i.e. Eagle Ken is G-1, Gatchaman. The whole team is also known as Gatchaman. Confusing aint it

Well... If you want to get technical, the name of the team is "Science Ninja Team," and "Gatchaman" refers solely to Ken, not to the team as a whole. Yes, there are times in the series when the Science Ninja Team is referred to as Gatchaman, but in the strictest sense, this is an error, blanketing a group of people with the name of an individual.

Not a big deal, by any stretch, but one I figured was worth pointing out.


Posted by Sosai X on 21-10-2007 at 20:39:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Well... If you want to get technical, the name of the team is "Science Ninja Team," and "Gatchaman" refers solely to Ken, not to the team as a whole. Yes, there are times in the series when the Science Ninja Team is referred to as Gatchaman, but in the strictest sense, this is an error, blanketing a group of people with the name of an individual.

Not a big deal, by any stretch, but one I figured was worth pointing out.


I'm not sure if I would call the use of the term Gatchaman towards an individual and a group an "error" per se. Maybe by English language rules but it does fit in with Japanese language rules (as I understand them so far)... many Japanese nouns don't have singular or plural forms (obviously there are a few exceptions). One word is used for both with the meaning being determined by its context.

You are right that we're splitting hairs here and it isn't a big deal. I'm turning my pedantic mode off now.

To avoid confusion, I usually call the team 'Gatchaman' and Ken 'baka'. (just kidding) *grin*

Galactor Galactor Katse Galactor Galactor


Posted by tatsunokofan on 22-10-2007 at 00:53:

...many Japanese nouns don't have singular or plural forms (obviously there are a few exceptions). One word is used for both with the meaning being determined by its context.

That can be true with some nouns, but in the case of a proper name, it can be a bit different. In this instance, the difference between a singular person and a group of people is generally determined by the addition of the suffix "tachi" to the name. Literally, the suffix means "and others," implying that there are more people beyond the named person. In the case of Ken showing up with other members of the Science Ninja Team, they could be referenced as "Ken-tachi" or "Gatchaman-tachi," meaning "Ken and the others" or "Gatchaman and the rest," or something similar. In this usage, "Gatchaman" would be one person (I.E. Ken), while "tachi" would be all those with him. If you listen to the Narrator, you will often hear him make reference to "Gatchaman-tachi" when talking about the Ninja Team.

If you are referring to the Science Ninja Team by themselves, you would not use "Kagaku Ninja Tai-tachi," because "Tai" (Literally: Team/Corps) implies a group, of which they are all members, so no "tachi" is needed. If you are referring to the Science Ninja Team and some additional people (The guest star of the week, for example), then you could refer to the entire group as "Kagaku Ninja Tai-tachi" to say that you have the "Science Ninja Team and others."

Nambu tends to use a more formal designation when addressing the Ninja Team, referring to them as "Kagaku Ninja Tai no Shokun," literally "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Science Ninja Team."

Anyway, regarding whether or not "Gatchaman" is the name given just to ken or to the entire Science Ninja Team, I'll reference the series Planning Establishment Notes, essentially the series bible. In the segment titled "'Science Ninja Team Gatchaman' Production Points To Consider", they state:

"2. Regarding Gatchaman

Of all the members of the Science Ninja Team, the name Gatchaman is given only to the hero, Ken, the Eagle. It is through Ken that this Superman-style hero story is brought together (Both Ken and the God Phoenix)."

By that, it's obvious to me that they intended for Ken, and only Ken, to be called "Gatchaman." That it slipped over to being used for the rest of the Science Ninja Team every once in a while is simply an error.

Okay, more than you really cared to know.


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