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If Adam and Eve were the first people, then where did this other tribe of people in the land of Nod come from?
So again the question is where did the wife come from if Adam and Eve were the first people or did the wife come from another rib in Adam.
Poor adam.
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Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Did Noddy created the other tribe of people in the land of Nod? Lol
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Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
D'oh! Coming soon to a UK near you, ID and Creationism in the classroom. If the over-55s have their way, of course.
BBC news article on UK survey on ID/Creationism/Evolution
I do wonder how good a survey it was though. 2000 people, were they all white and church-of-england? If not, would all their religions have the same creation story? While the hindus are a very tolerant lot, I can't see them actually wanting creationism taught to their children. Do all of them have the same open minded ideas about what ID is that I started out with, that have vanished over my last few days research into what ID actually means?
I dunno, I find myself disappointed. It all seems so terribly unbritish.
Sadly I just missed the Horizon programme at 10.00 pm or 2200 hours on BBC2. Pity sounds like it was fun. Well I did see the last 5 minutes of the programme.
I am not just amazed or shocked but gob smacked. In the 80s, we were taught creatism in RE (Regilous Education) and evolution in Science classes.
I knew the world has gone mad but I didn't think that it had gone this mad and it feels that we are going backwards.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Given the choice between evolutionary theorists and religious advocates....Im gonna go with "the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" explanation of creation.
Shoot first..ask questions later!
But WHAT is the ultimate question of life and everything. We know the answer, 73 but what is the a question?
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Wait, wasn't the answer 42?
Er, er, er, er, er, can I phone a friend?
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
The audience has voted. Metaliant, you *are* the weakest link.Go walk the walk of shame for alluding to a reality TV show. Ozzy Ozbourne will escort you out to Temptation Island, where Rebel Billionare, Richard Branson will ensure you suffer humilating challenges until you repent ,and apologise on the Oprah show.
Shoot first..ask questions later!
Metaliant you could always ask the audience (or in this case the board)
BTW Meridian was right 42
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
Okay, so we know the answer, but the question is, what is the question?
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
To be or not to be?
Shoot first..ask questions later!
I meant if the answer is 42, then what is the question? I bet nobody knows.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
The question to the answer 42 was what is the meaning of life, I think.
Shoot first..ask questions later!
I can't remember the exact phrase to the question.
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
Youre lucky I have to get some sleep at this ungodly hour or I would have looked up the book!!
Shoot first..ask questions later!
What time was it you finally went to bed. Over you, your answered at 2.38 pm?
Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker
This is Imi she usually does not venture to bed until 2-3 am (Oz time) on occasion later
Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned
Indeed the Imicus needs constant reminding to get that condor butt into bed before her eyes collapse over them matches
Thanks Cep Administrator
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