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Posted by KT1972 on 10-09-2014 at 18:49:

see a bit of Joe's best bits from the OAV here... (shower scene included)

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope. - HELEN KELLER

Posted by ChrisW on 10-09-2014 at 19:57:

I feel so lucky to have a geek husband. He's not a Gatch/BOTP fan but he knows I am and suffers my fandom talk and collectibles and art in pretty good humour. He even said once that if it'd make me feel better he'll watch some She-Ra, LOL.

(Edited to add: I'll never forgive what they did to Ken's hair in the OAV.)

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by mylari on 10-09-2014 at 22:40:

KT - Great video - can't say I'm fond of Joe's makeover though. I like his old face/hair... But the shower scene... *fans self* ahem... Where was I... I yeah - is it just me or does his transformed G2 look like the batmobile? Though with the darkness of his birdstyle, he could have passed for batman, sort of...

Chris - I do have a geek husband, but he has limits. D&D is ok, Lord of the Rings is good, he MUDs (actually how we met), but he doesn't get fangirling at all. He went to a con with a friend once to see Kevin Smith and all I heard for days was what he thought of most of the people there and their obsessions. That was 7 or 8 years ago. Can't imagine telling him that I've suddenly become one of them *lol*

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by ChrisW on 10-09-2014 at 23:54:

LOL, oh dear. Every geek gets an obsession, though, so you could always turn the tables on him. *grin*

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by mylari on 11-09-2014 at 00:37:

*lol* I've already gotten him to give me leeway on a couple of other obsessions, so I am trying not to push it... I did convince the man to have our wedding at Disney World, but I'm not sure he'd agree with this. Especially since it involves drooling over (ok so they are drawings) other men... His mind doesn't understand that whole aspect of things... He's more likely to drool over an early 70's Camaro than Jessica Rabbit...

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by ElectricWhite on 11-09-2014 at 01:04:

Originally posted by mylari
He's more likely to drool over an early 70's Camaro than Jessica Rabbit...

This is a wee bit off topic, but I was reminded of a college classmate who merged the two loves by naming his car Jessica. ("She's not bad -- she was just built that way.")

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by ChrisW on 11-09-2014 at 03:43:

LOL EW ... I'm sure a wedding at Disney was a big deal, mylari, hehe.

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by mylari on 11-09-2014 at 03:58:

Chris: yeah, though I'd hinted that I'd love to do that before we were ever engaged and he was open to it then, so it wasn't the toughest sell ever. Definitely easier than trying to explain the whole Gatch/BotP Voltron/Go Lion thing to him Silly

What happens on my laptop/phone/tablet is just for me privately.

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by Springie on 11-09-2014 at 04:20:

Mylari...I'll bet the Disney wedding was neat! We went to Disney for our honeymoon. My husband isn't into geeky things ( he's more into sports and outdoor things) but he tolerates my geeky interests.

What does MUD stand for?


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by ChrisW on 11-09-2014 at 04:43:

I grew up 45 mins from Disney World ... it's a fun place. Smile I'll let mylari explain MUDs, I've played them a bit but not much.

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by mylari on 11-09-2014 at 04:48:

Springie - the wedding was really awesome, small, outside, under palm trees by 7 seas lagoon, magic kingdom in background... Awesome pics!

MUD is (depending on settling) either Multi User Dungeon or Multi User Dimension. Like online Dungeons & Dragons basically. Think world of Warcraft but only text, no graphics. We both played the same one & our characters ended up married through a bizarre set of circumstances, then we met in person a few weeks or so later. 5 years after that, we got married in real life too. He's big into cars & sports (football, soccer, & hockey). Our second date was a hockey game - I was born in Toronto, so I was impressed that he understood the game since he's Florida born & raised.

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by lborgia88 on 11-09-2014 at 06:19:

Originally posted by mylari
Our second date was a hockey game - I was born in Toronto, so I was impressed that he understood the game since he's Florida born & raised.

Welcome, fellow Canadian!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 11-09-2014 at 13:04:

Originally posted by mylari
Transmute Jun: Now software on the other hand... That I might be able to pull off... Any that you'd recommend?

I use AnyDVD (which will play any DVD (i.e. turns your computer into a region-free DVD player) and CloneDVD, which, with AnyDVD, will copy a disc of another region and then burn it onto a writeable DVD, so that you can play it in your regular DVD player. These are PC only softwares (at least, last time I checked).

ETA This is the company that sells them.


Posted by ElectricWhite on 11-09-2014 at 15:36:

mylari -- thanks for explaining MUD! I'm afraid I live just close enough to Redneck country that I was familiar with "mudding", not MUD.

MUDDING: The act of taking an ATV, SUV, dirt bike, pickup truck with honking big tires, etc., to an open field made sloppy (usually by rain) and "cutting loose" until the vehicle, driver, any passengers and bystanders, etc., are coated in a thick layer of mud.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by mylari on 11-09-2014 at 15:52:

No worries - I know too much about mudding too - hubby is from a redneck family more or less... I'm not into the whole hunting/fishing/outdoor thing myself though.

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by ChrisW on 11-09-2014 at 19:30:

I was born in NY but I grew up in FL and moved to Canada when I met my husband. It's interesting to me how many people I meet have hopped a border for love. Smile

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by mylari on 11-09-2014 at 19:38:

Too funny - I was born in Toronto, grew up in NY/NJ and met my hubby after moving to Florida. (My mom is from NY - dad grew up in Toronto)

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

Posted by Transmute Jun on 12-09-2014 at 16:22:

Originally posted by mylari
Too funny - I was born in Toronto, grew up in NY/NJ and met my hubby after moving to Florida. (My mom is from NY - dad grew up in Toronto)

I'm not too different! I was born in Toronto (and raised there) but met my husband when I moved out to California.


Posted by Springie on 13-09-2014 at 07:04:

Originally posted by mylari
Springie - the wedding was really awesome, small, outside, under palm trees by 7 seas lagoon, magic kingdom in background... Awesome pics!

MUD is (depending on settling) either Multi User Dungeon or Multi User Dimension. Like online Dungeons & Dragons basically. Think world of Warcraft but only text, no graphics. We both played the same one & our characters ended up married through a bizarre set of circumstances, then we met in person a few weeks or so later. 5 years after that, we got married in real life too. He's big into cars & sports (football, soccer, & hockey). Our second date was a hockey game - I was born in Toronto, so I was impressed that he understood the game since he's Florida born & raised.

Thanks so much for the explanation!
I grew up in VA and married a Tennessee boy (I have redneck ILs, too)! So I also thought of "muddin'", when I saw MUD!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by mylari on 13-09-2014 at 14:25:

*lol* I totally understand :-) I always forget that not everyone knows about MUDs. I've been playing them on & off since '91/'92 (eep that was long time ago). They are a great way to develop some character building & description skills though.
I'm a city girl myself, the streets roll up around 9pm here & it drives me nuts sometimes. The things I put up with for weather/theme parks (I hate the cold & am a theme park/ride junkie).

Hunting for Eagles and Condors and Lions - oh my!

Find me on the web at Mylari's Anime Website

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