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Posted by ChrisW on 24-03-2014 at 22:44:

Someone told me once that hairdressers will often try to talk people out of black because once it's applied, it's really not something that can be undone or adjusted, compared to other colours. I have no idea if that's true or not but this friend has gotten her hair dyed a lot so it probably is.

I bet those silent notices were satisfying, gatchamarie. Smile "That's right, I look good! *pbbfth*"

Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Daniella T on 25-03-2014 at 20:55:

Happy birthday -- albeit with a small delay -- GM!
And what a great idea about the hair -- how's it working out? Do you get many comments about the violet lock?

P.S. I also like the idea of green for St. Patrick's Day!

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by jublke on 28-03-2014 at 00:22:

Gatchamarie, I'm glad you had a great birthday! Your cakes are amazing. Smile

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by gatchamarie on 29-03-2014 at 12:28:

Originally posted by ChrisW
Someone told me once that hairdressers will often try to talk people out of black because once it's applied, it's really not something that can be undone or adjusted, compared to other colours. I have no idea if that's true or not but this friend has gotten her hair dyed a lot so it probably is.

I bet those silent notices were satisfying, gatchamarie. Smile "That's right, I look good! *pbbfth*"

Black is a stubborn colour .. you're right, CW! You have to take a firm decision, after chewing it a bit before, before taking the plunge! But, my hairdresser told me that it could wear out by time (taking a bit longer than the other colours), if I'd decide to return to my normal habits, and has assured me that the change in colour tones whilst fading away would resemble normal hair colours at different stages and not that orangy after-effect. She also told me that dying only the roots according to the colour change during the wipe-out phase would work well! So, we'll see! I'm loving the black right now!

Regarding the silent notices ... well, they're definitely an answer and bring some satisfaction with them, even though I still cannot understand such attitude! Perhaps it's due to my nature, as I'm one who's always glad with what I hear or see nice, and if I'd feel somehow uncomfortable to compliment someone because of lack of familiarity I'd try to show it in some other way and not with snarky looks! That's the thing ... some of these people are not unfamiliar, at all, but I think I still have to learn a lot in life at my old age! Admittedly ... and I'm confessing, here ... I do tend to not show my appreciation to only a very few people in my life, but only because they did me a lot of wrong! I don't give them snarky looks (well ... most of the time :p !) but I try not to over-compliment them, either, as these few I know are very, very needy-in-the-excessive-narcissistic-way persons that could ever exist!

Sorry for the burst-out, there! I'm going through another phase of trying to accept certain people these days!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by gatchamarie on 29-03-2014 at 12:35:

DT and Julie ... many thanks for your kind wishes!

DT ... my violet lock had quite a good impact! At first, since my friends hadn't ever seen me with one, it came out as a surprise ... a good one! ... but now it's something which everyone is getting used to and I'm loving it! Ironically, there are some family members who haven't seen me like this, yet, but then I really don't care about their opinion upon this subject, a couple of them included in the category of persons I was talking about before! Wink

Julie ... thank you for your lovely compliment!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by ElectricWhite on 29-03-2014 at 12:36:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
Sorry for the burst-out, there! I'm going through another phase of trying to accept certain people these days!

That's no biggie, Marie. Everyone goes through that from time to time. (Admit it, Chick, you're human, just like the rest of us!)

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by gatchamarie on 29-03-2014 at 13:02:

Originally posted by ElectricWhite
Originally posted by gatchamarie
Sorry for the burst-out, there! I'm going through another phase of trying to accept certain people these days!

That's no biggie, Marie. Everyone goes through that from time to time. (Admit it, Chick, you're human, just like the rest of us!)

Thanks for the encouragement, EW, and for bringing me back to the ground! *hugs*

I don't know why I always feel like I'm the bad one even when I'm not, though! I'm also firing out things, which others do not want to hear, and am acting a bit out, lately (sometimes with faults, too!) out of frustration, so I might have made my enemies even tougher than before! Guess I need some super powers added to my human capabilities from now onwards, but I really am at the brim of explosion, right now!! There's only one therapy that I'm finding as working well ... to focus my love on my loved ones and true friends more! Even though there's always that dull feeling inside ...

Now, sheeesh ... enough with the complaining! BTW ... that was for me! Smile

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by ChrisW on 29-03-2014 at 23:33:

I think doing things for yourself like the hair is a great balm for all the frustration. It's good to aspire toward being a particular person, but it's important to remember that we aspire and strive because perfection is impossible but worth trying for nonetheless. It can't hurt to be a little more forgiving of ourselves.

Eagle Whisperer

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