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The story continues to unfold......
A man and a woman stood before an elevator. The door opened.
“After you.” the man said.
“No, after you.” the woman replied.
“Ladies first, eh?”
“I’m a 21st Century gal. You go first, eh?”
“I must insist –”
“No, I insist –”
“ENOUGH ALREADY!” Amethyst shouted as she shoved the other two into the elevator, reached in to punch a button, and jumped back as the door shut. She started to walk away when she noticed Transmute Jun standing there, a blend of confusion and amusement on her face.
“I don’t know what the deal is,” Amethyst explained, “but that’s the third Canadian fight I’ve broken up since I got here!”
“I guess this latest batch of technical problems is affecting different people differently.” TJ said with a shrug.
Just then the power went out.
“I hope those two got off the elevator in time.” TJ added, looking up to the ceiling.
* * * * *
Security Chief Anderson frowned as he again watched the security footage from Center Neptune’s medical bay. All was normal at the nurse’s station until the anomaly appeared; a humanoid-shaped blob of television snow strode up to the nurse’s station, talked to the nurses, and then went to the room where ElectricWhite was being treated.
“Chief Anderson?” a voice came across the intercom
“Yes, TempZark?”
“I cannot find a reasonable explanation for the lack of audio on the security footage.”
“Or for the lack of an identifiable form for the intruder.” Anderson added.
“Yes. Since I have now failed you twice, how soon do you want me to report to Jupiter Labs for a purge and reboot?”
“Now, Temp, I can’t have robotic coordinators throwing themselves off a cliff each time an unexpected challenge comes along.”
“But Chief Anderson, I was not going to throw myself off a cliff, unless that is what you want.”
“TempZark,” Anderson said with a sigh, “I was simply saying that you shouldn’t give up. There is an answer – it’s just a matter of searching for it.”
G-Force entered the room. The chief cut the intercom line to TempZark and turned to face the group. “Well?”
Five uncertain glances were exchanged. “Well,” Mark said, “We interviewed all the people who saw the intruder.”
“I don’t think you’re going to like this.” Princess said.
“I know you won’t like this!” Jason added.
There was a pause. Mark let out a small sigh, pulled a small notebook out of his back pocket (more for dramatic effect than anything else), whipped it open, and started reading. “We’re looking for a human male somewhere between 17 and 769 years old.”
The chief decided to increase the on-base random drug tests.
“And he has the build of any of the galaxy’s Chippendale dancers.” Mark finished.
“They also said he had a very dreamy voice.” Princess added.
“That’s it?” Anderson said after a pause.
“More than we got from the security video.” Keyop said.
“Is this guy really such a big threat?” Tiny asked, “He hasn’t done anything harmful – ElectricWhite’s gotten better since he showed up!”
“While it’s true that several months have been taken off of ElectricWhite’s recovery time –” the chief started.
“He could be prepping her for some evil Spectra plan!” Jason finished. He then blanched a bit when he realized he and the chief were of the same mind.
“You mean he could be setting things up so that Spectra could send a signal and then – pow! – she turns into some sort of mutant monster?” Tiny’s voice went up in pitch as he spoke.
“Yikes!” Keyop cried.
“There hasn’t been any noticeable change in her DNA.” Chief Anderson said, “But that doesn’t change the fact that an unauthorized man has been roaming free and unhindered around the base. Nobody should be comfortable with that!”
* * * * *
Amethyst stood near the doorway of a utility room at, flashlight in hand and lit. “So why does everyone seem to think I’m an electrician again?”
“Uh...” Transmute Jun replied from the hallway just outside the utility room, “your brilliance and sparkling charm?”
“Will you do me a favor, TJ?”
“Sure. What’cha need?”
“Whenever EW gets back, see if she’ll teach you how to bullshit.”
Amethyst continued exploring the room in silence. “Whoa!” she gasped when she came upon a circuit box.
“Find something?” TJ called from the doorway.
“I think looks like some wires have been eaten!”
* * * * *
A warehouse. The floor filled with cabinet-like structures slightly taller than a man, black and grey with flashing lights. A constant, low hum.
Scampering. Skittering. Scurrying.
Sparks pop and drift to the floor. Lights flicker.
Someone let out a disgusted snort and walked among the mess.
Scampering. Skittering. Scurrying. Gathering numbers. Glowing eyes.
A rodent tsunami forms.
A click. BOOM!
Brown chunks and a fine red mist.
A good blunderbuss always gets the point across.
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
EW is having a Chippendale dancer visiting her to help her along the healing road and some rodents go splat? Could it be the 'Chippendale' was really 'Chip 'n' Dale'?
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
quote: | |
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
Here's more!
Two giant rats. One grey, one brown. One in a henchman’s uniform, the other in a Devil Star’s. They huddled in a corner, shivering before a giant with a blunderbuss. As they quivered, their fur turned white.
The giant glared down at them. He made a gesture they easily understood: Go, before I change my mind.
They scurried away, the only two survivors of – hundreds? Thousands? Far more than they could ever count.
* * * * *
“Well, what do you think we should do?” Transmute Jun asked Amethyst as the latter emerged from the utility room.
“I have no idea. I’m not an electrician.”
“Oh. I just thought you’d have a hidden talent –”
“Well, I do have a miniature Cep in my pocket....”
“You do? Really?”
“Even if I did, I’m not sure I’d want to face anything that can eat live wires!”
* * * * *
She watched a schooner-shaped cloud. It drifted calmly, quietly above her.
But then something changed.
Darkness. Can’t breathe. Pain! Muffled shouts.
Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!
A gentle touch. An angel wrapping a soft down comforter....
She managed a content sigh.
* * * * *
G-Force, in Bird Style, scrambled to Center Neptune’s sick bay. When they got there, they found the medical staff and the security guards that had been posted outside ElectricWhite’s room in a daze.
Jason grabbed the security guard standing on the right of the door to EW’s room by the lapels. “What happened?!”
Jason shook the guard. “He got in again! What the hell happened?!”
The guard shook his head a bit to clear out the cobwebs. “Oh wow....I can’t quite explain it....this rock star-looking guy came up and....” The guard shrugged.
“This guy came up to the desk.” a nurse told Princess, “If he wasn’t a male model....” Her mind wandered a bit. But then Princess cleared her throat. “Oh! Sorry. Anyway, he said hello. And, oh wow...” The nurse’s mind drifted again, but this time she also had one of the dumbest grins Princess had ever seen.
“I know I’ve seen him before.” one of the doctors told Mark.
“You mean you’ve seen him here before?”
“No.” the doctor replied, “I think I’ve seen him in a few movies. I don’t think he’s the type you see very just see him in the rare, high-quality film, and he always gives a solid performance.”Keyop let out a small sigh as he went from one teammate to the next, getting more confused with each snippet of conversation he caught. He gave up when he heard a technician swear to Tiny that the intruder was a billionaire playboy.
The Swallow made his way over to EW’s room and stepped inside. He had seen many things fighting Spectra, but this was the first time he’d seen – really seen – anyone in the Intensive Care Unit, especially anyone he knew. Keyop focused on the respirator – how far down did it go? What did it feel like? Did it hurt?
“Wow!” the other guard who had been posted at the door said from behind the G-Force member, “She looks a whole lot better than she did when my shift first started.”
“I hope this keeps up once you’ve caught the guy.”
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
I hope this will stay on the "active" list long enough for someone to notice I've added to it!
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
So a handsome guy who is making everyone dazed with his presence is working wonders.
You need to bottle and sell this guy, EW!
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
Here's some more....
“Man, Amethyst, you weren’t kidding! Something gobbled these wires up!” a voice from within the depths of the utility room called.
“Do you think you can fix it, ShockJock?” Transmute Jun asked.
“Oh yeah.” he replied.
“Good.” Amethyst muttered.
“In fact...” With that, the lights came on, and the two ladies cheered.
“I was afraid there wasn’t an electrician around.” TJ said, relieved.
“Glad I could help.” ShockJock replied as he reached the doorway. “Though I gotta tell ya, I think you got a rat problem back there.”
“Oh.” TJ clearly wasn’t thrilled.
“Thanks again for your help, Shock.” Amethyst said as ShockJock made his way past.
“Great.” Amethyst said once ShockJock was out of earshot, “What are the odds of having an exterminator on site?”
* * * * *
Thick steel doors slammed down as klaxons sounded.. “Attention! Attention all personnel!” TempZark’s voice boomed throughout the corridors of Center Neptune, “Unidentified life forms detected in the medical bay! Quarantine Protocol 9 now in effect! Attention! Attention all personnel!”
“We’re at the quarantine site, Temp!”
“Acknowledged, Commander. Silencing the alarm now.”
“Can we access the medical bay?”
“Affirmative, Commander. But be advised that I must bring the door down again as soon as you are through.”
“Understood, TempZark.”
Medical personnel, all in HazMat suits, darted in and out of one patient’s room.
“Why isn’t that room sealed?” Mark shouted to the first medical technician he saw.
“Lifesaving protocols trump Quar 9!” was the reply; the technician didn’t slow down one bit.
After a few minutes – though it seemed like an eternity and a half to G-Force – the activity in and around the room slowed. A doctor – or, rather, someone Mark assumed was a doctor – came over to them. “Two nurses are trying to start new IV’s,” she said, “but you can go in and search the room.” Meanwhile, a suit carried a plastic bag stuffed with blood soaked linens came out of the room.
Mark and Jason adjusted their bracelets, and then went inside to scan the room. But as soon as he saw the bed, Jason stopped. A nurse was on each side of ElectricWhite, searching in between newly-wrapped bandages on her arms for a suitable spot to start a new IV. He could hardly see her face – in addition to the respirator, she now had a gauze square taped to each cheek and butterfly sutures on her forehead. The monitors’ sound was shut off, but the visual displays showed him that her pulse and blood pressure were critically low.
“I’m gonna have that bastard’s head on a pike.” the Condor growled.
“What?” the nurse closest to him said.
“Look at her! She was doing so well before, and then he turned around and did this!”
“But Mr. E didn’t do this!” the other nurse cried.
“Mr. E?” Mark finally joined in.
“Yeah.” the second nurse replied, “That’s what we started calling the miracle man who keeps visiting.”
“Oh, I get it.” Mark said, “Mr. E as in ‘mystery’.”
“Right. Anyway, he didn’t do this –”
“Guys,” Tiny’s voice came through the communicators, “I found ‘em!”
The Owl stood in front of a linen closet, his eyes darted between his wrist communicator and the door.
“It looks like there are eight.” Tiny whispered as the rest of G-Force arrived with weapons drawn. Tiny counted to three and opened the door.
It took just over a half hour before there was a pile of eight dead rats, each one in a Devil Star uniform.
“Did they have to die?” Keyop asked.
“And how many pairs of tiny handcuffs do you carry with you?” Jason retorted.
“What are those horrible things?” Princess chimed in.
“And, more importantly,” Mark added, “how did they get here?”
“I hate to say this,” Tiny said, “but they might have something to do with that mysterious visitor.”
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
Mr E doesn't realize he is the lost Pied Piper of Spectra!
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
LW, I think you hit on it!
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
And so the story continues....
A glorious fanfare filled the site, summoning all who was there to the main courtyard. As the membership streamed in, they found the shattered remains of the schooner had been neatly piled in a corner.
A Gatchageek dressed as the Swan came over to Transmute Jun. “Um,” her voice quivered a little, “what’s happening, TJ?”
“Cep’s getting ready to make an announcement.”
“He’s never done it like this before, has he?”
“Actually, yeah, he did. But after EW joined, she became the one who usually relayed information.”
A giant scroll appeared in the air above them and unfurled. These words were on it:
Hello all,
I want to apologise for all the turmoil you have each been suffering at the site lately. I have been working on the problems, but it hasn’t been easy, since none of the problems originate at the site itself.
I’m going to shut down the site as I continue to work. I’m afraid things will only get more dangerous, and we’ve had too many casualties. I’ll do my best to keep the amount of time we’re shut down as short as possible.
You have 30 minutes to evacuate the site.
In the meantime, please keep ElectricWhite in your thoughts while she recovers at Centre Neptune.
Thank you for your patience.
“Okay, people, you heard the man –” Amethyst shouted to the crowd.
“Actually,” the Swan Gatchageek said, “we read it.”
“Whatever! We need to get moving!”
* * * * *
Two giant rats. One formerly grey, the other used to be brown – they were now white. One in a henchman’s uniform, the other in a Devil Star’s. They stood before a crowd of rats dressed the same way, shivering as they chittered and squeaked to their compatriots.
Horror shaped the faces of the listening rats. Soon some of them trembled at what they heard. They all let out a startled gasp – the two white rats suddenly dropped dead, rigor mortis instantly setting in.
They all started looking about nervously – what if he had followed?
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
He? Is Cep closing in on them?
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
Sorry for the delay! Here's the next segment:
Transmute Jun stood in an observation lounge and stared down at the gathering mass of Gatchamaniacs. Some moved about as if they were taking this in stride, but others seemed soul-worn, weary. Is this the way war refugees felt?
The Coral Temp Base had been rebuilt just a couple of weeks ago....she never dreamed it would be utilized again so soon. But she was glad to have the place – Gatchamania needed a place while Cep dealt with....whatever the hell it was that made Cep evacuate and shut down the regular site.
A man who looked like Billy Graham did in the 1950's made his way from group to group. He finally reached the center of the floor. He raised his hands, summoning the attention of the rest of the population.
TJ quickly glanced around, found an intercom, and switched it on.
“Fear not, oh Gatchamania!” the man – the Evangelist – proclaimed, “Cep hath heard the cries of anguish and hath gone forth to smite the foe!”
TJ shut off the intercom. The Evangelist was getting better – ElectricWhite had been teaching him well. She then let out a sigh. Poor EW....
* * * * *
A warehouse. The floor filled with cabinet-like structures slightly taller than a man, black and grey with extinguished lights. A ghastly silence.
A man stood alone. He held a blunderbuss, ready to fire. All around him were bits of fur, drying blood, and chunks of putrefying rodent flesh.
He sighed inwardly – now he needed to find a new place for his people.
He started to feel like he was having one of those weeks today.
* * * * *
“So why in the hell are we just sitting here?” Jason paced the floor of Chief Anderson’s office, “Are we just waiting for her to die?”
“Take it down a notch.” Mark managed to keep an even tone, though there was a flash of anger in his eyes.
“We can’t blame Jason for being so upset.” Princess chimed in, “EW’s almost died twice in a few days.”
“And we haven’t been able to do anything!” Tiny added.
“I can understand your frustration,” the chief started, “but –”
The image of TempZark appeared on the monitor behind Chief Anderson. “Excuse me,” the robot said, “I believe I have found a way to track the mysterious intruder. You should be able to use the sensors on the Phoenix....”
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
So where is Cep? I wonder...
And poor Jason, how much longer will he able to keep up?
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.
The mysterious stranger is about to be located and dealt with!
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
And the story continues!
She wore a pinstriped skirt that went to the mid-calf and a crisp, white blouse. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun that was held in place with two ink pens. A pair of glasses rested on her nose just so. She held a clipboard and another ink pen.
She strode toward the wall with view screens on it, stepped up on the small dias that had been placed in front of it, and waited for the crowd to quiet down.
“Hello,” she said, “I’m littlewolf, if you’re new and haven’t met me yet.”
A few hellos from the group were muttered.
“We’ve all been going through a stressful time lately. If you feel things are getting to you, I’ve set up a room where you can go and de-stress. Don’t worry – everything will be done professional. Just relax and let me know how I can assist you.”
In Center Neptune, this would be Security Chief Anderson’s office. However, in the Coral Temp Base, littlewolf had transformed it into a psychiatrist’s office, complete with a psychiatric couch. Signs taped to the walls directed people from the loading bay to the office.
The line stretched from the office all the way back to the loading bay. A completely male line. About halfway down the line, one guy addressed the one in front of him.
“Do you think she’s a real shrink?”
“Who the hell cares?” the other replied, “Did you see how hot she is? ‘Naughty Librarian’ has got nothin’ on her!”
* * * * *
“This can’t be right.” Jason muttered as he looked at the main view screen.
“Are you sure the readings are right, Princess?” Tiny asked with the same amount of disbelief.
They had a clear view of Gatchamania’s Coral Temp Base.
“It is possible” TempZark’s voice sounded throughout the bridge, “that you are picking up residual traces. The intruder may have come here when searching for Center Neptune.”
Mark took a deep breath and slowly let it out through his teeth. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to look.”
* * * * *
He hadn’t planned on this detour, but he was running low on ammo. True, he could use just about anything in a pinch...he just didn’t want to get into that kind of pinch.
Also, he wanted to make sure they hadn’t arrived here.
NOTE: Thank you, littlewolf, for the post you made at the Temp Base that provided the material for the beginning of this installment!
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury
Hmmmmmm. I wonder who 'they' are.
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
ha ha snigger
I'd forgotten all about that post and was wondering why it sounded familiar!!
Ps can you let me meet up with Joe and Ryu in that outfit, I need to have a talk to both off them about some overdue magazines and library books - there may have to be some detention given out, even lines!!!
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
Gonna play good teacher, bad students, huh LW?
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
LW straightened her skirt and checked for wrinkles in her blouse, smoothed down her hair and assessed her appearance.
Even after 5 years of being out of corporate, she found herself slipping smoothly into the role once again.
A quick glance at her clip board confirmed the location of her next appointment, checked her appearance once again and strode out.
LW knew how to stride, having many taller friends she often had to catch up to them, without the appearance of running after them. LW was pleased with her walk, it denoted determination, of someone who had a purpose and important places to be. Long ago LW had noticed people often got out of the way of someone walking like this least they get in the way, it saved LW yelling at them to move.
LW adjusted her walk, a small amount of wiggle, moving from the hips, head up, eyes assessing her surrounding. She looked like hundreds of other people , nothing noticeable or distinguishing.
Just the way she like it.
There was something about wearing this outfit, it always made her feel slightly naughty, put mischief in her mind and LW had a very strong urge to play.
(just a little bit)
May the bad things get lost on the way to you door!
LW is on the prowl. Who are you meeting, hmmmm?
I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...
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