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Posted by Daniella T on 11-05-2012 at 21:17:

My thoughts are with you also, Tengu. A big hug, and I think you did the right thing. Huggles

They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes -- Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 11-05-2012 at 22:37:

Hug Huggles

Sorry for both your losses. I really don't know what to say that the others have not.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by ElectricWhite on 13-05-2012 at 04:23:

Tengu, I'm sorry about your loss -- you did just what was needed.

Everyone, thank you so much for you kind thoughts and words. I can't tell you how much you've helped me get over the shock and get through the turmoil of Dad's sudden death.

On Thursday night, the nurse had checked his vital signs, and they were all right. Then, about 10 minutes later, he was gone. It was as if he said, "Heck with this, I'm done."

When the call came ... it wasn't quite like what you'd see on tv. I spent as much time trying to comfort the nurse as she was doing the same for me. Everybody who'd cared for him had come to really like him -- even when he was in his most severe "crotchety old man" mood, there was something about him that made people laugh.

Visitation and the memorial service will be Wednesday. (A bit of being a bullheaded bitch on my part -- he just wanted to be cremated and then buried at sea without any type of memorial. He thought nobody would show up, but I'm going to prove him wrong one last time.) We're seeing if the navy will give him a burial at the Punchbowl in Hawaii (I hope so -- he wanted his remains to be buried in the Pacific, and he loved the time he was stationed at Pearl Harbor.)

In the meantime, my brother and sister-in-law have been "helping" clean out the house. (I say "helping " because I haven't been able to do nearly as much as they have -- I have almost none of the endurance that I had in my pre-wheelchair days. I'm not sure they understand that.) One of the downsides to Dad being gone is that I can't afford the house on my own. So...

I might not be posting as much during the next few days, but I'll be sure to check in at least once a day, and I'll keep my commitment to the gift exchange. (I have to do something to keep my tiny bit of sanity, after all!)

Again, thank you all for what you've done. I consider you a great blessing in my life.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by ChrisW on 13-05-2012 at 04:35:

*hugs* EW ... I hope the Navy will agree. I was able to go to the military memorial for my grandfather (a Marine) and it was quite touching.

I hope you can find living arrangements that you like ...


Eagle Whisperer

Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-05-2012 at 14:14:

EW, my thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult transition. Huggles


Posted by jublke on 13-05-2012 at 14:51:

Hugs, EW, thanks for letting us know how you are doing. We were worried. You're in my thoughts & prayers.

P.S. Hugs to Tengu too.

Heart "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -- Blaise Pascal Heart

Posted by Tengu on 13-05-2012 at 18:34:

I hope you find good supportive living arrangments.

Im leaving home soon too, going to Uni (actualy a degree course at a college)

But I need a certain amount of support, and finding it might be hard.

the only other way would be to live so simply I would need as little as possible.

(I am thinking of getting a caravan)

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by ElectricWhite on 17-05-2012 at 00:31:

Well, the memorial service was this afternoon. The only hitch was that Dad's doctor didn't sign the death certificate until today, so the remains weren't there because the law states that the crematorium has to wait 48 hours after the certificate is signed before it can do its job. This upset my brother for a couple of minutes, but he let it go after he muttered a few quips. It didn't bother me -- I doubt if God would hold this against Dad. (And I'm sure this will be turned into a joke about him being so against us having a memorial service for him that he didn't even show up...)

The nondenominational minister the funeral director provided was quite good -- she was able to describe the kind of man Dad was after a couple of brief conversations earlier in the week. (Dad was raised as a Wesleyan Methodist, married into a German/Irish Catholic family, and then decided he wasn't into organized religion. I called him a "free agent".)

Now come the more laborious jobs connected with the estate being in probate, etc. I just hope I'm not too drained once it's all finally over....

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." --Ray Bradbury

Posted by ChrisW on 17-05-2012 at 00:46:

I think as long as you can still find your sense of humor, you're doing pretty well. Just don't be afraid to lean on people when you need to.

Eagle Whisperer

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