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Posted by Transmute Jun on 24-11-2010 at 23:04:
That's a really good point LB, and one I hadn't considered. What was Joe's plan when he was trying to take off with the others?
Still, I always presumed that he had given a (brief) description of his capture to Nambu at least, when he returned.
Posted by gatchamarie on 25-11-2010 at 10:48:
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Originally posted by Transmute Jun
That's a really good point LB, and one I hadn't considered. What was Joe's plan when he was trying to take off with the others?

LB, yours is a very good point! We don't know what might have happened if Dr. Nambu didn't stop Joe from going with the others! I can very well sympathize with Joe on hearing Nambu's, "You're in no condition!".
I may be partly contradicting myself, since I have previously asked why Joe didn't tell the others about Karakorum, but I can understand why he didn't wish the others to see him in such a state! Thinking about it, when Dr. Nambu mentioned his condition in front of the others, it was obvious that Joe couldn't hide the truth from the others any more, and hence his immediate, instinctive action. It's very common to push loved ones away in order to protect them, or to not let them know how bad is the state you're in!
On the other hand, I still feel that Joe must have mentioned something about such an important trail as Karakorum, at least to Dr. Nambu, maybe thinking that it could have potentially been the base the team had always searched for. He could well have told him before, or during the briefing ... unless he had been sure that the hospital's doctor was specifically talking to Dr. Nambu. IMO, the fact that Joe was kind of sure that Dr. Nambu already knew about his condition would explain why he acted indifferently in front of all, and maybe he was already planning to act solo the very moment someone would have denied him to participate in any future mission, this happening to be Nambu's not-so-delayed speech.
We also have to keep in mind the writers' trail of thought! Not all options could have led to the ending we were given! Moreover, everyone can have a different opinion about others' actions! We can also see this by the other team members' different reactions when they came to know about what was going on with Joe! You must be in that particular person's place to be able to understand!
To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!
Posted by lborgia88 on 26-11-2010 at 15:57:
quote: |
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Still, I always presumed that he had given a (brief) description of his capture to Nambu at least, when he returned. |
quote: |
Originally posted by gatchamarie
IMO, the fact that Joe was kind of sure that Dr. Nambu already knew about his condition would explain why he acted indifferently in front of all, and maybe he was already planning to act solo the very moment someone would have denied him to participate in any future mission, this happening to be Nambu's not-so-delayed speech. |
Interesting, I've always assumed Joe didn't say anything and had been avoiding everyone between when he left the hospital the day before and when he showed up, along with the others, at Dr. Nambu's office (presumably in response to a summons on all their bracelets). When I think about it, though, (and reading what you wrote, gatchamarie) Joe surely must have realized the person that the doctor had been talking to on the phone was Dr. Nambu. Knowing that Dr. Nambu had been told he only had 10 days left to live, I'm surprised that Joe still seemed to think (or at least hope) that he might be able to get through the briefing and be allowed to accompany the rest of the Team. Either desperation or wishful thinking was at work here, I guess, and it really does look like he was basically planning all along to have to take off on his own.
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