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Posted by WadeInLincoln on 15-03-2010 at 15:45:

I'm sorry, still learning here.
I only knew that as the "Guide Book" and I have to admit I'm terribble when having to give authors credit. I always felt that I gave the book credit, that automatically gives the author credit so...... Rolleyes

But yeah, was wondering about that book. Thanks!
And what are these fanfics or fics... is that like a blog or something?

Bird Go!!!

Posted by Madilayn on 15-03-2010 at 16:53:

Not to worry Wade!!

Fanfic is an amateur work of fiction based on an existing movie, TV show, book, etc. If you look at the threads here, you will find tht a lot of us write fanfiction - and usually under the name we post here as (eg: Madilayn, Transmute Jun, Green, etc.)

The largest Gatchaman / Battle of the Planets collection is at .

One of the largest fanfic collections on the net is at and many of us are archived there as well.

You will find fanfic there at: BotP Fanfic
Gatchaman Fanfic

You will find tht most of us have a preferred incarnation of the team that we prefer to write about and rarely deviate - usually it is the incarnation we are most familiar with.

Those of us who do write in different incarnations (eg: Gatch and BotP) tend to do so becuse the idea of the fic suits one or the other.

One of the terms to watch for in fanfic is Slash or Yaoi. This means that there is a male homosexual pairing in the story. The term goes back to the late sixties and Star Trek when fandom really kaboomed and there were a lot of Kirk/Spock fics written - and the "slash" came from the slash between the pairing name.

Another term is Ship - short for relationship. Eg: Mark/Princess. Shippers are the fans who support that particular relationship (In the Harry Potter fandom, they go so far as to give the Ships actual names - for example in HP I ship Remus/Sirius and that ship has the name Wolfstar).

Whenever you see names separated by a / then you know that there will be a relationship involved - but it's not always made clear in the description at first.

Interestingly, the Gatch fandom is one where the Slash pairings are not really accepted by a lot of mainstream fans - it may be because so many of us grew up with it and see it as a childhood memory. It's also one of the few fandoms where explicit sexual description (smut!!) is frowned on by a number of fans (again - I think it's the childhood thing).

You may have noticed from threads that some of us do tend to write a lot of smut and I know that I'm one of the few Gatch fan writers who will write a trio of Eagle/Swan/Condor.

Fanfic quality tends to range from semi-professional standard of writing to absolute crap, however Gatch is one of the few fandoms I've come across that seems to have a consistently high standard - again I think it's because the writers are older. We're also better at staying in canon or, when we do break out, it's in a believable way.

Canon and Fanon are another two terms you'll hear a lot.

Basically - Canon is from information we are given in the show, or that comes from the original production house (eg: Tatsunoko for Gatchaman and Sandy Frank for BotP). The Jason Hofius book is considered Canon as the information he uses comes from these sources.

As far as Eagle Riders and G-Force Guardians of Space, then canon for them would come from the shows, plus the Turner Group and Saban respectively.

Fanon is sort of established lore that the fans have come to consensus on. Examples of this are the bird designations from Gatchaman being applied to BotP.

Another popular fanon is that Jason is Italian - simply because Joe is and we know absolutely nothing about Jason's parentage.

Fanon is the supposed relationship between Ken and Jun. In Gatchaman - unlike in BotP - there was no REAL hints of any mutual romantic attachment (perhaps James can correct me on this??).

In BotP however, a mutual attraction between Mark and Princess is canon because it's mentioned a number of times. Fanon is that they don't act on it (although there is debate on that as well).

I hadn't intended to be this long winded, but I wanted to give you some help understanding what you've gotten yourself into.


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by clouddancer on 15-03-2010 at 17:12:

Starting to read Fanfics is what brought me into this world of forums. After Reading Springie, TJ, Maddy's and a few others fics at the time I then discovering they were "chatting" over here, so I decided to join in. Since then I have been hooked.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amethyst on 15-03-2010 at 17:26:

Nice summary, Maddy.

Another big fanon is Jason being Spectran. I think that may have two possible origins: Joe being the child of Galactor and the comic books blending the two universes.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by WadeInLincoln on 15-03-2010 at 17:29:

No, no, Maddy, that was awesome.
Didn't realize how popular that sort of writing was.
That's pretty cool.
Don't know if I'd be any good at it....
Have enough problems just trying to figure out my thoughts here Drool1

Bird Go!!!

Posted by amethyst on 15-03-2010 at 18:35:

Originally posted by WadeInLincoln
Don't know if I'd be any good at it....
Have enough problems just trying to figure out my thoughts here Drool1

That's what beta readers are for, Wade. You never know if you don't give it a chance. I ended up taking a short fiction seminar in college because I got into writing fanfiction. Before that all I wrote were analytical or expository essays.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by gatchamarie on 15-03-2010 at 21:17:

A great explanation, Maddy! And don't give up, Wade! I've managed to write one fic of my own just because I've got hooked up by the ability of others and had a great beta (to whom I've given a lot of work!Wink1)! I don't deem it of a high standard but I literally enjoyed myself writing it apart from being satisfied by my final accomplishment! Just take your time and get oriented ... you'll see things coming up naturally!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Springie on 15-03-2010 at 21:22:

ITA! And you've got a supportive group here to back you up! Groupwave


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Hinotori on 15-03-2010 at 23:45:

Great explanation, Maddy!! thumbsup2

I think most of us started off apprehensive to writing and (even more terrifying!) posting our fics. But, as I'm sure you've come to discover, the people in the Gatch fandom are very supportive. Also, as Maddy mentioned, if you have a good beta reader, it really makes a difference. They'll make you stretch as a writer.

Most, if not all of us, started with fics we'd rather not dwell on... My first fic- Ugh! I don't think I've read it since the day I posted it. It's really not that good... I know I've come a long way since then, thanks to some very special people on this board (you know who you are!). Huggles

When you feel comfortable, give it whirl. It may not be today or tomorrow, or even next month. But once you feel comfortable in the fandom, and the characters, you'll see that writing really isn't so bad.

Just be careful though... Fic writing is like eating potato chips... Once you start, you may not be able to stop!

Now where's my pen and all those scraps of paper I wrote all my plot bunnies on???? Big Grin

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Becky Rock on 16-03-2010 at 00:24:

Originally posted by amethyst
Nice summary, Maddy.

Another big fanon is Jason being Spectran. I think that may have two possible origins: Joe being the child of Galactor and the comic books blending the two universes.

I think that also comes from Jason's hair. Most of the Spectran goons had the same hair color and length.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Madilayn on 16-03-2010 at 00:40:

And also the very odd shape of his eyes.


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 16-03-2010 at 01:39:

I figured that people had made Jason Spectran (in whole or in part) either as part of equating him more closely with Joe, or because of his appearance (or even both). If you went by eye-shape, Jason and Mala could be the same family (siblings or cousins) or species.

Wade, when you read the fanfics, you'll find that most of the writers were quite imaginative in their additions to the characters. Both Gatch and BotP left a great deal to fill in, and people took off running.

It's that odd relationship between Ken and Jun that's behind the fics depicting the mighty Eagle as completely clueless with women -- especially a certain Swan. Are they just friends, or is there more to their feelings?

(Read through some of the older threads. You'll learn some amazing things about the original show and the plans for it.)

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by WadeInLincoln on 16-03-2010 at 19:56:

I haven't had a chance to check these fics out yet.... I'm thinking that maybe I should wait until finishing up the original series before putting too many other stories in my head.

That being said, I am curious.
Are these strictly writing exercises? Or do some participants add artwork along with their submittals? Is all artwork just simply put in the gallaries?

Here's why I'm asking.... I caught my daughter the other day drawing pictures of Jun. "IF" I was to submit something it would have to be more of a joint effort (daddy/daughter) in a comic book-type format. Is there a place for that kind of venture?

So yeah, I've been looking into getting the Guide Book, errrrr Hofius book (I'm getting there) but I see on the Goods Pages that there is the original 2002 print and a 'revised' 2003 print. According to the description the covers are supposed to be different but the pictures they show are not. It probably doesn't matter and I will probably end up with each print someday but if you are looking at a picture from an auction site, is there anyway to tell the difference between the two editions besides asking for the year?

OK. I think I better stop asking questions now.
What am I up to? 5 or 6 questions in one reply.... sorry

Bird Go!!!

Posted by gatchamarie on 16-03-2010 at 20:14:

Originally posted by WadeInLincoln
Here's why I'm asking.... I caught my daughter the other day drawing pictures of Jun. "IF" I was to submit something it would have to be more of a joint effort (daddy/daughter) in a comic book-type format. Is there a place for that kind of venture?

I think you can definitely scan the pictures you and your daughter draw and post them under "the Artists Pallette" Forum. We would be very glad to see them! You can also join or other sites and post your drawings there creating your own album!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by amethyst on 16-03-2010 at 20:20:

The answer to your question on fanfic/fan art really depends on the archive. Luckly, Cathrl set with an archive so that both artist and writers can utilize the archive, some like TJ and Springie, have artwork included with their stories to enhance the narrative. And some like Wendy (Diinzumo [please have let me spelled that correctly]) have submitted comics to the the gallery. There are also other galleries and archives to, but the efiction script that gatchfanfic uses is one of the most user friendly and most of our active authors are posted there (except me as I've either been to busy or lazy to get me stories finished).

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by clouddancer on 16-03-2010 at 20:31:

I would say the same thing as Marie Wade.
Scan the pictures and post in a thread here. No need to go through the gallery. If you wish you could then post over at the archives that Amethyst mentions. In fact I very rarely visit the gallery on this forum - probably because I find it very hard to navigate through.

I would not say any of the writing here were "exercises." At least I don't consider it an exercise like I had to do in high school or University, write about a certain topic, or stick to a certain amount of words.

So saying, there are some fun writing challenges put forward here that are very like that. Maddy has just started a "drabble" exercise and we have done write a Christmas or Valentine themed challenge as well.

Most writing here is done for fun - and seems to stem from "dreams" people have about our favourite birdies. There are some people who will write a fic based on a picture or draw a picture based on an event that happens in a story, but that is not usually the case.

As for Jason Hofius' book. I was not aware of there being two different covers. I have the 2003 edition and I thought it was the same as the earlier edition.

Perhaps some one can point James our Gatch Guru in this direction and he can fill us in further on this matter.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 16-03-2010 at 22:17:

Originally posted by WadeInLincoln
I haven't had a chance to check these fics out yet.... I'm thinking that maybe I should wait until finishing up the original series before putting too many other stories in my head.

You probably should finish watching Gatchaman before reading any fanfics. Many of the fics reinterpret elements of the show, or expand on incidents, or reinterpret various characters. TJ has an interesting take on Red Impulse. Others have worked with Berg Katse, or various members of the team.

If you miss BotP, there's Veoh, where all 85 episodes are posted -- in the wrong order. (If I wrote about this to you already, forgive me. I don't remember if I did, or in which thread.) And somewhere here is a list I made up of the episodes in their intended viewing order. Over on Gatchfanfic, I'm posting BotP episode reviews, with Gatch summaries. I'm not kind to Zark.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by WadeInLincoln on 16-03-2010 at 23:55:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I would not say any of the writing here were "exercises."

I had a feeling my ignorance in the correct terminology might offend.... was not my intent. Believe me, felt like I was typing across eggshells on that last post. Because you all seem so embedded and then here comes this "former lurker" (wtf ??? just found this place a few days ago) poking his nose in everyone's business. Again sorry.

And Thanks again all....
I will be looking into some of those ideas that were mentioned here in the near future

Bird Go!!!

Posted by Madilayn on 17-03-2010 at 00:04:

Wade - it's very hard to offend us - and we will never be offended if a mistake is made through ignorance.

Have fun - that's the main thing. We like new fans - we cherish them.

*eyes start to glaze* We will love you and pet you and call you George..... Erm... where was I....

Remember - we were all new once and have all dropped clangers (come to that - we all still do when we're not really thinking about what we're saying).

I know what I found hardest was the fact that in this fandom, with many incarnations of the same team, that a lot of terms are used because that's what the writer is familar with regardless of whather it suits the particular team. You get used to it and we all tend to understand what people mean anyway.

Personally - I love that there seems to be a resurgence in fans from both the TVC game and also the buzz around the (now sadly seeming defunct) movie.

Bring it on! We need new people to corrupt!


"When I'm old, I don't want them to say of me, "She's so charming." I want them to say, "Be careful, I think she's armed." -G. Stoddart

Posted by clouddancer on 17-03-2010 at 00:05:

Wade, I did not intend to offend you or to send a tone that made you feel like I was.

The only way to learn is to ASK those questions. Trust me I went through the same feelings when I first arrived here, I think we all do/did. Especially those of us who have never encountered such things as forums or the internet before - like I was.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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