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Posted by Berg Katse on 27-01-2010 at 14:47:

We're all here because we aren't all there. *taps head*

That's what makes the place work!


Posted by yul on 27-01-2010 at 16:33:

AllentownDarkWate, don`t be afraid of Grammar Nazis, it`s just such a type of people.

Breathe in and breathe out

Posted by Firebird on 29-01-2010 at 20:18:

Have to echo what everyone has said this is a wonderful place to be and most members are so excited at being able to discuss any aspect of our favourite show we want without being made to feel their opinion is worthless.

People on this site have encouraged those of us who were shy to write, draw or just plain post a reply.

So a big thank you to Cep and BK!

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by green on 30-01-2010 at 04:11:

Originally posted by Firebird
People on this site have encouraged those of us who were shy to write, draw or just plain post a reply.

So a big thank you to Cep and BK!

I know I'm about the eighty ninth - but thank you from me too! I'm fairly recent myself, AllentownDarkWater, so I know exactly how wonderful they are around here to us newbies!

The people here have encouraged me to write more than the drabbles I had been, always unfinished because I couldn't see any worth in them. Even when they haven't agreed with my take on things, it has been said gently and with understanding - and with the reason why! And if I disagree, my point has always been listened to as well.

There is no better place on the net than right here!

Exaggeration misleads the credulous and offends the perceptive. ~Eliza Cook

Posted by gatchamarie on 30-01-2010 at 07:11:

Originally posted by green
Even when they haven't agreed with my take on things, it has been said gently and with understanding - and with the reason why! And if I disagree, my point has always been listened to as well.


To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 31-01-2010 at 08:46:

I feel that everyone needs to start somewhere when it comes to writing! I was hopless with grammar, not because I'm uneducated, just didn't need to have polished Grammar to be good at my day job. They cared more about my sales targets, people skills and other abilities.

I learned writing to improve it. I learned not from the nitpickers but from people who genuinely like my stories like TJ, Springie, CD, LB and a few others here. They just gently offered to help rather than came in with a sledgehammer or only commented on the mistakes. Their approach of real encouragement worked far better!!! Thanks girls! Huggles

I'm not worried about the grammar Nazi's any more like I did a few years ago, they can pick away all they like, I'd rather hear if the story itself was any good or needed improvements etc over if I missed a commar! I do respect the language, don't get me wrong here, but our language is a living language evolving all the time.)

Scratches head...I wonder how many spelling mistakes are in theis post!!! LOL

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 31-01-2010 at 21:01:

Well I'm not having any trouble on this board so far. I like alot of the people here already (well of who I've seen so far at least!). They're very nice and very friendly.


Posted by JohngPR on 07-02-2010 at 16:17:

I know what you mean. I made a thread on another anime board about Gatchaman and one of the first responses was a smart comment because I had inadvertently called them Science Team Ninja Gatchaman instead of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. It pretty much killed the topic. Frown

I'm glad I found somewhere I can talk about the series freely!

Hang in there, Gatchaman

Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-02-2010 at 17:20:

Feel free to talk freely here, John! That's what we're here for!


Posted by gatchgirl on 13-02-2010 at 17:42:

Welcome to all the new people on this site.... I haven't even been lurking here for quite some time... RL can get the best of you at times.

From my experience with this site, I have to say it is one of the easiest to chat and discuss anything Gatch and beyond. People tend to not nitpick over the little things, and give some excellent encouragement along with info. Plus there are a lot of great artist, that post theirs and others wonderful works... what more can you ask for.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Swan_Jun on 08-06-2010 at 01:08:

I totally agree with TJ said Ingore The People (See What I Mean? I Misspelled The Word Ignore On purpose To Show what i mean by Misspelling something by mistake is Common among keyboardists who type 45 wpm) who are Grammar Nazis They are not worth wasting your breath on them

Jun The Swan


No I don't Suffer From A Swan Obsession. Being a Swan Is Graceful and beautiful

Posted by amethyst on 08-06-2010 at 01:12:

My experience is there are three kinds of Grammar Nazis: those who point out your mistakes because they want to see you improve as a writer; those who can find no flaw with your statement that they can counter so they nitpick your grammar; and those that just like to make fun of people with no intent to help them improve.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by BirdLover on 08-06-2010 at 01:37:

Do you only consider Grammar Nazis people who post comments about others grammar?

I find errors all the time in print I am reading. I was reading a current popular author and found several spelling errors. I find them all the time in the newspapers or magazine articles I am reading as well - but I never "complain" about them. At least not to anyone who matters.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2010 at 01:42:

I think the term 'Nazi' implies a strict adherence to the rules, to the point of ridiculousness, and perhaps an evil pleasure at pointing out others' mistakes... at least, that's what the term implies to me.

And Birdlover, I'd say that it could be in any are, not just online postings.


Posted by BirdLover on 08-06-2010 at 02:10:

I was wondering if I could be considered a "nazi" because I am noticing the errors but not mentioning it, so I am not hurting anyone.

I did come across one story on that was so full of errors I kept thinking even my meager attempts would be better. Again I left no comments.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 08-06-2010 at 03:21:

I would say you're not a Nazi, because you can't help what you notice, but you can help how you respond to it, and you're doing so with understanding and tact.

FWIW, a lot of us (myself included) make typing mistakes here... or we type something quickly so that we respond. I know I'm not exactly editing or beta'ing my posts here, the way I woudl a fic that gets poste somewhere... Wink


Posted by amethyst on 08-06-2010 at 03:42:

Sometimes I'll go back and edit my posts. If I catch something will typing, I definitely correct it.

What I'm most likely to point out, if I do, is my biggest weakness, and that is homophones. However, that is something that as long as it is not overdone, can be pointed out tactfully and with humor.

However, it is frustrating to read a well planned argument on a board and then three post later someone is trashing the poster because of typos or misspellings. Focus on the argument not the people regardless of where you are at!

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Cep on 08-06-2010 at 08:33:

Originally posted by JohngPR
I know what you mean. I made a thread on another anime board about Gatchaman and one of the first responses was a smart comment because I had inadvertently called them Science Team Ninja Gatchaman instead of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. It pretty much killed the topic. Frown

I'm glad I found somewhere I can talk about the series freely!

John people who are that hung up on you getting the words the wrong way around, reeeeally need to get a life.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by BirdLover on 08-06-2010 at 11:11:

Most of the time, in posts I can ignore peoples spelling ... sometimes that little typo gives a good chuckle. It is when reading stories that should have been proofed and edited (beta-ed? I think you call it, still trying to understand these terms) that I start to grumble.

But I do understand there may be one or two small errors in a story, considering I have seen the "professionals" have them in their mass produced books, but a story full of errors drives me nuts.

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 08-06-2010 at 22:36:

The gripe is about the people who have to pick at every little thing.

Most of us have no problem with an error or two. It happens.

Its when someone cant be bothered to edit or use commas or proper spleling an we hav 2 work out wat their rilly sayng cuz of that -- Well, that's what gets us in a lather. And there's at least one who does the whole teenspeak/teenwrite thing over on FanFiction dot net. (By the way, it was actually HARD for me to write that hideous sentence. I can't manage the modern disdain for spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure, even for an example.)

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