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Posted by Wonderpants on 13-07-2004 at 22:08:

//opens the doors and walks out of the frisking room, casually twirling a shuriken between his fingers

Yep, nice screencaps of Princess. Of course, I've got lots already though. Big Grin

Posted by Wonderpants on 13-07-2004 at 22:17:

Fcuking hell!

I think I'll be spending the rest of the night looking at

Posted by stardust on 13-07-2004 at 23:08:

It is a great website isn't it?


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by Cep on 14-07-2004 at 08:00:

Yes it is pretty fondo! Daisy2

Just wonder why Lyon or Sam haven't added their site to the links directory here. Confused

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by lyon on 15-07-2004 at 06:46:

i'm lazy as hell?

not sure what Sam's excuse is...

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 15-07-2004 at 13:03:

Heh. Probably the same. Big Grin

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Firebird on 15-07-2004 at 19:49:

I see Imi skimp on the frisking again

Just as well you have the Screencaps to keep you amused

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 16-07-2004 at 13:30:

Peh. Imi's been slacking off. Perhaps she just doesn't have what it takes anymore? *sigh*

Or maybe she's asleep. Like this: Drool3 Ew...she's drooling...gross.

Imi! Wake up!


What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Wonderpants on 20-07-2004 at 22:02:

Well, since there seems to be a shortage of Princess orientated websites on the Net, here's my fledgling site:

The Snack Jun shrine

All comments are welcomed.

And I may have used pics that are hosted on the sites of some people here. I've gotten to the point where I've got too many pics to keep track of where they come from. No disrespect is intended, and I'll be happy to take the images down if you don't want me to use them. Smile

Posted by lyon on 21-07-2004 at 01:30:

remove the BirdGo screencaps - you didn't ask and i'm not feeling more than tolerably forgiving at the moment.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by meridianday on 21-07-2004 at 06:26:

Hard to comment when there's nothing there....

Since the images have been shrunk I can't tell whether they're all from birdgo or not. However, Wonderpants, you have made them from full size images and since Lyon has marked all of hers you have no excuse of saying that you don't know where they came from. That's just rude.

I recall Sayuri being very upset some months ago about the use of fanart on sites without any credit being given to the artist or permission asked (admittedly it's hard to ask permission due to the language difficulties). But that G3 in G1 pose on your front page is definitely fanart not Tatsunoko stock art, and whoever produced it would most likely be upset to see it there too. On the other hand, due to the language problems, they're also less likely to complain.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by lyon on 21-07-2004 at 07:02:

unless Sayuri sees it, in which case she'll raise holy hell in both languages.

grin. gotta love her but man, that Hammer of Copyright Violation +2 falls with a tremendous thunk.

i know, because i got hit with it once for uploading some of Robix' stuff for Mei, and then forgetting to immediately remove it once it had been grabbed. i think i still have a scar....

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by meridianday on 21-07-2004 at 07:12:

I caught Sayuri's wrath indirectly because I was one of several people linking to pics on japanese sites from the old forums here. She certainly knows how to make her point... I haven't done it since.

Fact is, I wouldn't like fanart misappropriation to happen to me either, although it's far less likely because I'm not such a good artist that my stuff is going to get pinched. But a lot of the stuff by Sayuri and Robix and Haha (and all those other ones) is so good it's hard to resist.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by lyon on 21-07-2004 at 07:46:

pinched for personal archive is expected or it wouldnt be placed online.

its the "pinch and display on my own website" that gets annoying. and every so often i find my own personal art in places it does not belong - its a bit startling.

although if you get down to brass tacks, i'm pinching from Tatsunoko which isnt right either. however, i defend my original demand for picture retraction from Wondertrousers since it was my time, effort and skill that grabbed those pictures (along with Sam's money at purchasing them for me as a gift) .. and its very rude to pinch when the logo (complete with web address) makes its very clear they were stolen.

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Cep on 21-07-2004 at 07:50:

Unfortuanetly Wonderpants I'll have to remove the link to this site if the above is still true in two days time. Sorry but dems is de rules Smile

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Wonderpants on 21-07-2004 at 08:15:

Ok, the pictures will be removed.

Again, sorry for any offense (although yes, I should have noticed the BirdGo logo...)

Posted by imaqtz on 21-07-2004 at 17:28:

Dammit...I go into intensive training for a couple of days and I miss the action!

Did Lyon actually bare teeth and growl ...without using plasma rifle..and THEY LIVED?! surivivor of the year!. Id start buying lottery tickets if I were you..youre THAT damn lucky to have come out of that scathing with nothing but mere scratches!


Ah sometimes we have to take the hard path to learn copyright lessons and respect original fan artisists and their work..*grin*

Im sorry you had to find out the hard way how to ASK PERMISSION first to display art.

Is true that the art is on the net.. for personal enjoyment and I can understand the exuberance in opening up a site and showcasing a variety of artists interpretation for our beloved heroine the G3..

Theres no prob in starting up a site..or even showing pics..IF permission has been granted by the artist first. Its only a matter of emailing them. Sometimes youll find theyll aprove as long as you link their site..Problem I can relate to end up with so many gorgeous pics and you cant remember where you got them from!

Worst kind of snide and disrespect <usually known as STEALING in artists and fanfic writer circles..punishable by no less than a horrible death of eternal flames in hell> is putting up a pic with no permission, no link or even worse passing it off as your own.

Actually expereinces like these are a major learning curve for any website esp a new can only learn through experience..

And Gods yes...*huge wistful sighsmile*..I too recall Sayuris and G002's displeasure at our naively exuberant attempts to dispaly, share and translate a wonderful Japanese fanfic also showing Robix's work..

<Just WHAT is it about talented celebrity fanfic authors and fanartists that menace you with a tonguelashing akin to a budokai sword slash that completely turns me on?!> :drool:

Dammit ..what was my point again?

Ah!...Well we all sure learnt after that and to date no one has dispalyed work that has not had permission..or the artists/author themselves contributed theri work here!.

.Actually My avatar is Sayuri's work!.Alll it took was a respectful email asking permission <read that as pleading and begging on bended knees witha lot of pitiful puppydog looks..added with lots of please please with sugar on tops> Wink1

My experience with every artist/author so far has been extremely aweinspriring and jawdropping of their efforts < and that DEFINITELY includes you as well Merry!!>

Get to know them, and you might be surprised to find them in a congenial enough mood to ask them to commission some work just for you! ..

( on the flip side of the same argument...Imagine then how it must feel if you did the hard work of asking for a pic..theyve drawn just for you..pinched and shown on someone elses site!..)

Anyways , congrats on showing some humility and apologising and surviving your encounter while building up your site!

Excuse me...

*grabs Lyon, Merry, Sayuri as well as every other artist/.author in the Frisking Room *

Next time I want to see plasma rifles, greenades and birdmissiles- 2guns and blucketloads of blood and gore!!!!


Big Grin

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by stardust on 21-07-2004 at 18:12:

But that G3 in G1 pose on your front page is definitely fanart not Tatsunoko stock art, and whoever produced it would most likely be upset to see it there too. On the other hand, due to the language problems, they're also less likely to complain.

I can tell you exactly where that picture came from because I was just checking out the site the other day. It is from and the artist is Anoji.

Wonderpants, you need to be careful when putting up any art of any kind. Before you go any further with this site I suggest you read up on your copyright laws so you may further avoid this sort of situation. I think Lyon was being pretty calm considering. I know as an artist I get pretty worked up over stuff like this.


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. - Agnes Repplier

Posted by Wonderpants on 21-07-2004 at 19:57:

Originally posted by stardust
Wonderpants, you need to be careful when putting up any art of any kind. Before you go any further with this site I suggest you read up on your copyright laws so you may further avoid this sort of situation. I think Lyon was being pretty calm considering. I know as an artist I get pretty worked up over stuff like this.

No, I won't be hosting any more pics without owner's permission, but since I've stupidly made myself look like a dickhead, I guess I'll bow out and leave you all as I found you.

No hard feelings though, hopefully.

Posted by meridianday on 21-07-2004 at 20:23:

Oh Wonderpants, you don't need to leave.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

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