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Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-08-2009 at 14:32:

Originally posted by lborgia88
And in Gatch II's episode 3, Galactor was using convicts as soldiers then too, weren't they?

You're right! I almost forgot about that! Except they were brainwashed or something, by their helmets...


Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-08-2009 at 14:33:

Originally posted by lborgia88
I don't think we ever saw an ordinary goon who wanted to leave. Granted, if any tried, they were probably about as successful as Joe's parents and doomed female love-interests!

Well, there was the guy who became 'G6' for an episode. He wanted to leave Galactor. And I know there were a few other people who snuck out of Galactor with secret documents... usually to be killed quickly.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-08-2009 at 14:38:

Springie had a great cartoon from this ep...



Posted by gatchamarie on 28-08-2009 at 15:15:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Ah, I guess I missed out then. If I ever get back there, I will check it out. The day that I could have gone there, I opted instead to go to the Muir Woods and look at giant redwood trees.

Those redwood trees are awesome! I had the privilege to visit those woods also! Well we couldn't miss a thing after travelling so far away from our country! It was a lovely experience and I encourage you to visit Alcatraz some day cause it's surely worth visiting and the view of San Francisco from there is breathtaking!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by amethyst on 28-08-2009 at 18:11:

Gatchamarie, I have to agree the best part of Alcatraz is the view and the trip to and from. The some of most interesting parts of the prison aren't shown on the traditional tours (I really wanted to see evidence of the Native American protest and the supposed damage, but it was barely touched on). It is well worth the trip, but if you are more of a nature buff than a history or prison buff, then I'd recommend Angel Island.

Also, I'm wondering how Jun would have done in her shot at piloting if she had to do something other than keep the GP in the air. The plot was more focused on what was going on inside the mecha than GP. I'm wondering if maybe Jinpie was teasing her while we were watching the others get tossed around.

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Transmute Jun on 28-08-2009 at 18:28:

Actually, Jun also had to fly the God Phoenix underneath the wing of the mecha and hide beneath it while landing. I'd say that tales some piloting talent! My husband (who is a licensed pilot) always says that landing is by far the most difficult part of flying, with the most potential for error.


Posted by clouddancer on 28-08-2009 at 20:31:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by lborgia88
Yes, they really do stick it to Ken in this episode, don't they? Now, in episode 26, I can buy that Joe might not be a great God Phoenix pilot, as race cars are his specialty, but Ken is a skilled pilot! Yes, the God Phoenix is a lot bigger than his G-1, but still...

But it had all of those unwieldy extra pieces on it, which made it difficult to fly. Wink

That is what I was trying to say, just in a lot more words.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Firebird on 29-08-2009 at 22:16:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Originally posted by lborgia88
Heh, I'd like to think she has no interest in an actual Galactor captain, but I think a darker, edgier look for Ken would be hot, and I could well believe that Jun might enjoy a "slightly wicked" Ken...

Oh my... now there's a fic idea.... Devil1

Question is who will write it hmm?

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Firebird on 29-08-2009 at 22:17:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Springie had a great cartoon from this ep...


lol well you do have to agree with that comment

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 27-04-2010 at 14:15:

I think this is another one that will end up out of order when I reach the BotP episode.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by condorcandi on 13-06-2010 at 07:29:

I do like how Ken looks in those pants. Ken as Condor. :evilgrin:

G-1 would have had to train in flying the Phoenix before the team went on duty, and he -and everyone else- probably does enough training to 'keep their hand in', but when you add together a plane that's not his primary vehicle, the cruddy aerodynamics of the camouflage, and that the Eagle usually sits in the co-pilot's chair, not the pilot's, it adds up to a potential mess.

In the early 1970's, capital punishment was banned in the United States (for a few years). Books referring to the ban often interchange 'abolish' and 'moratorium'. (Authors who need to learn dictionaries are useful.) This might explain the inconsistencies over the differeing episodes of Gatch: If the matter of the death penalty is still being fought out in the world courts of Utoland's world, it could be that the Jinjin prisoners could be sent to the chair if the decision is eventually decided to revive the death penalty


Hollywood is a land of money and cowardice.

-Henry A. Lee, columnist

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