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Posted by Firebird on 21-04-2009 at 06:21:

he certainly had the moody quality that would have suited him being Joe

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Becky Rock on 18-11-2009 at 22:04:

Last night, I received my latest copy of the Romantic Times Book Review magazine. It reviews any book that even has a man and woman look at each other.

They had an article about after the growing popularity of apocalypse books. That got me thinking about TJ's On the Run series so I went back to read some of it.

I woke up this morning remembering what I'd call just a dream scene. The team was in a large military looking vehicle. Jason was driving, of course. Tiny was beside him, Mark and Princess were in the center seats and Keyop was in a rear seat slumped asleep. Around and behind him were loads of equipment and supplies.

They were all dressed in a hodge-podge of olive, black and camouflage clothes and looked dirty, scruffy and tired, but determined.

Jason was driving across what looked like a desert that went in all directions.

No one was talking, but there was song playing in the background. I don't know the name or the artist. The lyrics I remember are or are something like:

All I ever wanted, all I ever needed
Was you in my arms.
Words are very unnecessary
They only lead to harm

I can still hear it in my head.

Fanfic material? Maybe.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by UnpublishedWriter on 18-11-2009 at 22:34:

Well, how did they get there? Why aren't they in their birdie suits? What's going on?

Answer that, and you have a fic.

I have had dreams, but I don't remember them. Isolated images, but no context.

Benefits, not features; benefits, not features

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-11-2009 at 23:05:

Becky, the song is by Depeche Mode, It's called Enjoy the Silence.

If my story inspired that dream of yours (and a fic) then I've done something worthwhile. I'm not sure I'd term it as 'apocalyptic'... but it certainly is the end of the BOTP-existence as we're familiar with in the series.


Posted by amethyst on 18-11-2009 at 23:19:

Ebony -- I think you are right, Cruise would make a perfect RI; I can even picture him with the small mustache and boots whose heals are 1/2" to an 1" higher than everyone else.

Becky -- I just reread TJ's On the Run series, too. I can really see where it might have influenced your dream.

Right now, my life is so messed up that my dreams are chaotic and the last one I remember was about grocery shopping and my groceries disappearing for the holiday meals. I'm not hosting this year! Confused2

Perspective Alters Reality

Posted by Becky Rock on 19-11-2009 at 00:56:

TJ, I didn't think of On the Run as apocalyptic so much as a drastic change in the world for our favorite characters, all the way down to their memories.

I also recently watched the Resident Evil movies and that keeps coming to mind now.

Our heroes' world changed forever and the enemy is now zombies?

I'm a victim of overactive imagination syndrom.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by gatchamarie on 19-11-2009 at 18:37:

The last Gatch dream that I remember was a recent one but I only recall tiny bits of it with which I cannot make a whole story! Forgive me but I'm always fixed with Gatch F and my dream was taking place somewhere in that series with Egobossler, etc. I was Ken (what's new?!) and the whole team was in a kind of mission which, as I said, I cannot remember what it was or dealt with. I only remember clearly that every time Ken (i.e. me) had the chance to win the battle with his enemy, the fatigue and consequences of his illness took the toll over him and he never managed to defeat Egobossler when combatting in person. I also recall a lot of tenderness between Ken and Jun, especially when the Swan showed that she cared about him not feeling well in a very emotional manner. Even Joe had a big part in this dream as he always was there to support Ken and to take command when the Eagle wasn't capable to do so! I wish I could remember every bit clearly!

TJ, I have to read your "On the run" series! I'm itching with curiosity!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by clouddancer on 19-11-2009 at 19:23:

Originally posted by gatchamarie
I was Ken (what's new?!)

I do that as well gatchamarie. I find it funny how I dream from the Eagle's POV and he is my favourite character, and yet I feel I most closely resemble the Owl's character.

I had to be the lowly Owl on the board just to keep his character recognized.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-11-2009 at 19:45:

Marie, your dream sounds great, and very consistent with the series! I think you need to write this up.... Poke

Whenever you have time, you can read my On the Run series. It will still be there. Wink


Posted by Becky Rock on 19-11-2009 at 21:08:

I never dream I'm the character. It's always like I'm watching it on TV.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by Becky Rock on 19-11-2009 at 21:12:

My overactive imagination is starting to fill in the whys of my dream. I don't know if I'll get a fic out of it, but we'll see. Not that I don't already have enough fics in the works. Thinking

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by gatchamarie on 20-11-2009 at 08:41:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I find it funny how I dream from the Eagle's POV and he is my favourite character, and yet I feel I most closely resemble the Owl's character.

I had to be the lowly Owl on the board just to keep his character recognized.

Opposite characters attract each other!Wink1

But wait ... I associate my character with the Eagle's and he's also my favorite! Perhaps my theory isn't that right! Or maybe perhaps the Eagle had a change in character a lot of times ... who knows?!!!! CD, don't you think that, maybe, you have some Eagle in you?!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by gatchamarie on 20-11-2009 at 08:42:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Whenever you have time, you can read my On the Run series. It will still be there. Wink

Count on it!!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by gatchamarie on 20-11-2009 at 08:47:

Originally posted by Becky Rock
I don't know if I'll get a fic out of it, but we'll see. Not that I don't already have enough fics in the works. Thinking

You can always jot down some notes for the future just to make sure you don't forget the main points! We can wait ... don't worry!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by lborgia88 on 17-01-2010 at 16:05:

Okay, I had a weird dream last night and I woke up able to remember it clearly.

It's been a while now since I was in grad school, but in the dream I was walking across a university campus and talking to my advisor about a book I'd read recently (in real life), but the man I was talking to wasn't my real-life advisor

It was Dr. Nambu.

Now why couldn't I have a dream with Joe in it, damn it?!

Posted by Becky Rock on 17-01-2010 at 17:23:

Nambu could introduce you to Joe, Ib. If you followed him around, you'd be bound to run into the team.

I've started a fic based on my dream. I've filled in a piece or two but still have lots to figure out.

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers so far...

Posted by gatchamarie on 17-01-2010 at 19:17:

Be careful, LB ... in another dream Dr. Nambu might ask you to be a member of the SNT!!! ... the good thing is that then you might meet Joe!

To be or not to be a gatchamaniac - that's the dilemma!


Posted by Transmute Jun on 25-01-2010 at 15:17:

I don't even want to think about what it means that you're reaming about Dr. Nambu! Eek3


Posted by AllentownDarkWater on 25-01-2010 at 15:22:

None yet. The closest I've gotten to a birdie dream is cosplaying as Eagle at a con. Don't know if I ever will though. There's a place I found selling an Eagle costume that looks REALLY nice! But here's the problem:It's $240!!!! Come on! $240 for a costume???


Posted by Transmute Jun on 25-01-2010 at 16:20:

Come to COmic Con in San Diego, Darkwater! I do a Swan and an Eagle Cosplay. But not at the same time. Wink


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