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Posted by tatsunokofan on 30-05-2008 at 02:06:

Hi all!

As for the Snack Jun, I think even the exterior has changed a couple of times as well.

Actually, aside from its appearance in episode #17 (Where it looked completely different), the outside of the Snack Jun also remained fairly constant. I can provide examples from different episodes, if you want, but that would have to wait until later for me to be able to get the screen grabs. If you want to look for yourselves, check episode #'s 40, 52, 71, 72, 85, and 102 for good examples.

Now for a more serious question, have you ever thought about compiling EVERYTHING you know about the three series and actually write a book/compendium about it?

Thought about it? Sure. Actually done anything about it? Not yet. Maybe someday...

And, I knew I had one more model sheet image of the Control Room of the God Phoenix, but it took a while to dig it out. So, here it is:



Posted by Transmute Jun on 30-05-2008 at 13:31:

Ooh, I like this one best of all! Very nice! Clap

James, you are awesome. When I meet you at ComiCon, should I bow down to you? Bowdown


Posted by Rory on 30-05-2008 at 20:39:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Now for a more serious question, have you ever thought about compiling EVERYTHING you know about the three series and actually write a book/compendium about it?

Thought about it? Sure. Actually done anything about it? Not yet. Maybe someday...

THANKS SO MUCH AGAIN, JAMES! If I were you, I'd do something about it now. Nah, seriously. You could get permission from Tatsunoko Pro now while writing it. Then, you release the book in time for the CGI film. Movie merchandise, especially books, are huge sellers if the information contained in them are complete and with nice illustrations as well.

Give it some thought. Shades

Posted by katsesama on 30-05-2008 at 21:07:

Originally posted by tatsunokofan
Now for a more serious question, have you ever thought about compiling EVERYTHING you know about the three series and actually write a book/compendium about it?

Thought about it? Sure. Actually done anything about it? Not yet. Maybe someday...

Well, you do know at least one professional freelance writer who'd love to help out if you ever decided you wanted to do it. (Hint hint. Wink And hey, Sandy Frank thought I was good enough to plagiarise. Seems like that should count for something, too, though I'm not sure exactly what!) I know Jason used a co-author for his BotP Guidebook.

~Carolyn (always looking for great projects she'd enjoy!)

Gatchaman, BotP, GForce & Eagle Riders site

Using psychology in your fanfic?

Posted by Hinotori on 30-05-2008 at 23:45:

Once again, great info James!! You never cease to amaze me with your knowledge about Gatch/Tatsunoko. Though I have to say that I'm wondering exactly what kind of direction/detail is written in Japanese on each part of the renditions... But that could just be me and my "I need to know every little detail" mind! Big Grin

Anyway, thanks for sharing your vast knowledge with us! Bowdown

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by tatsunokofan on 31-05-2008 at 07:59:

Hi all!

Though I have to say that I'm wondering exactly what kind of direction/detail is written in Japanese on each part of the renditions... But that could just be me and my "I need to know every little detail" mind!

Well, honestly, they don't tell you a whole lot. Still, here's what I can get from them. There are a few parts of it that I can't make out, thanks to the overall low resolution of the original images, and those will be listed with "????." Still this ought to give you some idea of what they said.


#1 - Super Radar
#2 - TV
#3 - Lift Floor (Plus something about how it raises to the dome above it)
#4 - Missile Button
#5 - Engine Control Lever
#6 - Center Control Panel
#7 - G-5 God Phoenix Control Room
#8 - G-5's Pilot Seat


#1 - Upper Video TV
#2 - Dr. Nambu's ???? TV
#3 - Lower TV Screen
#4 - Button (And something in parenthesis that I cannot read)
#5 - ????
#6 - World Map ???? Screen (And something in parenthesis that I cannot read)
#7 - Control Lever
#8 - Radar
#9 - Missile Button
#10 - Lift (Raises Upward)
#11 - Center Control Panel
#12 - Video Tape
#13 - Monitor TV
#14 - Side Control Panel
#15 - God Phoenix


#1 - Upper Video TV
#2 - Dr. Nambu's ???? TV
#3 - Lower TV Screen
#4 - ???? Button
#5 - Side Control Panel
#6 - World Map ???? Screen (And something in parenthesis that I cannot read)
#7 - Super Radar
#8 - Radar
#9 - Monitor TV
#10 - Video Tape
#11 - Engine Control Lever
#12 - God Phoenix Cockpit

I hope this helps!


Posted by gatchgirl on 31-05-2008 at 12:45:

Bowdown Bowdown to all of your wonderful knowledge James!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Hinotori on 31-05-2008 at 21:33:

Thank you, James! I will now be studying and memorizing the "true" layout and equipment in the GodPhoenix.

I think you are most deserving of this smilie:


Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by lborgia88 on 31-05-2008 at 22:25:

I love that Joe doesn't simply have "radar," he has "super radar" !

(Except, of course, sometimes it was Jinpei sitting in front of it, not Joe.)

Posted by Rory on 06-06-2008 at 23:09:

New Question, Tatsunokofan! Help!!

Hiya, James, minna-san!

I'm writing this story for a friend of mind and something just occurred to me.

Would you also happen to have the floor plan/interior layout of Ken's shack and Joe's trailer??

Thanks in advance!

Posted by tatsunokofan on 07-06-2008 at 22:34:

Hi all!

Like the Snack Jun, I have never seen any model sheets showing an official design for the interior of Ken or Joe's homes. However, the same Japanese fan group who did the floor plan for the Snack Jun did the same for the homes of the rest of the Ninja Team, based partially on what could be observed in the episodes themselves, and partially on what should realistically be there. I'll provide them here so you can see them, but I must stress that these are NOT official. Unlike the Snack Jun, which had a fairly consistent layout through most of its appearances, these locations were shown so infrequently that there really wasn't much to base these floor plans on, and therefore they include a lot of supposition.

Anyway, here's Ken's airstrip home.


Here's Joe's trailer home. The vast majority of this is based on the layout of an actual trailer that was a fairly close match to the style of Joe's as shown in the series, not what was actually seen in the series itself (Since very, very little of the interior was ever shown, aside from Joe's bed).


Anticipating that requests for these would be coming along shortly, here's their floor plans for the upper floors above the Snack Jun.

This is the second floor, where Jun's room is. Yes, there really was a mystery ladder shown in the guest room. Just check episode #4 and you'll see it.


This is the attic, where Jinpei has his room.


And here's Ryu's home. We only ever saw the part with the hammock and TV and the room with his bed, as well as the exterior of the building, so everything else is supposition on their part.


And, before you ask, they never did a floor plan for Nambu's villa. They did do an article talking about some of the various rooms seen there (Pretty much Nambu's labs and his office), but they didn't try to guess at the layout of the place.


Posted by Transmute Jun on 07-06-2008 at 23:30:

James, these are great! Thank you so much for posting! What an awesome resource!


Posted by Springie on 08-06-2008 at 01:52:

Wow! These are great...I pictured a couple of things a little differently...but it's neat to see this!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 08-06-2008 at 02:13:

Even if they're unofficial, it's great to see floor plans that are compatible with the little that was shown in the series. In future, when writing fics, I could see myself referring to these, even if just for myself, to help visualize the space that characters are moving around in.

Posted by Hinotori on 08-06-2008 at 18:31:

Great floorplans, James! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Like LB said, even if they aren't "true", it will still help me/us visualize the areas the characters are in when writing.

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Rory on 08-06-2008 at 20:42:

Dear James,

Again I stand in awe of your great knowledge!! I'm looking forward to the day when I would see you as the author of a Gatchaman info book in the very near future.

Consider yours truly one of your loyal subjects!!



Posted by clouddancer on 11-06-2008 at 21:51:

These are great James.
Thank you for posting them.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by shamrokchick on 22-10-2008 at 21:25:

Wow, James, this is awesome information! Thanks for sharing all this stuff, I've wondered about the layouts myself and this clears it up! Bowdown

"They say the Titanic sank because it hit an iceberg, but that must have been Galactor's fault too." Swallow


Posted by Metaliant on 22-10-2008 at 21:48:

Yes James, thanks as well.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Tengu on 23-10-2008 at 14:01:

Why would Kens shack have the WC in the same room as the bath?

(I always thought the Japanese were dead against such arrangements)

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

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