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Posted by Transmute Jun on 10-04-2008 at 00:05:

Since we're on the subject of Katse's procreationm in the interests of shameless self-promotion, I'll mention my Sunset fic. Big Grin

Sunset with pictures

SUnset No Pictures


Posted by meridianday on 10-04-2008 at 08:30:

Personally, I think that any loving/nurturing instincts in Katse would have an awful lof of other psychosis to battle through in order to achieve good parenting skills.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Gunman on 10-04-2008 at 14:49:

You people talk smack....

Do yall have the balls to FIGHT!

Posted by meridianday on 10-04-2008 at 15:20:

Do you have the brains?


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Gunman on 10-04-2008 at 15:27:

Ask Dameion hes locked up in my dungeon......

And do u think u do!

I will not be critiszed by twerp like u!

DEVILSTAR eh well i dont care!


Posted by Fairlight on 10-04-2008 at 15:41:

Gunman---LOL! It's like having the real Katse in the group. I love you people!

Posted by meridianday on 10-04-2008 at 16:10:

Methinks the real Katse would be able to spell criticised (or criticized, the US way).


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Gunman on 10-04-2008 at 18:15:

You truely believe u can beat me!

I will have ur head on a Stick! Laser

Posted by amyltrer on 10-04-2008 at 19:09:

Originally posted by lborgia88
Originally posted by Metaliant
Katse is basically a person who can switch sexes and I wondered if he/she could get pregnant.

There's certainly no canon on this topic, but I suppose it's possible that Katse, in female form, could get pregnant, but would then have to remain solely in female form for several months to ensure the survival of the baby. If female Katse switched to male Katse, while pregnant, I would imagine the result would be very unpleasant.

We don't know how much of the change Katse could control, but s/he might keep the womb while beeing in male form. A huge belly, of course could give a lot of trouble in dodging the shurikens!

Besides, Katse had four sets of chromosomes. So hir child would inherit 3 assuming the father isn't a hermaphrodite too. Even soo, if it has an Y and 2 XX, given Gatch cannon it should be able to chage it's gender. (Poliploidy is lethal in humans in real life) So Katse's child could be a hermaphrodite too.

As for Katse being a good parent, have you considered the possibility of Sosai taking hir child away? Or even if Katse wanst to bring the pregnancy to the term, giving the troubles s/he would have to endure during it, the break in hir Gallactor leadership position and the extra-dangers from Gatchaman?

Someone sugested that Katse had a hard childhood and youth. The only fics I've found this are these of Alara Rogers (she also wrote a seris Aite about Katse and Joe having a child, where Katse was the mother)
but I don't agree with the idea.

There's no way s/he could have gained all that knowledge about science, mecha, disguise etc is s/he would have grow up as a street rat! Are there any suggestions in Gatch 1 that Katse could have had such a life before his Gallactor leader career?

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by amyltrer on 10-04-2008 at 19:22:

Originally posted by Gunman
Thats disgusting!

U eagles take to much pride in mouthing about kaste!

I was mouthing yall once but u metaliant started balling how u was going to leave!

Well u will halt in the verbal assualts or i will make this place hell!


Cool down Gunnie! Katse may have the ability to give birth to a child in hir female form, but you don't. So you won't be in Beatie's situation.

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by clouddancer on 10-04-2008 at 20:18:

Originally posted by amyltrer

Someone sugested that Katse had a hard childhood and youth. The only fics I've found this are these of Alara Rogers (she also wrote a seris Aite about Katse and Joe having a child, where Katse was the mother)
but I don't agree with the idea.

There's no way s/he could have gained all that knowledge about science, mecha, disguise etc is s/he would have grow up as a street rat! Are there any suggestions in Gatch 1 that Katse could have had such a life before his Gallactor leader career?

Amy when the stories mention Katse having a hard life I do not think any of them mention her being a street rat as being the hard life. I think what they mean is having to hide identities every year, male one year female the next, and living with that change. Think about this would you not find it hard to have to re adjust your life every year and change schools every year, new friends every year, etc.

(I know I would/did, and I did not move every year but every 18 months to 28 months for my entire primary years of school. When I got to High School, grade 9, my parents settled down and decided my brother and I needed some consistancy. But by then the damage was done to me, I have never been able to keep a permanent friendship since.)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by amyltrer on 10-04-2008 at 20:24:

Originally posted by clouddancer

Amy when the stories mention Katse having a hard life I do not think any of them mention her being a street rat as being the hard life. I think what they mean is having to hide identities every year, male one year female the next, and living with that change. Think about this would you not find it hard to have to re adjust your life every year and change schools every year, new friends every year, etc.

(I know I would/did, and I did not move every year but every 18 months to 28 months for my entire primary years of school. When I got to High School, grade 9, my parents settled down and decided my brother and I needed some consistancy. But by then the damage was done to me, I have never been able to keep a permanent friendship since.)

Yes they do. Here is one of the Alara's series:


There's even death, gore and abuse is many of them!

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Transmute Jun on 10-04-2008 at 22:34:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I have never been able to keep a permanent friendship since.

You have one now! Huggles


Posted by lborgia88 on 10-04-2008 at 22:50:

Originally posted by clouddancer
(I know I would/did, and I did not move every year but every 18 months to 28 months for my entire primary years of school.

That must have been hard. Were one or both of your parents in the military? (my brother's in the Canadian Air Force, and he + family move about every 3 years)

Posted by Hinotori on 10-04-2008 at 23:03:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

You have one now! Huggles

I second that emotion!! Grouphug

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 11-04-2008 at 00:24:

Originally posted by clouddancer
I have never been able to keep a permanent friendship since.)

Huggles CD... you got more friends than you realize!!! Count me in! Smile

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Springie on 11-04-2008 at 00:32:

Add me to the list! Wave1


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 11-04-2008 at 00:47:

I know I haven't been here very long, but count me too!

Posted by katsesama on 11-04-2008 at 04:17:

Originally posted by Gunman
You truely believe u can beat me!

I will have ur head on a Stick! Laser

Clearly we have a psychotic imposter here. With an IQ of 280, Lord Katse can SPELL, thank you very much. And of course s/he is far smoother and more dangerous than all this blustering makes hir sound.


PS: CD Grouphug

Gatchaman, BotP, GForce & Eagle Riders site

Using psychology in your fanfic?

Posted by meridianday on 11-04-2008 at 07:08:

I doubt Gunman is even captain-of-the-week material. I am finding it amusing to picture him dressed as a poodle though. Wink

Anyway, I recall the street rat and abused origins written for Katse were to give a basis for Katse's hatred of humanity in general, such as the ability to wipe out city after city without a second thought. I believe the theory was originally Alara Rogers' and then was picked up on by lots of other writers including Ennien, Cal, and Deborah Brown.

And another hug for CD Hug


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

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