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Saw Troy tonight.
Not historically accurate.
Lots of cool battle/fight scenes.
Gratuitious Brad Pitt nakey butt shots (at least 3).
Biggest single complaint:
Who the heck picked a wailing woman (a greek funeral dirge) to be the almost sole source of the background 'music' track? Every time something emotionally charged started happening, she'd go caterwauling. My hubby and I kept getting distracted. After a while we just started finding it funny. I mean, she sounded like she were trying to sing, but forgot the words and was dying of a gut wound at the same time. We just wished she would hurry up and die already.
Big emotional scene? Oop! There she goes again! Can't quite hear what the heroes are saying over her disembodied wailing. Oop! Now she has a friend singing back up. Oh lord give us a battle scene or Brad Pitt's naked tuckus to distract!
Anyway Fun movie. Lots of pretty people swinging swords! Yummy!
And oh yeah, Peter O'Toole rocked.
"Spider sense....tingling."
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