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Posted by amyltrer on 21-11-2007 at 05:39:

It has snow here yesterday and now the roads are full of verglas and the traffic it's horrible. (3 km in 45 minutes in center) Not to mention I have to walk 20 minutes through frost and snow banks! Disturbed So Ebony, be glad you live in a warm region.

It is the tiny spark of humanity that adds blaze to a villain

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-11-2007 at 06:32:

Originally posted by clouddancer
Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I have to admit, I do NOT miss the snow. I am going into my 13th winter with little to no snow (only snow when we drive 3 hours+ to reach it) and I LOVE it. Big Grin

I especially do not miss scraping ice off of my car. Wink

That is why I keep my car in the garage. It also give me extra time to Sleep3 in the morning. Unfortunately when at work, I have to scrap if we get any snow or ice during the day.

Wow CD we get excited if we have ice on the car in winter! I only happens in July/August...grins.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Hinotori on 21-11-2007 at 11:46:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I have to admit, I do NOT miss the snow. I am going into my 13th winter with little to no snow (only snow when we drive 3 hours+ to reach it) and I LOVE it. Big Grin

I especially do not miss scraping ice off of my car. Wink

I was just the opposite of you TJ! When I lived in the Southern US, I missed the snow and cold winters. Though I was the only person to have a ice scraper in her car... which I did use about once a season down there (it was funny to watch everyone else try to figure out how to get 1/8 inch coating of ice off their windshields, while here I was, using a patented Northern climate ice scraper and brush! Of course explaining the credit card trick to them was kinda fun too!)

This will be my 2nd winter back up north, so we'll see how fond those memories are when it's 20 degrees up here with a windchill of -10! Cold

As an aside, we had our first snowfall on Monday and it was beautiful! Especially since the trees haven't dropped all their wonderfully-colored leaves yet.

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day to all those that are celebrating!

Eagle in Charge

Eagle Condor Swan Swallow Hootie

Posted by kimiko on 21-11-2007 at 13:58:

All this Turkey-talk has got me hungry now!

I'm a total carnivore! I like duck and goose and I agree with you guys that they are fatty but I think they have to be prepared just so. The same with lamb or goat.

BBQ Duck chinese style. Lamb for me has to be done Greek style. Goat- curryed either Jamaican or Indian. Beef, Pork and Chicken any way. Rabbit BBQ with Teriaki sauce is yummy.

Venison I think is an aquired taste. I've had burgers, roasts, and home-made sausage from venison, moose, and cariboo that were so good and then others that tasted like they could have been week old roadkill! (I've had that too!) My uncle was a tow-truck driver and one year he got 13 deer from people that had hit them with their cars. So he would dispose of the carcass as well as your car.

I'm guessing it's how it's prepared, seasoned, and what portion of the animal you're using.

Putting the "Con" in Condor....Ooooo... shiny red button!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-11-2007 at 15:48:

Well, Kimi, if you want to come out to Utoland and sample my chicken tomorrow, I'd be happy to have you! Hmmchicken


Posted by gatchgirl on 21-11-2007 at 22:06:

From what I've been told , we will be having 4 choices of meat tom. (including lamb). All I'm to bring is a dessert.... can you say Wal-Mart cool2 .

Not sure if I've ever had lamb so I'm game....

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-11-2007 at 22:42:

So we could have the virtual roast dinner together!

It must be a busy time of the year of the year for you guys having to major celebrations only weeks apart.

So from my time frame Thanksgiving is tomorrow then 23rd November for Americans...


We have boxing day after Christmas,(Really a resting day from all the food the day before!LOL) Australia Day is not until 26th January...BBQ day!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-11-2007 at 23:02:

Originally posted by gatchgirl
From what I've been told , we will be having 4 choices of meat tom. (including lamb). All I'm to bring is a dessert.... can you say Wal-Mart cool2 .

Not sure if I've ever had lamb so I'm game....

HUH what you have [I]never had lamb![I/] New Zealand sends its condolences...

And it is very popular roast here as well, we have a sizable sheep population, and so does NZ. I think the English love a lamb roast too...

Lets go cooking in Ebonyswanne's kitchen...Ebony smiled as she looked at the excited young girl who had just walked through the door.
"Hi jun glad you could make your first cooking lesson."

"Well you know I figured if I learned how to cook...Ken might finally notice me. They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach." Jun sighed and looked around the kitchen...

Ebony gets out her chefs hat and cooking tools and the lesson beginsChef

Here is a simple but nice leg of lamb marinade,

2 tblspoons Olive oil
hand fullRosemary
3 cloves garlic
pepper/salt sprinkled
hand full mint
small jar Djion mustard

mix it all together and then rub all over the leg of lamb and then roast in the oven for 1 1/2 hrs aprox, never overcook lamb, the centre should be still a light pink for it to stay tender.

With the juices just as add about 2 tblespoons of cornflour(mixed in a bit of water first) stir until thickened and then put it through a sive to smooth it out...

"Hi Ebony..." Ryu waves as he walks through the door.

"G'day Ryu, glad to see you could make it for dinner.." Ebony gives the big guy a hug.

"I hope you don't mind I invited some friends." He indicated behind him to Ken and Joe who were just walking through the door.

"He's just here because someone offered him a free meal." Joe grinned and pointed at Ken who shot Joe an innocent look.

" a woman that can cook..." Ken mumbled as he took his seat at the table...

"Hey Sis" Jinpei called out as he bounded through the door..."Whats for dessert!" The Swallow sat down at the head of the table...

Jun put up her hands with pride at the fact that she didn't burn anything for a change...(Ebony kept a close eye on her.)

"Why Pavalova of course!" She caught Ken's eyes as he smiled back...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 21-11-2007 at 23:12:

Ebony, I swear, you can make a fic out of ANYTHING!!!!! Bowdown


Posted by clouddancer on 21-11-2007 at 23:20:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne

And it is very popular roast here as well, we have a sizable sheep population, and so does NZ. I think the English love a lamb roast too...

Interesting Ebony, I had heard the English do not like lamb. They always think of lamb as Mutton which I gather is tough.

But maybe that is a story I remember from my Gandmother and Grandfather from back in the War Years.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 21-11-2007 at 23:38:

Yeah our English settles use to cook up mutton, but that was because it was cheaper than the more tender cuts...I don't know for sure if they do, most English people I know here just eat Lamb...

Any English people in the forum like to clarify this for us???

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 22-11-2007 at 00:02:

Ebony, my family IS British. And my parents introduced me to lamb when I was a youngster. I figured it was a Canadian thing to like lamb.

But then my parents love to experiment with different foods. They eat: Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Caribbean..... Where ever they visit they eat the "local" foods. Not like the typical NA who sticks with what they know. *sorry, I am stereotyping here*

I am not as willing as they are to tempt my taste buds, but I do have my favourites from different cultures. Lick1

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-11-2007 at 00:42:

I thought mutton was a sheep, which is older and tougher than a lamb. (lamb is to mutton as veal is to beef) Teacher


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 22-11-2007 at 00:43:

My dad discovered rice at 60! He came home from the golf club one day and asked my mum if she could cook some up for him for dinner. Mum was shocked!apparently he had some at the clubs bistro when the cook asked him to try a dish out for them.... Dad was a very strict meat and three veg man, he never tried anything new.

But since they have traveled he has become more adventurous. He actually ate Chinese food in China and even tried out chopsticks! (He said he would request western food while he was on the tour.)

So you never know CD, you might just branch out one day...

I love to cook all of those Thai, Vietnamese, Indian,Greek,Mediterranean...American, (Hot dogs Smile )

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 22-11-2007 at 00:55:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I thought mutton was a sheep, which is older and tougher than a lamb. (lamb is to mutton as veal is to beef) Teacher

That was my understanding too. Sorry if I gave anyone the wrong idea.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 22-11-2007 at 05:35:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I thought mutton was a sheep, which is older and tougher than a lamb. (lamb is to mutton as veal is to beef) Teacher

Hey TJ good work darling! Yes thats what mutton is...and old tough sheep! Lamb an young cute woolly sheep that tastes great when cooked up in a roast....

"Ahhh Jun..." Ken breathed the words out as he closed his eyes and and let the his senses take over..."Your so good...I just want to-"

But he was interrupted before he could tell her his thoughts" Save it Ken, please not at the dinner table." Joe jabbed Ken in the ribs making him jump and snap out of his trance.

"Joe shut up and eat your Lamb or next time just for you its mutton!" The Swan glared at the Condor before casting her eyes on her target as she battered her eyelashes at him seductively..."Ahh yes Ken you were saying.."Jun prodded him looking into his blue eyes with hope, maybe he was finally coming around.

"Just Jun this is actually ahhh you wanna cook for me at the shack tomorrow night?" Ken leaned in closer to the Swan.

But the Condor smiled."She would Ken but you see she's cooking for me instead at the trailer and well...dessert is under the stars babe." Joe winked at Jun as if she had already agreed.

That got the Condor a swift kick in the shins from Ken followed by a good side punch, Ken then flipped back the Condors chair so Joe went sprawling across the floor.

"Are you taking all of this in Ryu!" The Swallow asked his off sider excitedly.

"Sure am mmm ...Jun...which one?"Ryu raise and eyebrow inquiring what she planned to do about the situation.

Jun looked over at Joe who was picking himself up of the floor.

"Would you settle for me,Creme Brulee, candles...and maybe a-" the Eagle asked Jun as Joe grabbed Ken by the collar and dragged him from his chair towards the door.

"Lets settle this outside..."Joe casually interrupted Ken as he flung him out the door."No one throws me off a chair, and then gets away with it Eagle lets settle this man to man..."

"Oh" Jun breathed excitedly as she cupped her cheeks in her hands to hide how much she was blushing."I wonder what the last part of the offer was!" And her green eyes went wide as she imagined what it could be, she watched the door close behind the Eagle and the Condor as they went for their "man to man" discussion....

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by clouddancer on 22-11-2007 at 13:20:

ummm! Ebony!

Jun might not want the Eagle and Condor having a Man to Man as she may not have anything to look forward too later.

Other than Nursing Duty. Biglaugh1
hmmmm! Maybe that is what she wants.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Sosai X on 22-11-2007 at 18:37:

Happy Football Day! I mean...


cheerleader2 Animeparty cheerleader2

Galactor Galactor Katse Galactor Galactor


Posted by Transmute Jun on 22-11-2007 at 22:31:

Thanks, Tim! I'm in the lull between the big meal and vegging out in front of the TV with some card games. We played two games of Guillotine last night and my brother is looking for a rematch... Wink

I just finished cleaning up the kitchen, so I thought it was time to check out the boards. I hope everyone who is celebrating is having a wonderful holiday today!

And Ebony, I'm enjoying this! The COndor and the Eagle fighting over the Swan... that's the best kind of fic! Big Grin


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 22-11-2007 at 23:04:

Originally posted by clouddancer
ummm! Ebony!

Jun might not want the Eagle and Condor having a Man to Man as she may not have anything to look forward too later.

Other than Nursing Duty. Biglaugh1
hmmmm! Maybe that is what she wants.

you may have a point CD!

Three left at the table looked at each other,"Anyone for dessert?" Ebony asked as she came out of the kitchen. "Where's Joe and Ken?" She asked looking around for the missing guests.

"Having a man to man talk about who is best for the Swan...something like that." Jinpei threw in taking the last bite of his meal.

"Oh...nothing new then..." Ebony then went back to the business of serving out dessert, as she headed back into the kitchen she looked over her shoulder at Jun. "Well tell them when they have sorted it out they can come back for some Pavlova..."

Jun smiled. "My pleasure." Then the Swan got up from the table and made her way out the door.

A few moments later she returned grinning from ear to ear and sat quietly down at the table...
"Weeellll" Jin asked studying his sisters face for some clue as to what was going on out there.
"Ebony was right...the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, I'm signing up for some more cooking lessons."
Then she looked at the dessert that she had made in front of her and took a bite."Mmmmm" she moaned as she closed her eyes to take in the sweet sensation with the slight twing of the passionfruit hitting her taste buds...

Then something else followed it unexpectedly....

The feel of soft lips on hers and a tongue gently parted her lips as the kiss deepened...she opened her eyes to met with two clear blue eyes...the left eye was going purple around the edges.

"Thats one way to enjoy dessert..." He whispered softly in her ear.

"Oh Ken."Was all she managed breathlessly as she gazed into his eyes.

"Want to go back to my place after we finish here?" He asked as he leaned in to put a spoon full of the Pavlova with some white chocolate cream and a strawberry in her open mouth, and then he leaned in to kiss her again, much to the shock of the Swallow and the Owl.
Jun only had the chance to nod her head ask she circled her arms around his neck and moaned as he kissed her.

Joe stood leaning against the door."Damn... he did it!" And the disappointed Condor shook his head.

"Whatta ya mean Joe?" Ryu asked him as he scoffed his third serving of Pavlova.

"I told Ken that if he didn't act on his feelings straight away...then I was taking Jun out on a date tonight..." Joe bowed his head and put on his usual mask.

"Common bro..."Ryu called out to him..."Come and eat your dessert, it is Thanksgiving after all!"

"Yeah your right big guy..."The Condor came back to his place at the table.

"The best one yet!" Ken said when they finally came up for air...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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