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Posted by imaqtz on 29-04-2004 at 15:00:

Hear that Lyonese? Our reputations apparently precedes us... *grin*

Ah sighsmile..kinda takes me back to the Katse , Queen of Redlight District days.. *shivers delisciously*

And listen here you lot! much for the element of surpise.. *snort*! what if I decided to be civil for once and greet a new member with a homebaked cheesecake , a bunch of flowers and a "Welcome to Gatchamania ..enjoy your stay" greeting card? What if I made a genuine attempt to merely huggle our newbie and wish her well and...."

* is distracted from speech by the sight of pigs flying past this thread..*

Ah who am I kidding...

*Slow sly S...M...I...R...K.. while stubbing out smoke, approaching Ashke from behind with a wicked if somewhat amused glint in eyes*

Helllloooo breakfast...

Sneeky Sneeky Sneeky Sneeky

*Snatches Ashke and locks her into the Frisking Room to determine if she is Galactor or ISO affiliated, to divest her of any notions of normality or sanity existing on this site, to inject her with a twisted sense of humour and enough loopiness to share her views, join in the fun and frivolity , offer opinions, criticisms and hopefully contribute any literary or artistic offerings ...*

And AHEM...

Give this Frisking about an hour or two for her to come to grips with our warped way of jumping in and out of character/persona/gender mode .

Given your ID name, I will take much relish in determining whether Your "beloved" ID name might have been influenced by Mercedes Lackey's yaoi Medieval fiction.

PRAY Our Yaoi Goddess , Lyon doesnt hear about will make this Frisking feel like a Teddy Bear picnic...

*Pounding and terrified screams are muffled and intermingled with evil laughter as another Newbie1 succumbs to Da Condor Frisking Treatment..


<makes ya kinda wish for that homebacked cheesecake welcome instead eh Ashke? ...well...*waggles brows and nods in the others direction...* know who to blame and chase after ..

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by meridianday on 29-04-2004 at 15:04:

Sounds like it's too late for the rubber gloves now...


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 29-04-2004 at 15:06:

<cricket pokes feelers out of the word mines long enough to say, "hi," before crawling back into the depths.>

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Ashke on 29-04-2004 at 15:11:

I lost my sense of adventure when my daughter was born. Sorry! *quickly looks for the nearest exit and slowly starts moving towards it*

Posted by Firebird on 29-04-2004 at 15:13:

*pounces Ashke*

Oh no you're here now we wont let you go!!

Like the Phoenix I rise from the fire. Beware all who try to tame me, you may get burned Flame

Posted by Ashke on 29-04-2004 at 15:14:

And you are right, Im a huge mercedes lackey fan! Especially vanyel and tannim! Gotta go now!

Posted by Ashke on 29-04-2004 at 15:15:

I gotta get the rugrat to school

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 29-04-2004 at 15:28:


Okay, okay, I'll do the friendly thing and say Hi.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 29-04-2004 at 15:44:

Yes! Another newbie, I mean, poor Ashke! *smirk* This one actually tried to escape. Impressive. It failed, of course, but still, it *is* impressive.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Tengu on 29-04-2004 at 17:42:

Yes, you must watch out for Lyon, she undresses her Ken and Joe dolls and puts them in uncanonical positions.

"If you think I am a Condor, you may keep that opinion;
Though I am no Condor, my Skylines rusty enough."

Posted by Cep on 29-04-2004 at 17:55:

Even for yoga masters Yoga

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 29-04-2004 at 19:03:


What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Ashke on 29-04-2004 at 22:07:

Sounds like the Raven fanfic story or something. Ah well, looks like it's too late to back out now!

Posted by Ashke on 29-04-2004 at 22:08:

Hello Cricket!

Posted by lyon on 30-04-2004 at 01:12:

Originally posted by Tengu
Yes, you must watch out for Lyon, she undresses her Ken and Joe dolls and puts them in uncanonical positions.

grin .. they've never objected.

and Imi-Condor .. baby! ain't you done in there yet? the fumigators are on a schedule here, so could you hurry up with the ravishment and subsequent moral decline of poor Ashke? they gotta spray the place for fleas.....

Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 30-04-2004 at 01:23:

I don't wanna know how fleas got into the frisking room. I'm praying that it's just because one of Katse's cats (heh) got in there, oh please let that be the reason.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by lyon on 30-04-2004 at 01:31:

... there's a large smelly Condor in there, and you're blaming the CATS?


Trample the weak. Hurdle the dead.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 30-04-2004 at 01:35:

Ya'll keep an actual condor in there?! Cooool...I may have to go in there some time and take a look around.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Ashke on 30-04-2004 at 02:42:

Don't look at me! I don't have fleas and all my shots are up to date! Except maybe rabies . . . . .

Posted by Lolabella on 30-04-2004 at 03:07:

Lola saying ''Hola"

*rolls eyes at own stupid humour*

I saw vaseline and rubber gloves listed on the Newbies Activities Sheet.


Why wasn't I offered the special treatment? I may project a wine and roses side to me, but a gal needs her nasty.

In any case, just stopped in to offer up a Margarita and some chips and salsa. Just back from 8 lovely days in Mexico, or I would have welcomed you sooner.

*leaves chips and salsa and heads for the door*


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