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Posted by tatsunokofan on 07-03-2009 at 16:24:

Hi all!

And "Team" -does this mean there'll be more than just Gatchapin? That'll be fun!

Yes, though not immediately. It takes a few episodes before other Ninja Team members begin to appear.


Posted by tatsunokofan on 08-03-2009 at 23:52:

Hi all!

Episode #1 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "The Visitor ~ Or, the Falling Object."

This episode is the start of the third Gatchapin story. These episodes first began airing on December 17, 2007, nearly 8 months after the last episode of "Go Go! Gatchapin" first aired. The 40 episodes of "Go Go! Gatchapin" had aired repeatedly during that time, so I'm sure viewers were happy to finally see something new.

This series was done differently than the previous incarnation. Gone were the people in costumes, replaced by Gatchapin toys and other action figures being used much like puppets. Also, the previously silent Gatchapin was finally given a voice. This series is quite unusual, and might take some getting used to after watching the previous stories, but I do hope you'll enjoy them.

Todays episode can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin



Posted by lborgia88 on 09-03-2009 at 01:35:

Wow, this really is different! I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but I think I'm going to miss Pierre Katse.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 09-03-2009 at 06:50:

I have to say the end bit confused me... What was with the Dinosaur Gatchapin segment? Not the one in uniform...

I love the use of Gatch music too, and the GP going firebird! I hope we get to see that a bit better later!


Posted by tatsunokofan on 09-03-2009 at 22:15:

Hi all!

I have to say the end bit confused me... What was with the Dinosaur Gatchapin segment? Not the one in uniform...

I'm not certain, but I believe the song and visuals used for the "ending theme" were taken from one of the numerous other programs featuring the regular Gachapin and Mukku characters, which is why they did not appear as Gatchapin and Dr. Mukkun. I have no idea why they used them.


Posted by tatsunokofan on 10-03-2009 at 03:24:

Hi all!

Episode #2 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "The Secret Base ~ Or, the Amusement Park."

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin



Posted by Transmute Jun on 10-03-2009 at 22:30:

Okay, I was watching this episode with my kids and we had a number of questions.

First, why is Dr. Mukkun so angry all of the time? The kids were howling with laughter every time he freaked out and went black and bug-eyed. and they loved the part where he was so mad that lightning was crackling around him!

Second, what was next to Gatchapin's hospital bed? We thought it might be some kind of fridge.

Third, what is the name of the mini God Phoenix? Is it God Phoenix? I thought I heard Gatchapin say that. Although my DD thought it would be better named the 'God-a-pin'. Wink


Posted by tatsunokofan on 11-03-2009 at 00:27:

Hi all!

Episode #3 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "Battle Action ~ Or, the Self Introduction."

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin



Posted by tatsunokofan on 11-03-2009 at 16:27:

Hi all!

First, why is Dr. Mukkun so angry all of the time?

He was upset because Gatchapin kept referring to him as a Ningyoyaki, which is a sponge cake, usually filled with a bean paste, that has a doll-like face decorated on the front. Apparently Gatchapin thought Dr. Mukkun looked like one of these tasty treats.

Second, what was next to Gatchapin's hospital bed? We thought it might be some kind of fridge.

Third, what is the name of the mini God Phoenix? Is it God Phoenix?

I'd need to double-check the episode to be certain on both of these. Unfortunately, by the time I saw your post, the episode had changed to Wednesday's story. Maybe this weekend...


Posted by tatsunokofan on 11-03-2009 at 23:41:

Hi all!

Episode #4 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "White Warrior Battles ~ Or, the Great Athletic Meet."

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

On a personal note, this episode is just so silly that it's my favorite of this series. I hope you'll like it too!



Posted by Transmute Jun on 12-03-2009 at 00:44:

Oh my.... this one got lots of laughs from the kids. I guess poor Gatchapin isn't quite as good at combat as Gatchaman. Wink


Posted by lborgia88 on 12-03-2009 at 03:29:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
I guess poor Gatchapin isn't quite as good at combat as Gatchaman. Wink

Perhaps this is why he's going to get teammates very soon -he could really use the help! Laugh1

Too funny!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 12-03-2009 at 13:07:

One other question... what is up with the 'underwear ninjas'? My son just started reading the Captain Underpants books, so the 'underwear' humor was right up his alley.


Posted by tatsunokofan on 12-03-2009 at 16:10:

Hi all!

One other question... what is up with the 'underwear ninjas'? My son just started reading the Captain Underpants books, so the 'underwear' humor was right up his alley.

They are simply the generic henchmen for this series. Why the underwear? Well, as you son can attest, when characters show up wearing underwear outside their clothes, hilarity ensues.


Posted by clouddancer on 12-03-2009 at 16:39:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
One other question... what is up with the 'underwear ninjas'? My son just started reading the Captain Underpants books, so the 'underwear' humor was right up his alley.

your son is reading Captain Underpants? Cloud turns to look at her class of grade ones. some kids in here are barely reading See Spot run.
(Actually that book is not available to be read these days but you get the idea.)
Your son has become a very good reader TJ. I will have to have him read to me when/if I get out to visit over the summer, to see what a good grade one is capable of... Intellect

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by tatsunokofan on 12-03-2009 at 23:56:

Hi all!

Episode #5 of "Science Ninja Team Gatchapin" is now online. Today's episode is "Hero is Caught ~ Or, the Daily Life of a Celebrity."

It can be found at:

The member ID and password you'll need to view it is:

Member ID Number: 15023448
Password: gatchapin

While I'm sure this episode will be confusing, it might help to know that the characters that the Ultra Leader had Berg Katsepin kidnap are not Gatchapin and Dr. Mukkun. Instead, they are Gachapin and Mukku, the characters upon which Gatchapin and Dr. Mukkun were originally based.



Posted by Transmute Jun on 13-03-2009 at 00:28:

Originally posted by clouddancer
your son is reading Captain Underpants? Cloud turns to look at her class of grade ones. some kids in here are barely reading See Spot run.
(Actually that book is not available to be read these days but you get the idea.)
Your son has become a very good reader TJ. I will have to have him read to me when/if I get out to visit over the summer, to see what a good grade one is capable of... Intellect

LOL! Thanks for the compliment, CD! I tend to think he's a bit slow at reading, because at this age my DD had read through all of the Magic Treehouse books and was starting on other chapter books and such. Captain Underpants are the first chapter books DS has really taken to, enough to WANT to keep reading. But he's capable of reading Dr. Seuss-style books, Fly Guy, the Giving Tree, etc... books with lots of pictures. I have been trying for ages to get him into 'real' chapter books and it seems like Captain Underpants is the key.

And back on topic... DD thought the underwear ninjas were hysterical too, so clearly that humor is not lost on 8 year olds either. To be fair, I think she finds the googly eyes even more amusing than the underwear. Wink


Posted by clouddancer on 13-03-2009 at 01:23:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun

LOL! Thanks for the compliment, CD! I tend to think he's a bit slow at reading, because at this age my DD had read through all of the Magic Treehouse books and was starting on other chapter books and such. Captain Underpants are the first chapter books DS has really taken to, enough to WANT to keep reading. But he's capable of reading Dr. Seuss-style books, Fly Guy, the Giving Tree, etc... books with lots of pictures. I have been trying for ages to get him into 'real' chapter books and it seems like Captain Underpants is the key.

Lets put it this way, I would be ecstatic to have your son in my class. Especially when, of 23 students I have 7 who are struggling to read At my grandpa's house there is a very big door. At my grandpa's house there is a very big table. At my grandpa's house there is a very big bed. .... you get the picture.

Of those 7, four still stumble every time they see the words my, is, at and big. (let alone the longer ones) Some days I could just strangle those kids.... "How many times have I told you that word is /my/?" Fffffpt, thunk, shuriken to the forehead!!!!

I do have 3 children who could read the Captain Underpants books, (and would, if I had them available in my class) I just wish I had more who could. *Sigh, the problem with working in a high needs school. Who the board agrees is the 12th lowest on the social rankings/ academic test score scale.* (Hey, in 4 years, we moved up from 5th)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by lborgia88 on 13-03-2009 at 15:36:

My mother was on the Halifax County School Board for many years, and she used to say that the provincial exams administered in grades 9 and 12 to evaluate schools did nothing except show what everyone already knew -the "good" schools (the ones with high test scores) were wherever the relatively prosperous and predominantly college-educated parents lived in Nova Scotia.

I say that you, and teachers like you, CD, are heroes for doing the hardest work, for the kids who need it the most (whether they realize it or not).

I actually used to annoy my grade one teacher during reading time, because she would have each kid read aloud a bit of a story in our "story book" and I would get bored listening to the other kids and I would skip ahead, or even start reading a different story, and when it came around to my turn to read aloud, I'd have no idea where we were in the story that I was supposed to be following along with. My report cards always noted that my "attentiveness" needed improvement.

Posted by clouddancer on 13-03-2009 at 20:32:

Originally posted by lborgia88
My mother was on the Halifax County School Board for many years, and she used to say that the provincial exams administered in grades 9 and 12 to evaluate schools did nothing except show what everyone already knew -the "good" schools (the ones with high test scores) were wherever the relatively prosperous and predominantly college-educated parents lived in Nova Scotia.

I say that you, and teachers like you, CD, are heroes for doing the hardest work, for the kids who need it the most (whether they realize it or not).

I actually used to annoy my grade one teacher during reading time, because she would have each kid read aloud a bit of a story in our "story book" and I would get bored listening to the other kids and I would skip ahead, or even start reading a different story, and when it came around to my turn to read aloud, I'd have no idea where we were in the story that I was supposed to be following along with. My report cards always noted that my "attentiveness" needed improvement.

Crying6 Thank you so much for that LB, that comment brought a tear to my eye (perhaps it is the exhaustion from this week as well) Our Principal was saying more or less that same thing in our staff meeting this week. Ending his comments with [we] "do it for the same pay, and same holidays as other teachers in our school board."

At the time we were discussing how we were going to support the family of the young lad who died last weekend from brain cancer. Teams of teachers are taking it in turn to provide meals for the family over the next week, which is March Break for us.

As for your reading antics - I suspect the three boys who are leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the class feel in the same situation as you did. So starting after the break I am going to begin an enhanced program for them so they can read to their hearts content, get some writing out of it and perhaps learn some new things they can teach the class (and myself.) I hope I can get that going though, I have not talked to the teacher whose help I would like to enlist.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

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