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Posted by Ebonyswanne on 17-07-2007 at 21:43:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
Heh ... The budgets wouldn't be taking so damn long if they would stop changing the figures on me every twenty seconds.

212 stores

Sales actual/budget
Wage actual/budget

by week ... Al linked by district/division/region

With constant changes ...

It's killing me ....

Ugh .... I just got told there are more changes for 64 stores.

Someone kill me, please ...

And yes. Mark angst will ensue for onlya little while longer ...


Where do I find that damn fic?!

Ebonnyswanne - you deleted it from da house and then teased me with a snippet. You are mean!!


I wrote it on Sunday for something to do. TJ thought it would be much better to do it in my usual style.

That part wasnt' in the original so I am doing a full re- write and put a real plot in it, there is more to that scene but the Condor comes into and get a smack in the head for letting her do it.

Ken is thrown 4 yrs into the future and Joe has been leader that whole time...Now he has to find a way back so that he prevent the disasters that Joe's decisions had caused.

It will be up again soon I promise with Condor/Eagle rivalry for the Swan....

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 17-07-2007 at 22:08:

Hey, don't put the bullseye on me!!!! I didn't tekk you to get rid of the old version!

*TJ ducks to escape being the target of SJ's wrath*

Now, let us all hang our heads in a moment of prayer for Springie's dear departed scanner. Crying6


Posted by clouddancer on 17-07-2007 at 22:11:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Ummmmm.... silly. VERY silly. And swoony. With some smut thrown smack in the middle for good measure. laugh3

Interesting idea. And yes shows the sillines of the goons as well as bureaucracy (if that is what you want to call the ISO leaders and Administrators at that federation school)

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 18-07-2007 at 01:10:

Well ... My black Aussie Swan .... I may have to forgive you, as you have been a rather patient little birdie with me ....

BUT! I can assure you that my whip has noine tails and little steel balls on the end for extra sting (If only Flash would let me use it) ....

So be prepared for a long-winded demanding session once I have posted the next part of my fic (only 7 divisions left to complete then I'm done and can get back to fics)

As for you, TJ .... ahem ....

My wrath, young lady, will be appeased by some Swan/Eagle smuttiness from you ....


There can never be too much fic-work out there, can there?

Eep - the toddler calls ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-07-2007 at 01:55:

CD, I just find *so* much silliness in the BOTP show, and I feel compelled to bring it out in my fics. Sometimes, it just slaps you in the face, and my muse rises up and says, "The silliness must be let out!"

Of course, I don't *always* let the silliness out. Sometimes I let it rattle around my brain, hence the bizarre, yet captivating personality that I display IRL. *tongue firmly in cheek*

SJ, the smut is yet to come. Sometimes the muse demands *that* be let out as well. I hadn't intended on any, yet in the middle of my perfectly silly fic, smuttiness ensues.

I guess you *can* have your cake and eat it too! Wink


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 18-07-2007 at 07:56:

A little black Aussie Sydney Swan ducks for cover behind her Eagle...from the number of Yo-Yo's headed in her direction...

The new version will be sooo much better, more action in it for starters from all parties...I promise I won't take tooo long to write it!

I can be a perfectionist to having a good plot for my own work that's all...That is not the finish of that scene...swooney stuff but of course it fit into the story...our little Swannie in Springies picture is so cute!

SJ; have you done pole dancing??? I always wanted to try it, some girlfriends had a Hens night at a pole dancing club in the city last year but because of work I missed out on that part, I was so disappointed! There is now where to learn out in the suburbs...

But I think TJ will like the direction I gone with it...soo angsty but the plot moves fast at some points!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 18-07-2007 at 12:41:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
A little black Aussie Sydney Swan ducks for cover behind her Eagle...from the number of Yo-Yo's headed in her direction...

The new version will be sooo much better, more action in it for starters from all parties...I promise I won't take tooo long to write it!

I can be a perfectionist to having a good plot for my own work that's all...That is not the finish of that scene...swooney stuff but of course it fit into the story...our little Swannie in Springies picture is so cute!

SJ; have you done pole dancing??? I always wanted to try it, some girlfriends had a Hens night at a pole dancing club in the city last year but because of work I missed out on that part, I was so disappointed! There is now where to learn out in the suburbs...

But I think TJ will like the direction I gone with it...soo angsty but the plot moves fast at some points!

Bolding is mine ...

Do I have to answer that question honestly?


Actually, yes. I have done pole dancing. It isn't as easy as it looks ... (I was also handcuffed to a pole on the dancefloor too, by some fellow ... uh ... dancers, wearing only a bra and G - and was then whipped with a cat 'o nine tails by a local police officer - Oh that is a story you don't want to hear ... I'll just say alcohol is not necessarily this little Swannie's friend)

So, yeah ... I am trained in it, and even trained it as part of my job training exotic dancers ...

It's a great workout, as to do it correctly, you need a lot of muscle control - so, for that matter, is stripping, actually. Helluva workout.

So ... ahem ... is that giving away too much of my life before Canada?

Hey, I was HOT and in my early twenties at the time, saving money to come to Canada ...

Don't play like that anymore ...




Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 18-07-2007 at 13:03:

I thought you did SJ!

When you said you were a dancer..

Well I am going to do a few lessons with a friend, it is a great workout from what I am told and I want to try it...

I hope I don't do to much damage to myself in the process...

I need to work out a bit more again so I does not kill me, but hey this Swan is open to new experiances...And it is a growing trend in Sydney...

I can belly dance, I learned to about a year ago...I even have the waist coins...

Well I must get some sleep more tomorrow!

Ebony does a shoulder shimmy....and shakes her hips...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-07-2007 at 14:24:

Oh.... my..... (said in a George Takei-type voice)

I see dancing swans in future fics!!!!


Posted by Ebonyswanne on 19-07-2007 at 00:05:

SJ I have started to put back some of the story now,"When lightening strikes" in clubhouse just the parts that I know are fine with the plot... Pleased

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 19-07-2007 at 11:48:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
SJ I have started to put back some of the story now,"When lightening strikes" in clubhouse just the parts that I know are fine with the plot... Pleased


I just read it!!

I'm loving it!! Loving it!!

And now i want more!!



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by clouddancer on 19-07-2007 at 15:27:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun

I just read it!!

I'm loving it!! Loving it!!

And now i want more!!


Yes Ebony! Way to go.

Cloud leans over and whispers in Ebony's ear *Now Here's the deal give her enough to get her hooked and then stop posting. Tell her you will not post more until she posts more of one of her fics.* Cloud looks around to see if SJ is watching. Then wanders away, toying with whip hanging off right hip.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 19-07-2007 at 16:15:

CD, you are EVIL!!!!!!!!

I love you!!!! Luvu3

P.S. I don't want to get on your bad side, CD. I just posted more Prom Night. Wink


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 19-07-2007 at 16:31:

More Prom night???


C'Mon you lot! Let's go READ!!!!!




Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 19-07-2007 at 16:50:

A little Eagle/ Swan stargazing...she looks surprised at whatever he's saying...LOL


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 19-07-2007 at 17:36:

I just had to share this one from "bdy" (Buddy) on Deviant Art...he does alot of 3D stuff... and he's been doing several Jun this one, Jun has a secret admirer...and Ken's not liking it...*grin*

Here's a link to his Deviant art page...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 19-07-2007 at 18:11:

Great artwork - although I am miffed I can't see the "Jun in heat" one ... grrrr

Pass along my kudos, please!



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 19-07-2007 at 18:57:

Fanboy dreams...LOL
Did you notice the "Transmute" one? (As TJ so hillariously pointed out) Evidently, Jun doesn't wear a bra...LOL


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 19-07-2007 at 19:28:

Wow - I had to sign up to see alot of his work but ... wow.

If you're mates with this guy, can you ask hi, pretty please for a Swan/Eagle naughty pic?

I can rarely find any online - plenty of raw yaoi stuff (that makes my shudder in gross ways) but nothing hot'n'heavy with our birds.


In a mood today and obviously shit outta luck because Flash is playing baseball again - sighhhhh



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by Springie on 19-07-2007 at 20:03:

It won't hurt to ask...*grin*


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

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