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Posted by Barrdwing on 09-09-2008 at 21:56:

Originally posted by saturn

Speaking about bad experience in essay writing,I did have one in my English class in high school. The teacher asked all the students in my class to write a book review of an English book. As we were not familiar with book reviews, almost all my friends chose simple English book, like children's storybooks, but I chose English Classic "Wuthering Heights"by Emily Bronte.I have read the novel so many times before, and I really loved the novel and wanted to write a review on it.So I wrote a book review on that novel, and guess what, the teacher accussed me of plagiarism, because she said that it was impossible for a high school student to read such heavy literature and even wrote a fine review on it (that's what she said). I had to strongly defend myself, and even proved to my teacher that I did read the novel from the beginning until the end.She finally relented and gave me the A that I deserved.

This was not the end of the story though.I later found out that she actually sent my book review to a literary journal and used HER name as the writer. I did not want to make a big deal out of it.I had been happy enough that I could write a book review of one of most favorite novel, and this experience had also give me more confidence to write in English.Smile

In any case,in relation to this board, I am still not confident enough to write any fanfics though,so I will leave the fanfic writings to all the professionals in this board, Bowdown 2!


Holy FREAK! She stole your review? After accusing you of plagiarism?! <red-eyed rage> Evil1 What a horrible, rotten, dishonest wretch! I hope that that woman received no joy of her actions, and that the guilt has nagged at her ever since. You, on the other hand, have taken such a strong and positive view of the situation that I am deeply impressed. I would have snarled about the injustice, but you simply recognized that the "teacher's" actions could never take away the good you'd gained from writing that very difficult review. In other words, you took away her ability to hurt you, and focused on your achievement. My hat is off to you, Saturn, because you are one smart, tough, sensible person. Bravi! Big Grin

(And I still wish a plague of cold sores on that so-called teacher. But that's just me being snarly. Wink)

Posted by gatchgirl on 09-09-2008 at 23:14:

CF, It's great to hear that you have started writing. Don't let the hang up's get to you, sometimes it might take a second to get back on track. As far as outlines, what can I say, I have a hard time using them and it's taken me a long time to finish more then three fics... So I'm with TJ on that, her stories are proof of her tips!

Saturn I can't believe that a teacher would even do something like that, just lets ya know that you are a much better writer then her.

CD, I'm sorry for the stupidity of those students... I'm with people on this board, I would love to read your AU.

Saturn, I also think that those pics are a remarkable thing to view!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by gatchgirl on 09-09-2008 at 23:18:

LB, the closest thing I got to a teacher wondering about my writing was in the 6th grade. We had to write a story about Halloween and mine had danger and a close child abduction. For some reason, the teacher never thought that I could come up with that type of story. Little did she know.

Mom was never that supportive of my writing, always telling me to find something more constructive to do.... now she wonders why I don't share my online world with her! Erm1

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by saturn on 10-09-2008 at 09:06:

Dear Condorfan

It is great to know that you are starting to write. We are all supporting you here and are looking forward to your story.

Dear Barrdwing

Thank you for your compliments.That's very kind of you.Sadly, I have to tell you that this kind of unscrupulous behavior is actually very common in my country. There were teachers who extorted money from the weak students in exchange of passing grades, some teachers purposely failed students whom they claimed were disrespectful to the teachers (translation: The students refused to give money or gifts to the teachers) and if we are talking about the higher-learning environment, there were lecturers who were actually writing theses on behalf of their own students (in exchange for money, of course) and lots of universities who are selling degrees here, basically you can do anything in my country, as long as you have money, Smile

These problems in the education sector had definitely changed my perspective about teaching. I left my safe and secure job as an Administration Manager to dedicate myself to teaching. People around me said that I was crazy and was being too idealistic, but I really think that the tarnished image of a teacher/lecturer has to be corrected,because in reality, there are actually still lots of good, honest and dedicated teachers/lecturers in my country. We need to make sure that the parents and the students have faith again in our education system here.

I can see that there are some members here in this board who are actually working as teachers too, so thumbs up for you, because I can definitely relate to the long working hours, the heavy workload, the occasional stress and the average pay (well, it definitely applies to me,Smile ) Yet, I am sure that we all agree that nothing beats the pride of looking at your students in their graduation day and the joy of receiving cards from them every year, thanking you for being a great teacher.

Dear Gatchgirl

Thank you for your kind words.
Regarding your mum, perhaps you could introduce your mum to the world of Gatchamania and let her meet all the nice people here, then perhaps later she will agree that there is nothing more constructive than sharing your works or writings with all of the great people here.


Posted by Barrdwing on 10-09-2008 at 15:43:

Yikes, Saturn, I had no idea that there was that kind of corruption in the educational field there. That's very sad, because you're right, just a few bad teachers can spoil the reputation of all teachers. It makes it even harder for the good teachers to do their work, namely teach! For you to go into that field in an effort to be one of the good teachers and help balance out the bad is both brave and worthy of applause.

Money isn't a proper goal in and of itself; it's what you can do with the money that is important. But for some reason money is easily seen as the goal. Well, it's a sad and pale goal, and as the Beatles said, it can't buy love. So long as each of us is able to get by and live comfortably--paying the bills, being able to afford a few nice things--then that's a good thing. Who needs a yacht, for crying out loud? But if the money isn't earned honestly, then it's just ashes and salt on the soul.

I know, the money-grubbers would say that I'm naive. Don't care. lalala

Posted by Condorfan on 10-09-2008 at 19:35:


That was a horrible thing your teacher did to you. It's the same in this country--those with the money get the best of everything. Your experienced reminded me of when I was in middle school and wrote a report about horses. Now, I have never owned a horse but I loved them when I was young and would read everything and anything I could about them. When I turned in my report, the teacher, another teacher and even the principal didn't believe I wrote it on my own. I said I had and they gave me a B. I've even had teachers who had some grudge against me and no matter how good my work was would only give me average grades. Politics invade every part of our lives it seems.

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by gatchgirl on 11-09-2008 at 03:24:

Thanks Saturn, I may just have to do that.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by saturn on 11-09-2008 at 08:05:

Originally posted by Barrdwing
Yikes, Saturn, I had no idea that there was that kind of corruption in the educational field there. That's very sad, because you're right, just a few bad teachers can spoil the reputation of all teachers. It makes it even harder for the good teachers to do their work, namely teach! For you to go into that field in an effort to be one of the good teachers and help balance out the bad is both brave and worthy of applause.

Money isn't a proper goal in and of itself; it's what you can do with the money that is important. But for some reason money is easily seen as the goal. Well, it's a sad and pale goal, and as the Beatles said, it can't buy love. So long as each of us is able to get by and live comfortably--paying the bills, being able to afford a few nice things--then that's a good thing. Who needs a yacht, for crying out loud? But if the money isn't earned honestly, then it's just ashes and salt on the soul.

I know, the money-grubbers would say that I'm naive. Don't care. lalala

Dear Barrdwing
Thank you for your kind words.Glad to know that there is another person with the same "naive" perspective with me about money,Smile . You have given very strong points regarding the things that money can't do. For me, the easiest example will be applicable in this board, as no amount of money will enable me to find great people like those in this board and YOU definitely, who are very supportive&encouraging. I am glad to be a part of this community.


Posted by saturn on 11-09-2008 at 08:17:

Originally posted by Condorfan

That was a horrible thing your teacher did to you. It's the same in this country--those with the money get the best of everything. Your experienced reminded me of when I was in middle school and wrote a report about horses. Now, I have never owned a horse but I loved them when I was young and would read everything and anything I could about them. When I turned in my report, the teacher, another teacher and even the principal didn't believe I wrote it on my own. I said I had and they gave me a B. I've even had teachers who had some grudge against me and no matter how good my work was would only give me average grades. Politics invade every part of our lives it seems.

Dear Condorfan

Sorry to hear about your bad experience at school.Hopefully it will not affect your whole view about education generally and specifically teachers, as I am sure that there are still many great teachers out there, Smile

I also remember that you are going to have a surgery in a few weeks time, right?I hope that the surgery goes well and you will have a quick and painless recovery.

Since my ISP has settled its network problem and now I can make full use of my own PC, why don't I share something with you from my own private collections?

I know you are a big fan of Condor Joe, and who will be better to make a girl feel good pre-surgery other than the ultimate ladies'man himself?
So I present to you now, Kondoru No Joe (As per the OVA's version), drawn by my brother, with a rose especially for you to make you feel even better.


Hopefully it can cheer you up! cheeleader3


Posted by Springie on 11-09-2008 at 09:33:

WHOA! That's very nice! I know I'm feeling cheerful after looking at it!Animeluv


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by lborgia88 on 11-09-2008 at 12:18:

I'm glad your ISP problems are solved, Saturn. Your brother does great work!

Posted by Transmute Jun on 11-09-2008 at 13:36:

Oh my.... I'm going to write a thank you letter to your ISP! That's fantastic, Saturn! Your brother is very talented! Bowdown


Posted by clouddancer on 11-09-2008 at 14:59:

wow, Saturn, that is a great pic.
Thank you for sharing!

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Barrdwing on 11-09-2008 at 15:56:

You're very welcome here, Saturn. Big Grin
And the picture your brother drew is very nice! Thank you for posting that! Smile

Posted by Condorfan on 11-09-2008 at 17:10:

WOW Saturn! What a beautiful picture! Gets my heart racing again about the Condor. Thank you so very very much for placing that picture up and thank your brother for me for the art. I wish I was as talented as you and your family are! Huggles

Thanks for your best wishes about the surgery. I'm a bit apprehensive but I'm glad you're pulling for me. It's very sweet and kind of you. I'd also like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts--it's really good to know that people are rooting for you. Though I'm going to miss not being able to go on Gatchamania for awhile!

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 11-09-2008 at 20:58:

Originally posted by Condorfan
Though I'm going to miss not being able to go on Gatchamania for awhile!

We will all be here waiting for you when you get back! Huggles


Posted by Springie on 11-09-2008 at 20:59:

Huggles Condorfan, hope it goes well!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gatchgirl on 11-09-2008 at 21:02:

Condorfan, All the best when it comes time for surgery... we will be waiting to hear from you.

Saturn, your brother does excellent drawings of the Condor.... thanks for showing it! Glad your ISP is up and running.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by saturn on 12-09-2008 at 08:39:

Dear Springie,LB,TJ,CD,Barrdwing,GG

Thank you so much for all the compliments and glad that you all like the picture.My brother was quite surprised when I told him about all the praises on his work, he couldn't believe that I would put his work on this board, but then again, what to do with such beautiful picture rather than sharing it with all great people here?

Since you all like his drawing on Joe, why don't I share with you now his drawing on Ken & Jun, Huggles , hope that you will like this too.



Posted by saturn on 12-09-2008 at 08:54:

Originally posted by Condorfan
WOW Saturn! What a beautiful picture! Gets my heart racing again about the Condor. Thank you so very very much for placing that picture up and thank your brother for me for the art. I wish I was as talented as you and your family are! Huggles

Glad that you like the picture. My brother is very talented indeed, and so are my other family members, but not me, Biglaugh1 , I don't have any special skills that can be considered as talents,the only things that I am very good at are to make people laugh with my weird sense of humour (well, at least that's what my friends and students said), and my highly positive attitude (to the extent that some people might find it annoying, Biglaugh3 ). I just like to be a "cheerleader" for others, cheerleader2 , and I am glad that I can lift up your spirit before the surgery.

Though I'm going to miss not being able to go on Gatchamania for awhile!

We all are going to miss you too and will be waiting for you here. Huggles


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