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Posted by Lolabella on 15-05-2007 at 16:20:

1 Day Pass....

If you had a one day visitor's pass to Center Neptune (Crescent Coral), where would you go? What would you do?


Posted by imaqtz on 15-05-2007 at 16:55:


Straight to control Centre to blow up 7 Zark 7 to pieces !


Let him then try to go into damage control and say there were no deaths and tanks and planes were really unmanned and remote controlled !

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Lolabella on 15-05-2007 at 16:58:

HA! Dare I say way to easy and way to predictable.

You'd have to get past me and countless others to get a shot at Zark.

I'd bet they put his area on lockdown during visiting hours.

And besides, if he were really gone, who'd take over his position?


Posted by meridianday on 15-05-2007 at 17:00:

Come now, Zark would just say that it wasn't Centre Neptune that was destroyed after all, but a completely different building that just happens to look quite similar.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Transmute Jun on 15-05-2007 at 17:05:

Well, as tempting as it is to blow up Zark, I MIGHT have to find a certain Eagle's quarters... or perhaps those of a Condor... and wait for them to... um... return.... Wink


Posted by imaqtz on 15-05-2007 at 17:06:

lol! So true..

As for lockdown, there ais more than one way to skin a cat!

Id hack into the system, and get Jun to pretend she was Susan, and somehow lure rustbucket out of his place.. Sailormoon

either that or get into technician clothes and replace oil with water for his 10 second oil breaks!

As for him ever being gone, I bet no matter how many times you blew him to pieces, they would have a storage room full of Zark clones waiting to be activated and replace the old model..darn it..

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Lolabella on 15-05-2007 at 17:07:

Originally posted by Transmute Jun
Well, as tempting as it is to blow up Zark, I MIGHT have to find a certain Eagle's quarters... or perhaps those of a Condor... and wait for them to... um... return.... Wink

Try and not go on the same day as me please.


Posted by Lolabella on 15-05-2007 at 17:10:

Originally posted by imaqtz
either that or get into technician clothes and replace oil with water for his 10 second oil breaks!
As for him ever being gone, I bet no matter how many times you blew him to pieces, they would have a storage room full of Zark clones waiting to be activated and replace the old model..darn it..

oooh.....Imi, now you're talkin!! I like the stealth approach much better than the shoot em up one.


Posted by Lolabella on 15-05-2007 at 18:13:

This is how the star of my day would go&.

I enter the doors of Center Neptune just as the day shift is coming forth to unlock them. As I walk into the rotunda - like entrance, my eyes instantly lock with those of the Eagle who is displayed directly before me in a larger than life floor to ceiling portrait in all his Eagle glory. The hair on my arms tingle and my legs go a little weak. I quickly do a slow turn around and notice that Jason, Princess, Keyop and Tiny all have heir own larger than life portraits as well. In front of the Condor's portrait, a young mother herds two little boys dressed up as the Condor into position to have their own picture taken. A slow smile forms on my mouth and I feel delighted to finally be here.

As I make my way over to the visitor's counter to pay my $75 (US) visitor's fee, a loud speaker turns on and the room is engulfed with the sounds of the team's theme song. Again, chills. The lady behind the counter gives me a choice of any team member for my laminated visitor's pass. After a lot of thought and a bit of annoyance from the counter lady, I finally decide on that of the Swan, because you know....SWANS RULE. I slip the rope of the pass over my neck and quickly look down in admiration of my new souvenir. I wait about 15 more minutes for more visitor's to arrive and then we are herded into giant theater room where we quickly find seats and are shown a ½ hour IMAX presentation of the history of Center Neptune and the Team.

Being a little motion sick about ½ way through the film, I decide to sneak out the side door to get some fresh air. Unbeknownst to me, I've actually slipped out into a restricted hallway (I can thank the third shift cleaning crew for not closing the door all the way) and find myself in a hallway that leads to the training room / workout area of the team. As I walk down the hallway towards the windows of the training room, I can hear what I assume to be the thud of a body hitting a mat followed by a grunt and a shout

"Fuck Jase! You got a personal vendetta or something?! This is ONLY training!"

I stop in my tracks when hear the Eagle's yell that confirms that I'm about to be face to face with not only him...but with the Condor too! I quickly pull out my compact from my purse to fix my hair, powder my nose, and reapply my lip gloss. Inhaling a deep breath, I slowly peek around to peer into the window.


Posted by Springie on 15-05-2007 at 20:58:

Haha... Brilliant Lola! Animeparty

I think we'll need a schedule here... to see who gets into Mark and Jason's rooms on which day...*grins*

Sneeky I'm signing up first!


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 16-05-2007 at 00:18:

So..... Lola.... are you going to *finish* this? Biglaugh1


Posted by Lolabella on 16-05-2007 at 10:53:

I decided against it. Afraid it might turn into a Mary Sue.....

I guess the morning would end with me being thrown out of the workout room after I try to get multiple autographs and pics of the Condor and the Eagle for my friends back at Gatchamania. Getting hungry, I'd pay extra for the 'Lunch with a Team Member' experience. Tiny drew the 'lucky' straw on that day and what did we have? Spaceburgers of course!! After lunch, I head over to tour a replica of the Phoenix. And the day would end with me in the gift shop buying my Number 3 T-shirt, postcards, and a plastic birdrang.


Posted by imaqtz on 16-05-2007 at 13:14:


*massive jawdrop*

That, that ...*finally exhales* WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!

No damn way are you ending such an incredible start to one HELL OF AN INCREDIBLY INGENIOUS PLOTLINE like that!!!!!!!!

You are sooo taking the first part of your day and turning that into a fic..PRONTO woman!!!

I swear I will SHOOT anyone , including YOU , if you so much as dismiss this as a "mary sue" !!

Lola, this has "BRILLIANT FIC" stamped into every word!! Please please ( yeah I only just now remembered my manners to ask nicely) please take what you have and finish it as a fic..and whateva you do ..DONT change a single word of what you have so far...It works!!

Except that obscenely rushed "ending" . That was a fob off in fear of your "mary sue" excuse!

Unacceptable! Take first part..and finish it...Fresh original plotline and approach will be appreciated by many gatchfanfic addicts,as they will easily identify with the "narrator" long as you keep it in first person voice!!!

Ookay..see what happens when you get me this exicted? Animeangel Guns1

Love it! ..Work it, finish it post it!!..........pretty please?


Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Lolabella on 16-05-2007 at 13:52:

Awwww...Imi babes! Nothing would make me more happy than to please you and really write this thing....

The idea came from the other site that I peruse when not here. Someone asked what you would do if you have a day pass to Galactica. There were some pretty good responses. I honestly wanted to see what everyone else would do here but I got carried away dreaming about it. *grins*

Let me see where the day takes me. I'm working on a Starbuck/Apollo fic now for 'other site'. But perhaps I'll clean up this one and turn it into a real fic.

Smooches to you babe. And thanks for the encouragement!!


Posted by gatchgirl on 17-05-2007 at 00:29:

I think I too would have to have my day with two certain birdies doing censored and censored along with censored

Guess we all couldn't be there on the same day then!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 18-05-2007 at 13:09:

Looks like there is a queue to blow up 7Zark7 I'll have wait for the new model then go in borrow a yo yo bomb and do the world a favour....

I always wondered why Princess never took him out with yo-yo bomb when she had the chance.....

Then I see if the Eagle gives personal flying lessons in his sinlge seater jet mmmmmm

cheers Rockband(the ready room band)

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

Posted by Transmute Jun on 18-05-2007 at 14:11:

Originally posted by Ebonyswanne
I always wondered why Princess never took him out with yo-yo bomb when she had the chance.....

Hmmm.... Springie.... time for you to pull our our favorite Zark animation again!


Posted by Springie on 18-05-2007 at 18:17:

You mean this one?


Heh heh...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by meridianday on 18-05-2007 at 18:32:



Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Ebonyswanne on 20-05-2007 at 03:03:

oh words cannot do it justice....I just cracked up at that one what a beauty! Go Springie...

No wonder the Eagle loves his swan she's so resourceful....

Maybe those visits in BOTP were just to butter him up, you know keep you friends close and lying little enemy robots closer then blow them up! The all seeing nosy little robot.....

Now off to see the Eagle about those personal one on one flying lessons... Blushing

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up- Pablo Picasso.

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