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Posted by clouddancer on 24-04-2007 at 22:50:

Officially Hooked?

When I check back in the Battlestar Love thread I see this:

Originally posted by clouddancer
Have to do this quick. Boss is waiting.

I guess I can say I am officially hooked.

When I get 15 mins free time wha do I do? I search for a free computer and check out this site, instead of my emails.
Making me 5 mins late for my next meeting. (and this is after only two weeks, what will it be like after a year?) Oops

Now, you will let me know if I am making any major faux pas wont you?
How else is a girl to learn if she is not helped by those wiser than herself? Bowdown Bowdown Bowdown

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Lolabella on 25-04-2007 at 02:21:

Welcome to the insanity!! Crazy2

During the next year, you'll have periods of complete addiction where you'll log on every chance you get just to see if anyone has posted anything and then there will be times when you step away for awhile but it always draws you back in!

It's like the relatinship rollercoaster. Enjoy the ride....


(oh...and I hope you know I was just playing with you about your 'call sign' in the last BSG thread.)


Posted by clouddancer on 25-04-2007 at 15:11:

Originally posted by Lolabella
(oh...and I hope you know I was just playing with you about your 'call sign' in the last BSG thread.)

Yes Lola! I could see that evil grin from here.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by imaqtz on 25-04-2007 at 15:34:

Oh thats not all youll be seeing . Trust me . *chuckles*

You'll be seeing many blinking faces looking cautiously at you when you suddenly burst into spontaneous laughter at the most inappropriate times and places ( like work for eg)

Oh and lets not forget the battling insomnia when you get carried away into the wee hours of the night.

oh and there's no such thing as Faux pas in here. Just get into character/persona and growl out as menacingly as you can, that you meant it and if anyone has a prob they can deal with it! ( hey it used to work for me every single time I used to make mistakes anyway! *shhh... dont tell anyone heee! * )

Ah just enjoy ! youre doing marvellously, fitting in ever so perfectly in this crazy gang! Yep, youre truly corrupted and very much initiated!



Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by clouddancer on 25-04-2007 at 15:57:

No, I am only 3/4's corrupted. Angel2

I am not brave enough to write any of my stories down yet. (Can still hear the laughter from my high school classmates. It echos louder than my snickers from reading these threads.) Ooh

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by imaqtz on 25-04-2007 at 16:08:

Dammit, didnt we tell you to kill those classmate snickers??!

Reckon any of those snickering classmates are in here? Spider

Seriously, take a deep breath, heck, have a couple of beers to calm your nerves, get on the Fiction subheading of this forum , upload what you have , close your eyes and press send!!

You just might be very pleasantly surprised at how much encouragement and real feedback you will receive if you just press that send button! I've yet to see anyone snicker at any fic writer's attempts! ( well there was one time when Tengu got one heck of a gobsmacking reaction to one heck of a fic but thats another story!)

Get that story going! press that send button and if you are serious about your work, you'll come to enjoy and appreciate that feedback.

Actually there are many fics writers that thrive on it, be it critical or positive . It helps them to hone those writing skills!

Just do it!!

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by clouddancer on 25-04-2007 at 18:00:

Yes! yes you did. Greysniper2
and I have tried. honest.

But, as you know, as I am sure, old habits are very hard to break.

I have no stories written down, so no one can find them and hurt me again. They stay private in my head.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by Metaliant on 25-04-2007 at 18:21:

I have written stories myself, but I have found that I can't seem to write about charactors that I know, eg Gatchaman/G-force as I feel that I won't do the charactors justice and they won't be the same as I see them on the telly, so I say to you is ggod luck and I am sure that the more experienced writers will help you and if any of your snickering classmates say anything...... Laser

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Lolabella on 25-04-2007 at 18:53:

That is exactly how I feel about writing Gatch/BOTP characters too!! I can never seem to get inside their heads.


Posted by Springie on 25-04-2007 at 19:55:

You know, I felt that way, too...but after I started, I became more brave with each fic. I tend to write a bit mushy, b/c I'm a Swan/ Eagle 'shipper...and I know that's not everyone's *thing*, but someone told me when I started "write for myself" that's what I did.

And you know, it has been fun to see what people think...most of the feedback is positive...but I really learn from the negative. I really hope you will try it sometime...


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Springie on 25-04-2007 at 19:57:

Oh, and Lola...I think you are a brilliant writer! "Popsicles and Ices" is still one of my favs...Icecream2


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by Lolabella on 25-04-2007 at 20:09:

Originally posted by Springie
Oh, and Lola...I think you are a brilliant writer! "Popsicles and Ices" is still one of my favs...Icecream2

aawhhh...thankee Sweetie Springie!!


I've been through 5 different drafts of the ending and I didn't like not a one of them...

I promise to finish it though....

I do have my first fic posted here somewhere. It's a song fic and I cringe now when I read it. Too mush mush for my liking but it's a Sweagle pairiing!! I want to fix that one someday too...

And by the way..that is the most clever use of a smilie I've seen today!!


Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 26-04-2007 at 12:24:

Originally posted by Lolabella
That is exactly how I feel about writing Gatch/BOTP characters too!! I can never seem to get inside their heads.

Uh... Lola ... you tell lies!

I've read that popsicle fic of yours ... many ... many ... many times.

You do more than get into their heads, dear .. You get into their ... ahem ... pants, too!!


So, is there a fic thread? Perhaps I may post some of mine for perusal? That is, if smut is allowed.



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by imaqtz on 26-04-2007 at 13:10:


( translation: GET THOSE FICS UP ON FIC THREAD RIGHT NOW LADIES!!! Post all X rated (oh god yes yes yes please!! ) fics in the RUBBER ROOM and the rest on WRITERS BLOCK!! )

Oh gods I would soooo love to read everything and it would be awesome to finally get a chance to voice my reaction to your fics girls!!!!!!!!!

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by clouddancer on 26-04-2007 at 13:32:

Yes Lola!

Now I have heard so much about it I want to read this Popsicle fic.

Where can I find it, if you will not post it here????

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.

Posted by imaqtz on 26-04-2007 at 13:35:

Im sure we can persuade her to post it up...


Same goes for the rest of you...

Guns1 Guns1

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by SJ_SwanJun on 26-04-2007 at 13:37:

I posted you something pretty in the rubber room, Imi ...

Do enjoy ...



Why do men snore when lying on their backs?
Because their balls fall over their butt holes and they vapour lock.

Posted by gatchgirl on 26-04-2007 at 13:50:

Yes Lola your popsicle and ices fic is a rather great one....

Cloud, I understand where you are coming from... but I did have at least one friend in highschool that we actually had a fic going for quite a few years... most of it was spoken though..

It is easier once you get into writing it for the characters to come through. Hope to one day see even a small ficlet from you.

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by imaqtz on 26-04-2007 at 14:42:

Originally posted by SJ_SwanJun
I posted you something pretty in the rubber room, Imi ...

Do enjoy ...


I Did and daintily covered it with gaspmoaning drool.. Shades

You actually delivered in spades and bucketfuls you gorgeous thang you! Smoochies Smoochies Smoochies

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by imaqtz on 26-04-2007 at 14:53:

Originally posted by gatchgirl

It is easier once you get into writing it for the characters to come through. Hope to one day see even a small ficlet from you.

No need to wait that long..I personally assign Cloud a priority mission. TJ has posted an awesome beginning of an Interactive Fanfiction (IF) on the Interactive fanfiction thread on gatch. I've also posted a similar IF on the Challenge thread. both are easy as you just have to use smilies/emoticons ( Heck Metaliant uses them all the time! He is the master after all! )

Your mission Cloudandancer is to continue either story even if it is two or three sentences (or heck an epic post wouldnt matter! ) within the next 3 days! trust me many more will join in whether they'll respond with one or two lines or a whole page!

Now take deep breaths,and resist the urge to hide or run! we ALL had to start from somewhere, and as a matter of fact you are already kind of IFing when you steal pics, fly outta threads, sit on comfy couches etc!

You have a mission , and we are all rooting for ya! Get it over and done with today or you can take up to those three days , but its gonna be done and youll be wondering what on earth you were ever scared of in the first place once you have done so!

Animerose Animerose

Shoot first..ask questions later!

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