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Posted by Yuki on 31-03-2007 at 06:01:

Reward for any information leading to the whereabouts of a lost Condor!

Haven't seen Imtz for a long time.. anybody heard any news from her lately?

Missing her a lot!


Posted by Metaliant on 31-03-2007 at 07:47:

I do miss Imi, as she was the one who greeted me when I first got here and dragged me into the Rubber Room. Though I must admit, I didn't need dragging as I would have just jumped in.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by imaqtz on 08-04-2007 at 15:55:

would have jumped in hey? Not a bad idea at all if I do say so myself!

* Slowgrins at ya both , flicks smoke away, while shoving off doorway, and suddenly pouncehuggles ya to the floor*

You beautiful gorgeous people you!!

missed missed MISSED GODAYUM AGONISINGLY MISSED MISSED you, the crazy site and damn well everyone sooo soo much!!!!

so while my Avatar drags both Yuki and Metaliants avatars to the Rubber Room for some waaaaay overdue rude fun let me grab the buffsters beanbag to flop into comfortably so we can catch up and why I hope you can forgive me for being away soooo long!

I wont talk about the agony and personal suffering my family has endured these past two years. Suffice to say , those who know me knew why I had to have my full attention to stabilising my childrens' health, home and future.

what I will say is after many bitter emotionally wrung out and disgustingly expensive courtbattles which only were finalised a mere two months ago, the house is now all mine, my son is laughing and actually enjoying first year of High School and my daughter who just turned 18 the other day is finishing off her last year of year 12 getting ready to perhaps go to uni! She actually made a hard decision due to the state of our home affairs to split her last year into two, having already completed six out of her ten units required to achieve her Higher School Certificate. And of course my girl gets a Band 6 (highest band 90% and oabove ) for Drama awarding her a mention in our newspapers for Band 6 achievers for 2006! ( WHOOOHOOO!!) The son just recently got a merit award in English...I mean c'mon!! This boy would have left school in Primary if there were a year 6 leavers and now he is getting academic awards??! oh DOUBLE WHOOOHOOO!!!!

um where was I ? ah yes my beautiful gorgeous kids who were soo worth every tear, every personal agony and every damn dollar in court to have them lead as normal a life as possible in a home they never ever wanted to leave , even when the now Ex Griz was trying to force us out of home while he was living it up...( another story another time) .

Long and short of it?...My kids are so very VERY happy with their lives.

and me? Well can I say it took those 2 years to get over that *&(^&^%^#@! and what he did to us and now Im FREE ( whoo! starts dancing to "cause youre free, to do what you want to do..! "

sooo, ahem, aaaanyways, considering the 100% focus it took to get us to this stage well on the way to recovery after years of abuse for all of us, well, you can see why I wasnt around and seriously, was , well, hesitant in ever coming back, even tho the kids always encouraged me to get back on ( and yes Yuki my darl you even tried many times as well **superhugs***)

Now dont laugh or smirk or even THINK of smothering any giggles, but tonight I was watching this riveting program on National Geographic on the The Forbidden City and the last emporor in
China and they were talking about how the only other males allowed in the Palace apart from the Emperor were Eunichs, describing the process by which they were made Eunichs. So I get on the net, Google them, leads me to some interesting sites which lead me to others, suddenly Im on anime site, and well I took a breath and furtively checked out Gatch.

Imagine my surpirse to find my name still bandied around after sooo long?

I promised ya Yuki a long time ago, and Im sorry I didnt deliver on that promise till now hon. forgive me darl while I hug you ever tightly , thanking you all for allowing me to just get all that off my chest and for at last being able to have some of my own well deserved intellectually stimulating fun with you like minded souls after such a looooong break.

* glomphugs* (yeah yeah I still cant remeber how to get into those codes and smiles yet)

Hmm and speaking of stimulating...*rushes back into the Rubber Room with and evil grin of intent*

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Cep on 08-04-2007 at 17:13:

Your so fondo Imi baby! Very strong! And besides you don't really need the codes anymore Imi, this new version of Gatch you can just click the images Pleased

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Metaliant on 09-04-2007 at 10:50:


You should know that we ar your friends and will support you all the way, especially dragging people into your rubber room. I have made sure that it's still rubberely since you have been gone.



Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Springie on 09-04-2007 at 13:16: are so strong...good for you! And your kids are lucky to have a mom like you...hope they realize that!

Congrats to your kids as well...for their wonderful have much to be proud of!

Good to have you back! Animehello


There is no problem that cannot be solved with time, patience, and a judicious amount of high explosives.

Posted by gatchgirl on 09-04-2007 at 13:37:

Imi... It's so great to see ya back..... you were such a wonderful person when I first logged on here, and I've missed ya since.

Glad to here that life has started to settle down and the kids are finally smiling.... You sound like a very strong person... hope the best for you and your family!

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by CricketBeautiful on 09-04-2007 at 15:22:

So glad things are looking up for you and the kids. You are proof that it's not the number of adults in the home, it's the stability and attention that counts. So very glad yours weathered the worst of it so well! As they get older, they will keep looking back to this time and realize more and more how important what you did was for them.

Kudos! And Welcome Back!


Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Viktor E. Frankl

Posted by imaqtz on 10-04-2007 at 14:45:

aww shucks guys.



Thanks for making me smile more brightly and lifting my head a little higher today after those reassuring words of encouragement.


Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Metaliant on 11-04-2007 at 18:31:

Groupwave Groupwave Groupwave Groupwave

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Lolabella on 12-04-2007 at 18:39:

*wanders in*


*rubs eyes*

*blinks again*

<<And suddenly all seems right in Lola's Gatchworld once again. >>


Posted by imaqtz on 13-04-2007 at 19:32:

*feezes as time stops*

* stares in disbelief *

*mouth slightly parts*

* gasps softly*

*raises arms *

<< And suddenly Lola is on the floor feeling like shes been hit by a freight train such is the impact of one superhugglesmoochrumble>>

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Lolabella on 13-04-2007 at 19:43:

Returns Imi's superhugglesmoochrumble with the same ferocious adoration


Well...hello babe...I've been chasing you all around this site for the past 1/2 hour hoping you'd notice me..

whisphers quiety

I 'm glad you've found your way back. Me misses you!


Posted by imaqtz on 13-04-2007 at 19:49:

lol! know how I "get in the zone" posting like a tornado on about fifty million posts for hours on end..and to be honest dont even know if there is a chat around the site. ( if so...where??)

Besides since when do you do the chasing eh? *smirkgrin*

ditto (hugs)

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by Lolabella on 13-04-2007 at 20:10:

Originally posted by imaqtz
lol! know how I "get in the zone" posting like a tornado on about fifty million posts for hours on end

Tis knows that Condors have blinders on and usually focus on only one thing at a time.

Originally posted by imaqtz
..and to be honest dont even know if there is a chat around the site. ( if so...where??)

I'm newly back myself...but I did find the chat. Cep redecorated a tad bit. I was hoping to find a Tengu in there.

Originally posted by imaqtzBesides since when do you do the chasing eh? *smirkgrin*

ha! Not so much 'chasing' as I was just shakin my tail feathers. Flashing Wink


Posted by imaqtz on 13-04-2007 at 20:24:

* limitless possiblilites of some very wicked warped comebacks come to mind in an instant after a wide opening like that!...instead opts for a chuckle *

C'mere you...<hug>

Welcome back. I see you have honed your writing skills and wit very well.

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by imaqtz on 13-04-2007 at 20:39:

Alas, cannot find chat, maybe should order a GPS satellite along with destructo 2000.!

Ciao muchachas!

Shoot first..ask questions later!

Posted by meridianday on 14-04-2007 at 10:41:



Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Cep on 14-04-2007 at 10:53:

Aye thats the chat room, there is a link to it isn't there......... hmmm I guess I didnt put one on the top bar since I wasnt sure I wanted to use phpchat..... but for now ill leave it as it is Elfcool1

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by imaqtz on 14-04-2007 at 12:37:

yes yes!! I just found it on main (obviously wasnt wearing my 50 foot elton john glasses! ) and Merry's link took me directly to it as well!

good to know its there (tho you KNOW ill be doin my usual 50 million posts on forum ..simply luuurve it too much! ) Rasta

thanks ! Smoochies to da Cepster and Merry

Wonderful! Banana Banana

Shoot first..ask questions later!

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