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Random Eighties Movies....
My brother turned thirty today... we were discussing old movies that we loved as kids...has anyone here seen "The Beast Master", " Flash Gordon" or "Clash of the Titans"? Just curious...ah, the memories...
I beleive I have seen an MST3K of "The beast master". Flash obviously its a b movie classic.
Thanks Cep Administrator
Flash is a the Queen music in the background...and don't know if you remember...the part where a guy sticks his hand in the hole of what looks like a tree stump (some kind of initiation, i guess)...and some creature poisons him and he dies... that scared me to death as a kid...
I have a soft spot for Flash, but as a Queen fan I'm biased. Fun movie though. And anything with Brian Blessed in full self-parody mode is watchable
I think Beastmaster was a pretty cool movie. I have only seen parts of Flash and Clash of the Titans so I cannot comment on them.
" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"
Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!
I've only seen Flash, it did have a great soudntrack!
My "so '80s" movies that I remember and that I still consider my fave are Terminator and Highlander. The stories were fantastic, and even after 20 years the visual effects do not look cheesy at all.
I haven't seen Highlander, but Terminator was a great movie... was that all the way back in the 80's? Springie scratches head ... oh this is bad... it only seems like yesterday when I saw that!
But, yeah...gotta love that Queen in the Flash Gordon movie... the special effects look so cheesy now...but I still love it!
Oh... and Gatchgirl and've seen Beastmaster....was it my imagination, or did they put some slug thing in a guy's ear...making him go mad... and then put a weird mask on him....turning him into a monster? And was that the movie where they tried to sacrifice kids? I always thought that was really scary...but I loved the ferrets, Koto, and Poto...and the white Tiger...
I liked Ladyhawke... still look out for that whenever it comes on TV.
I remember that one... but I don't think I saw it, though...
The slug was one of the Star Trek movies, maybe the 1st. LadyHawke was great; one I'd like to see again.
Terminator or T2, brother watched a gazillion times; good thing I liked reading!
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Viktor E. Frankl
The end all and be all of all 80's movies...The Goonies.
Oh...I loved the Goonies! I bought that one for my kids too... but I forgot... there's a lot of interesting language in that one! I'll save it for when they're older!
I loved the Breakfast Club/Sixteen Candles type of movies too.
" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"
Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!
What about FLETCH
Mad Ruler of Spectra's Site
Gatchaman Archives
Another good one
Flash Gordon
Mad Ruler of Spectra's Site
Gatchaman Archives
Another one
Superman 2
Mad Ruler of Spectra's Site
Gatchaman Archives
Thanks Cep Administrator
oh yeah... those were good about the Neverending Story?
Now I want to watch those funny movies...Spaceballs was another favorite...
Oh yes spaceballs rocked in a big way!
Thanks Cep Administrator
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