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Posted by Tajiri on 26-04-2006 at 05:19:

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, after many delays, was released today and I picked up a copy and watched it the second I got home from work. It is still my opinion that Final Fantasy VII is the greatest RPG ever made in terms of its story telling and emotional impact. I have to say after watching Advent Children I was far from being disappointed, but it still couldn't come close to compairing to the original. I somehow feel they could have done so much more with this film. It was a lot of awesome looking battles, but they did little to actually advance the story. It was almost a case of look how flashy and exciting we can make this. It work in some places, but fell flat in others. All the characters are back, but honestly it wouldn't have really mattered if they were there or not. Most of the heros of the game just appear out of nowhere when one of the battles starts and after that they are religated to the sidelines as cheerleaders. Only Tifa and Vincent, to a small degree, have any real place as supporting characters to Cloud. The biggest thing I was disappointed in was that I kept waiting for something emotional to happend which never came. They kept referring to the relationship between Aeris and Cloud with little teases where you think you are going to get some big powerful moment, but it never comes. While in his mind, I guess, their situation it resolved at the end, it just left me feeling unfulfilled. I have been very critical about Advent Children because I felt it had alot to live up to. Usually when that is the case it's always a disappointment. I would recommend seeing it because it is nice to see these characters again and due to the fact that where was really no conclusive ending to the game, it was nice to seewhat happened after the game ended. In that sense I liked it. I personally just think that so much more could have been done with Advent Children.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 26-04-2006 at 13:25:

I can't wait for my copy to come in. I'm usually not a fangirl, but...^_^

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 26-04-2006 at 23:08:

My supervisor downloaded it from a website and then copied it for me onto a disx. It's so different from the first Final Fantasy film, that I don't quite see the connection between the 2 films.

I know that I haven't seen the other films and maybe I am a bit thick about such things but I did enjoy the film though.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 27-04-2006 at 02:23:

Ummmmmmmm...there is no connection between the two films. Final Fantasy: The Movie isn't related to any of the games. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a sequel to the game plotline of Final Fantasy VII, and only Final Fantasy VII.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 27-04-2006 at 10:43:

So the name of the film Final Fantasy VII is a separate film but is named after the game. That's just strange and confusing for me as I thought they made 7 Final Fantasy films.

Oh well. Shrug

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Cep on 27-04-2006 at 12:32:

I would like to get my hands on the first FF. Aparently it was remade in 2001 with better graphics etc. I just want to be able to play the game and see what the fuss is about Smile

I am the kind of person who must start a series from the beginning. Bigears

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Tajiri on 27-04-2006 at 14:57:

I've seen the first FF at flee markets and some used video games stores, but good luck finding it. It's one of the rarest original Nintendo games out there. It's can be found but it's tough.

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 29-04-2006 at 23:36:

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is a sequel to the game.
Final Fantasy: Unlimited is a relatively new anime that has no connection to any of the game story lines
Final Fantasy: The Movie is a movie that has no connection to any of the game story lines
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals (Or something to do with crystals) is a sort of semi-sequel to one of the games, can't remember which (I think it's V)

Technically, it isn't really a series. They're linked in that they use the general same fighting system (some break offs), and they all have fabulous storylines. My little bro has the first FF game. I found it for him at a specialty game store that specializes in finding that kind of stuff, and I paid a pretty penny for it. But it's one of those that if you find it, and you want it, you buy it. Period. Your chances of finding it again are slim to none.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

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