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Posted by Metaliant on 20-04-2006 at 22:45:

Tongue Going wireless without wireless

Sitting down confortable kiddies? Good then I will begin. In a galaxy far, far, far, away........

First I had a Commordore Vic 20, then I had this even older looking computer which could go on a 80s network but not the Internet as it wasn't even inveented then. Then I had my parents really old 90s computer and I just played couple of games including Wolferstein 3D on it. Then I had a slightly new old computer which I could finally go onto the internet but on dialup couple of years ago.

Only 2 years ago, I had this computer I am on now and couple of months later I was on broadband. so far, so good. But because I bought a Xbox 360, which I bought for the intention of playing online, I had to buy a modem/router and a wireless adaptor for the PC. I have used the modem/router for about 4/5 months but couldn't put in the adaptor into the PC (or so I thought) as I was partially sighted and not confident of installing it without breaking it.

The PC and modem/router was connected to a filter upstiars in my front bedroom, which was connected to a phone extension wire, which was itself connected to another filter downstairs, in my lounge in the phone socket. The connection wasn't brilliant and often (not always) was disconnecting and then connecting again.

I decided to phone my ISP (Internet Serivce Provider) this morning and see if it's them or phone line or something else. I was told to try to put the adaptor in and the modem/router downstairs into the phone socket. So this afternoon, I did and guess what, it worked brilliantly and I have been on the PC and Xbox 360 all day excepet at tea time.

I just love going without any strings, or wires, or whatever.

Don't you?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by meridianday on 20-04-2006 at 22:55:

I don't like it at all. I've been wireless ever since my PC got moved downstairs when our computer room turned back into a bedroom (last august), and my PC disconnects all the time. So I should get my act together and reinstall windows again as it looks as if I have some process hogging thing installed, that I might be able to miss out with a reinstall. But it's a pain in the bottom.

The other wireless PC next to mine, on the other hand, works just fine. But it hasn't got most of the stuff I use on it, as it's a much lower spec PC and it wouldn't be able to cope.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 20-04-2006 at 23:12:

My wireless is great, considering it's free with the apartment. >_> I wish it was faster, but that's probably due to the age of my laptop. Poor laptop.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 20-04-2006 at 23:16:

Is your laptop near retirement age?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Metaliant on 20-04-2006 at 23:17:

I got the title of the thread slight worng, it should have said Going wireless without wires but I wasn't really looking where Iwas typing.

Oh well

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by gatchgirl on 21-04-2006 at 01:01:

Haven't even thought of going wireless yet although it does sound like something that I might want to try. So tired of tripping on the cable cords. Matter of fact I have only started to expand to broadband since January. This last month I finally upgraded to the fastest speed that I can get in this area. Well have to visit the Toilet2 see ya

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by gatchgirl on 21-04-2006 at 01:03:

Whoo just made that one

" No gratitude needs to be voiced, your mind speaks to us!"

Racer by day, Feather Thrower all the time!

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 21-04-2006 at 13:37:

My laptop is PAST retirement age, poor thing. So far I haven't had any software problems, but it is physically falling apart. Little itty-bitty plastic connectors that hold it together are snapping. The monitor part is plastic-welded because of that. Basically, it's succumbing to planned obsolesence.

Hardware-wise, it's out of date. Wal-Mart computers can kick it all the way to the beginning of time and back. However, it has served its purpose incredibly well, which was to get me through college. So I can't complain too much.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 21-04-2006 at 14:52:

Originally posted by gatchgirl
Haven't even thought of going wireless yet although it does sound like something that I might want to try. So tired of tripping on the cable cords. Matter of fact I have only started to expand to broadband since January. This last month I finally upgraded to the fastest speed that I can get in this area. Well have to visit the Toilet2 see ya

Over here, Bt is going to go to 8 meg soon and Carphone Warehouse has got free broadband at 8 meg. All you need to do is pay for the line rental to BT and pay Carphone only £9.99 per monthly use of th elandline with quite cheap calls. I am interested in that but I am now not in a rush though.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Metaliant on 21-04-2006 at 14:52:

Originally posted by gatchgirl
Whoo just made that one

Didn't really wanted to know that you were going to the toilet. Hoped you flushed and washed your hands though?

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Metaliant on 21-04-2006 at 14:55:

Originally posted by Elvin Ruler
My laptop is PAST retirement age, poor thing. So far I haven't had any software problems, but it is physically falling apart. Little itty-bitty plastic connectors that hold it together are snapping. The monitor part is plastic-welded because of that. Basically, it's succumbing to planned obsolesence.

Hardware-wise, it's out of date. Wal-Mart computers can kick it all the way to the beginning of time and back. However, it has served its purpose incredibly well, which was to get me through college. So I can't complain too much.

I was SO far behind people in technology wise that I always wanted a mobile, Freeview or a computer for online purposes. But now I have slowly caught up and even passed some people.

Well at least owning a newer mobile phone than couple of others, but that's because my old mobile was going a bit wonky (funny).

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Cep on 21-04-2006 at 16:37:

Are you talking about wireless broadband or going wireless? As in wireless networking?

Oh and the internet was invented long before the 80's Wink you probably mean the old BBS services you used to get. It was the introduction of DNS which really enabled the Internet we now know to take off.

I remember them BBS systems well. Mrt

Anyway wireless broadband is not as good as it once was. Whilst my broadband service was extremely fast in the past it is now not so. It seems line services have vastly taken over the wireless broadband markets for home users.

In fact we may be changing back to a landline service.

As for wireless networking you have to remember that contention will sometimes give only half the speed you get through a standard cat 5 lead.

Plus you have to be wary of people scanning their local neighbourhood for wireless networks to jump on and start stealing their bandwidth.

Thanks Cep Administrator Gatch

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 21-04-2006 at 16:52:

Yeah. Since we get free wireless internet with the apartments, many of us just search around for the fastest one in the complex at the time.

When I move eventually, I'll probably switch to a landline. Just faster overall.

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by meridianday on 21-04-2006 at 18:44:

I remember the wireless internet service my company used to have - we had to be in line of sight from the aerial (or was it a dish?) on top of the office roof to the broadcasting pylon on top of a hill several miles away. Because it had taken a long time to get permission from the office building owners to put the aerial/dish up, 150-200 of us had been struggling along with one insufficient wire for a long, long time and when we got our wireless internet access we were just blown away by the speed of it.

And apparently it could have gone 1000 times faster too. I was so impressed. But, since being bought out a few times, that system and office have long since gone. Now all our email is stuck on a server 80 miles away, meaning it takes a long time to open anything, and for a while our internet access came through a slow wan link from a (poxy) proxy 50 miles away. Ah, for the heady days when servers were vaguely local and we had some control over ITS policies.


Devilstar Mallanox : "My mother was Irish and my father was an alien. I was an only child and I dress funny." Devilstar

Posted by Metaliant on 21-04-2006 at 22:17:

Originally posted by Cep
Are you talking about wireless broadband or going wireless? As in wireless networking?

Oh and the internet was invented long before the 80's Wink you probably mean the old BBS services you used to get. It was the introduction of DNS which really enabled the Internet we now know to take off.

I remember them BBS systems well. Mrt

Anyway wireless broadband is not as good as it once was. Whilst my broadband service was extremely fast in the past it is now not so. It seems line services have vastly taken over the wireless broadband markets for home users.

In fact we may be changing back to a landline service.

As for wireless networking you have to remember that contention will sometimes give only half the speed you get through a standard cat 5 lead.

Plus you have to be wary of people scanning their local neighbourhood for wireless networks to jump on and start stealing their bandwidth.

I think I mean wireless networking as my modem/router is now plugged into the phone socket in my lounge and not through the filter, phone extension line and another filter at the phone socket, which was why I was being disconnected quite a few times because the signal was getting degraded by the time it got to my computer and yes I am wary of people stealing my bandwidth because they are too lazy to get their own.

And yes I know the internet was invented before the 80s but you have to remember it was the internet like we got now and wasn't if used by the US military?

I doubt if any old computers I had could get on it anyway.

Tell me more about these BBS things. Never even heard of them before.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 21-04-2006 at 22:20:

Heh. My parents live out in the middle of nowhere. They've been told that they can expect fast landlines in about 20 years. No broadband, no cable. They use dial-up, and the distance they live means that they get about 24kbs, if they're lucky.

I didn't know that distance affected other forms either. I learned something today!

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 21-04-2006 at 22:23:

20 YEARS. My god, by that time, there won't be any landlines, we just have wireless stuff plugged into our brains or something like that. I also hoipe you laptop still works bu that time. Happy Shock

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 21-04-2006 at 22:58:

Yeah...they're waiting for satellite internet to get cheaper. It isn't very popular due to the fact that it's expensive, but it's the fastest service that they'd be able to get in their area. Dad had it when he was still working for a software company. He could upload a terabyte of information in an hour or so. Of course, when he retired, they didn't pay for that anymore. Frown

But yeah, in 20 years, landlines are going to be obsolete. It'll be too bad, because I'm not really one for weird things in my brain. >_>

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

Posted by Metaliant on 22-04-2006 at 00:50:

My ISP is quite good and stayed with them since having the old dialup but now the Carphone Warehouse is giving away free 8 meg broadband which sound good because all I need to is pay for the line rental which is £10 excluding VAT and only £9.99 for the phone calls per month, but I need to check out whether I need to pay to switch ISPs or not.

Not too sure about satelite internet, in fact, never even heard of it until a work colleague mentioned it a while back, but didn't say much about it.

Eagle in Residence
Tempory Frisker

Posted by Elvin Ruler on 22-04-2006 at 02:04:

It's REALLY expensive, from what I've heard. Again, the stuff my dad had was provided by the company he worked for. I never used it, though I would drool over it occasionally. It'll take a long time before it's cheap enough to be used outside of the electronic corporate world.

8 meg broadband for free? Not bad, not bad. Free is a pretty good deal (though I've found that there are often things that you're already paying for that cover what the company "loses" for giving away items).

What if there is a spoon? Nerd

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